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City Expansion v2.0

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  • #61
    1) Its fantastic I really do love it and very annoyingly I only really play MM2 so dont get to experiance it
    Tell me what advances should enable the medieval, modern, genetic and diamond age. This info will be enough for me to have a version of i although i rather talk to Wes. I have the morning of today so i should test the Craddle version i already have.

    2) Why are not all the expansion types used, I think it would be good too at least include the alternative ancient city expansion
    All ancient types are used (except a blueO medieval city that is almost the same as the one in the game). Then comes the modern types and the future types. The future types are impossible too use because of the lack of future ages and because they dont look like the future cities. And the modern types because three sizes is already too much. Unles for each size there was a ramdom chance of getting betwenn of the cities.

    3) Is it true that once you have an expansion (just say u got it in ancient age) it will not change unless pillaged therefore u can be in the genetic era or modern and still have an expansion that is left in the ancient era (if this is the case I think it should be changed so that when u go to a new era, along with your cities changing your expansions should automatically change too)
    If your city grows you dont only get an new city (or one replaced) but gets another city that is antique replaced too
    If you in modern age and still has only ancient city this means you are a decadent empire and dont get the bonuses of the more up to date city. You can name a lot of cities with ancient archtecture. I like this kind of idea.
    Dont know but I thisnk this could boost small civs since they have more growth potential. In a rise/fall of civs feaure i personally like
    "Kill a man and you are a murder.
    Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
    Kill all and you are a God!"
    -Jean Rostand


    • #62
      Can someone make a WAW compatible City expansion??


      • #63
        Locutus, could you exchange the version of the City Expasion 2.0 that it is in the database for the version 2.2 i attached in this post.

        Thanks in advance and sorry all for taking too long to do this.

        Attached Files
        "Kill a man and you are a murder.
        Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
        Kill all and you are a God!"
        -Jean Rostand


        • #64
          I downloaded the file and the readme.html still says this is version 2.0?!?!?!? Did you upload the correct version or just not bother to update the readme file?


          • #65
            Also, just wanted to add I checked the file dates on the files included in the archive, and with the exception of the one jpeg image the rest are all 3 months old. Possibly you sent the wrong file?


            • #66
              no news about CRADLE compatibility ??


              • #67
                Originally posted by Pedrunn
                Locutus, could you exchange the version of the City Expasion 2.0 that it is in the database for the version 2.2 i attached in this post.
                Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                • #68
                  lots o' slic errors

                  i can't seem to get your city expansion 2.2 to work. i start the game and slic errors come up about not having a HasTileImprovement function.



                  • #69
                    sorry... that's no TileHasImprovement function


                    • #70
                      Re: lots o' slic errors

                      Originally posted by pure-coolness
                      i can't seem to get your city expansion 2.2 to work. i start the game and slic errors come up about not having a HasTileImprovement function.

                      Well that sound like you don't have installed the CTP2 patch. Just get it from the Apolyton Directory and install it if you have problems with the patch you can also use one of the *.zip versions in the Apolyton Directory.

                      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                      • #71

                        thanks... that was it. somewhere in my fresh install, i just forgot the patch.


                        • #72
                          I noticed a small bug, for which I'm providing a fix:

                          Units which are tasked to pillage (especially Barbarians) which pillage a dead city expansion tile are prevented from actually destroying the tile improvement, but are allowed to try, and hence will continue to try to do so...

                          Using a return STOP; in the actual pillageorder and pillageunit events fixes this.

                          The following should be placed in the CX_CityExpansion.slc

                          HandleEvent(PillageOrder) 'DontLetArmyPillageDead' pre {
                          	location_t pillageLoc;
                          	if(TileHasDeadCity(pillageLoc)) {
                          		return STOP;
                          HandleEvent(PillageUnit) 'DontLetUnitPillageDead' pre {
                          	location_t pillageLoc;
                          	if(TileHasDeadCity(pillageLoc)) {
                          		return STOP;

                          (EDIT: ) Simplified by using TileHasDeadCity function.


                          • #73
                            Don't they continue to try with that code in there? IIRC its very similar to the code that prevents the pillaging in the first place.
                            Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                            "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                            • #74
                              Did you tested?

                              If you didnt please do! I tryed to use thos events but neither the PillageOrder nor the PillageUnit seemed to work!
                              They just dont trigger i evens tested using messagebox but the messages didnt show up.

                              From my testing i concluded both of them are broken
                              But i would love to have a second people word about those events to be sure they don work!
                              "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                              Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                              Kill all and you are a God!"
                              -Jean Rostand


                              • #75
                                yes I tested.

                                yes it works.

