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Civ Series Settler Tile Improvement Building

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  • Civ Series Settler Tile Improvement Building

    I caved in. I suppose it's mainly to shut the Civ series fanatics up. I want to make it completely clear that I LOVE THE PW IDEA FOR TILE IMPROVEMENTS!!! However, there are some people out there who are too much of a Civ series fanatic and want/enjoy moving thousands of settlers/workers around the map building tile improvements.

    Well here it is. The Civ Series Settler. Go ahead, download this script file. Put #include "civsettler.slc" in script.slc, or copy/paste it into scenario.slc. I don't care. I think this is a stupid idea after playing with PW. But if you like having to have a settler/urban planner in a tile before building a farm, then have fun. BTW, you can still build water improvements under the normal CTP2 rules, only land tile improvements require a settler. Oh, and I only enabled it for the human players. AI's will not be able to handle this script. You see, the AI is smarter than this stupid system.

    I'm submitting it to the Apolyton Dir as well. Lastly, don't ask me to support this file. I'll not be downgrading CTP2 ever again.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I TOTTALY AGREE WITH YOU, Civ series settlers are just dumb compared to PW

    Anyway im glad u made this as it will be good for my scenario (that i havent started ) If its not to much work could u do a script for Civ3 workers? or do I just apply this script to the worker unit and disallow building of citys ?

    Anyway dont downgrade CtP2 again *joking*
    Oxygen should be considered a drug
    Tiberian Sun Retro
    My Mod for Tiberian Sun Webmaster of


    • #3

      Easy. Just add your workers unit tag onto this line, remembering to include an OR || tag.

      if(tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_SETTLER) || tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_URBAN_PLANNER)) {	// Look for a settler unit
      BTW, what on earth does SMIFFGIG's mean?


      • #4
        I suppose it's mainly to shut the Civ series fanatics up.
        Yeah, stuff it down their throat!

        I think you should be honored for this work with a news item in the Civ3 section! Title: "PW Bug in CtP2 finally solved!"
        I'm completely serious about this!


        • #5
          I think you should be honored for this work with a news item in the Civ3 section! Title: "PW Bug in CtP2 finally solved!"

          BTW, here's a question for any lurkers from Civ3:

          Q: In CTP2 we can add Civ3 concepts. Can you add CTP2 concepts to Civ3? (Forget the arguement of "why would we?" and think for a second if you COULD)

          What was that? You can't create scripts? You can't add/change events? But surely you must be able to, I mean, isn't Civ3 the greatest thing since sliced bread? Oh, and I work at a bakery here in Melbourne (Sunicrust) and can say that sliced bread ain't THAT fantastic.


          • #6
            Could I have a copy of this for Cradle??????

            Nah, nevermind

            I'm with mapfi 100% on this - stick the announcement in the civ3 forums - jam it down their throats...

            Just as well, have Locutus plug this on the CTP2 main page - that way this will appear in the Apolyton announcement bar.
            Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


            • #7
              Maybe if we started petitioning Markos... Anyway I think this really deserves a news item no matter on what page since civ fans have always criticized this in CtP2.


              • #8
                Maybe if we started petitioning Markos... Anyway I think this really deserves a news item no matter on what page since civ fans have always criticized this in CtP2.
                Now this I DO seriously agree with. The PW/settler arguement is one that unfortunately does damage CTP2 for Civ fanatics. If this script makes even a couple of the CTP2 slammers play a couple of games, instead of just bagging the game because of PW, then this script is a fantastic addition to our long list of modifications. I mean, how many Civ players have mentioned in total seriousness that in their opinion the PW system is the one major flaw in CTP1 & 2? Too many to count. Hopefully, this script will allow them to at least see what we're talking about when we say that CTP2 is a great game in its own right.


                • #9
                  Now the dont even try to argument you civ3ers version.

                  The AI uses the system and is thougt how to use it and when to build workers.
                  UNTESTED but cleaned up syntax errors

                  You need a worker unit in the unit.txt :
                  UNIT_WORKER {
                     Description DESCRIPTION_UNIT_SETTLER
                     DefaultIcon ICON_UNIT_SETTLER
                     DefaultSprite SPRITE_SETTLER
                     Category UNIT_CATEGORY_SPECIAL
                     Attack 0
                     Defense 10
                     ZBRangeAttack 0
                     Firepower 1
                     Armor 1
                     MaxHP 10
                     ShieldCost 300
                     PowerPoints 300
                     ShieldHunger 3
                     FoodHunger 0
                     MaxMovePoints 200
                     VisionRange 1
                     ActiveDefenseRange 0
                     MaxFuel 0
                     SoundSelect1 SOUND_SELECT1_SETTLER
                     SoundSelect2 SOUND_SELECT2_SETTLER
                     SoundMove SOUND_MOVE_SETTLER
                     SoundAcknowledge SOUND_ACKNOWLEDGE_SETTLER
                     SoundCantMove SOUND_CANTMOVE_SETTLER
                     SoundAttack SOUND_ATTACK_SETTLER
                     SoundWork SOUND_WORK_SETTLER
                     SoundVictory SOUND_VICTORY_SETTLER
                     SoundDeath SOUND_DEATH_SETTLER
                     CanSee: Standard
                     MovementType: Land
                     MovementType: Mountain
                     Size: Small
                     VisionClass: Standard
                  We could at least get the CTP2 news

                  "Civ3 worker system for CTP2"

                  This will make them confused
                  Attached Files
                  "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                  Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                  Kill all and you are a God!"
                  -Jean Rostand


                  • #10
                    Pedrunn, you've definetely got too much time!

                    Just give the workerunit the nomad sprite, pack it up as a mod and this is the greatest improvement on CtP2 ever!

                    "Civ3 worker system for CTP2"
                    No, no - having actually spent valuable time on this you should get at least some satisfaction out of it by humoring the civ3 fans

                    P.S. The longer this code gets the more paper we can stuff down their throats when it's printed out...

                    PPS. Don't think I am a mindless CtP2 fanatic that hates Civ3 fans - I've got the game myself, just don't like it. Furthermore this just provides so much fun!


                    • #11
                      I've only got one thing to say:


                      Though I wont be testing this today... since I want the other thing to work first, before I add more stuff to my game
                      This space is empty... or is it?


                      • #12
                        Iwill make it a addon for the Apolyton Pack!

                        Does someone wnat to write the great library info. I aint going to do.
                        "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                        Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                        Kill all and you are a God!"
                        -Jean Rostand


                        • #13
                          So tell me, how does it work? Do you have to move the settler to the land to be improved, and then use PW to improve it? If this is the case, there will still be plenty of PW haters who will ***** and moan...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by hexagonian
                            Could I have a copy of this for Cradle??????

                            Nah, nevermind
                            Scared me for a second there!

                            Should be interesting to see what tactics it throws up in terms of improvements. In Civ3 mines are very important early on, but building a mine early in CtP2 wouldnt be worth the effort of building a worker, then having it roam around only to get squished by a barb.
                            Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                            CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                            One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                            • #15
                              Wow, I didn't realize that this forum had built in censors (ie *****)

