City Expansion Mod v2.0

by Pedrunn and BlueO
You can find this mod here:
I. Introduction
II. Installation
III. How Does It Works?
IV. Graphics
I. Introduction
The concept of having cities expanding was first idealize by the apolytioneer BlueO. At that time there was no way of changing the terrain or tile improvements. So he created city graphics as good. This mean the city was actually a good that could be traded. The idea of cities being traded, added to that several game-play bugs and the difficulty of implementing it. The idea did not had good acceptancy to the CTP2 community. The project was forgotten. But the concept still remaint in the head of several CTP2 modmakers. Including me.
After the Tiledit was released by Martin, the Dane. It became possible to create and edit terrain a tile improvements graphics. This is made possible to redo all the city expansion coding concept. This way after a while learning the Slic language I used the BlueO's ExpandCity function to make cities grow using tile improvements. After more than a month working in this project I have finally achieved my goal. The City Expansion v2.0 is totally functional and bug free.
II. Instalation
Basic Prerequisites:
1) Download and install the CTP2 Patch 1.11 -->
2) Download and install the Modswapper -->
3) Download and install the Apolyton Tile File -->
Make sure the prerequisites are ok.
Unzip the file (where this document is inside) in your CTP2 base
You will find the option to play with it when launching Modswapper.
III. How Does It Work?
The Expansion
The city expansion works adding a terrain graphic aside the city every time a city reaches a multiple of three (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, …120) population number until the max number of 120 in every land terrain except forests, swamps, forests, jungles, mountains and glaciers (if the city is settled in land) or every deep or rift sea terrain (if it is a sea city) . And for those ages that the set of cities has more than one city size graphics the citiesy will continually upgrade to a bigger size as the city grow.
The city kills all food collecting from the tile but increases the production and gold input from it.
If there is no possible terrains (mountains, shallow water and sea terrain for land cities and shallow sea or land terrain for sea cities) in the city radius or all possible ones are already taken by city expansion. The city has reached a maximum number of pop so it can't grow anymore.
If the tile has forests, swamps or jungles the city cant grow either but it will create a couple plains tiles to prepare for the next expansion.
Once the city expansion is added it cant be removed anymore.
The Losing of Pop and dead city expansions
If the city looses population from starvation or after being captured and reaches a city
population one number smaller then the multiple of three that were supposed add the new tile improvement the city expansion next to the city dies. What I mean by saying that the city expansion dies is that a dead/ruins city takes it place. The dead city doesn't only kill all food input but also the gold and the production. In another words, the tile works as if it was a dead terrain.
- The building of settlers, urban planners and sea engineers will kill one city expansion;
- The enslavent the population of a city by slaver one city expansion will also kill one city expansion
- When an abolitionist removes slaves from the city one city expansion will die.
When happens the death of a big number of population the cities expansions in the radius will get killed according to the population killed.
-The totally death of a city for the actual death of all pop (Cretate Park or slic related events)
- Nuking a city.
- When the city is plagued.
The only event not related to the death of population that creates a dead tile is pillaging. Any player can pillage another player city expansion. This will also cause the death of the city expansion.
Once a dead city expansion is added it can't be removed anymore. (Ghost Cities). The only way to remove them is to expand the city and by that replacing it by a brand new city expansion or terraforming the city.
Entering City Ages
Once a player researchs a defined advance it means he has achieved a city expansion age. That in most case will be parallel to the entering of an age in the game. This will make cities expansion from early ages to be replaced for modern ones as the city expands. You must not that this transition of city expansions as in real-life is slow and only one or two will be replaced every time a city expands. And as nowadays you may find really developed nations with cities using old archtecture since the city did not follow the progress of its nation. Every age has it series of graphics for big, medium and/or small cities. The place of different expansion of a city depends on the size of the city. Currently Ancient and medieval has one tile; modern has three; and, genetic and diamond has two.
Download of the mod:

by Pedrunn and BlueO
You can find this mod here:
I. Introduction
II. Installation
III. How Does It Works?
IV. Graphics
I. Introduction
The concept of having cities expanding was first idealize by the apolytioneer BlueO. At that time there was no way of changing the terrain or tile improvements. So he created city graphics as good. This mean the city was actually a good that could be traded. The idea of cities being traded, added to that several game-play bugs and the difficulty of implementing it. The idea did not had good acceptancy to the CTP2 community. The project was forgotten. But the concept still remaint in the head of several CTP2 modmakers. Including me.
After the Tiledit was released by Martin, the Dane. It became possible to create and edit terrain a tile improvements graphics. This is made possible to redo all the city expansion coding concept. This way after a while learning the Slic language I used the BlueO's ExpandCity function to make cities grow using tile improvements. After more than a month working in this project I have finally achieved my goal. The City Expansion v2.0 is totally functional and bug free.
II. Instalation
Basic Prerequisites:
1) Download and install the CTP2 Patch 1.11 -->
2) Download and install the Modswapper -->
3) Download and install the Apolyton Tile File -->
Make sure the prerequisites are ok.
Unzip the file (where this document is inside) in your CTP2 base
You will find the option to play with it when launching Modswapper.
III. How Does It Work?
The Expansion
The city expansion works adding a terrain graphic aside the city every time a city reaches a multiple of three (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, …120) population number until the max number of 120 in every land terrain except forests, swamps, forests, jungles, mountains and glaciers (if the city is settled in land) or every deep or rift sea terrain (if it is a sea city) . And for those ages that the set of cities has more than one city size graphics the citiesy will continually upgrade to a bigger size as the city grow.
The city kills all food collecting from the tile but increases the production and gold input from it.
If there is no possible terrains (mountains, shallow water and sea terrain for land cities and shallow sea or land terrain for sea cities) in the city radius or all possible ones are already taken by city expansion. The city has reached a maximum number of pop so it can't grow anymore.
If the tile has forests, swamps or jungles the city cant grow either but it will create a couple plains tiles to prepare for the next expansion.
Once the city expansion is added it cant be removed anymore.
The Losing of Pop and dead city expansions
If the city looses population from starvation or after being captured and reaches a city
population one number smaller then the multiple of three that were supposed add the new tile improvement the city expansion next to the city dies. What I mean by saying that the city expansion dies is that a dead/ruins city takes it place. The dead city doesn't only kill all food input but also the gold and the production. In another words, the tile works as if it was a dead terrain.
- The building of settlers, urban planners and sea engineers will kill one city expansion;
- The enslavent the population of a city by slaver one city expansion will also kill one city expansion
- When an abolitionist removes slaves from the city one city expansion will die.
When happens the death of a big number of population the cities expansions in the radius will get killed according to the population killed.
-The totally death of a city for the actual death of all pop (Cretate Park or slic related events)
- Nuking a city.
- When the city is plagued.
The only event not related to the death of population that creates a dead tile is pillaging. Any player can pillage another player city expansion. This will also cause the death of the city expansion.
Once a dead city expansion is added it can't be removed anymore. (Ghost Cities). The only way to remove them is to expand the city and by that replacing it by a brand new city expansion or terraforming the city.
Entering City Ages
Once a player researchs a defined advance it means he has achieved a city expansion age. That in most case will be parallel to the entering of an age in the game. This will make cities expansion from early ages to be replaced for modern ones as the city expands. You must not that this transition of city expansions as in real-life is slow and only one or two will be replaced every time a city expands. And as nowadays you may find really developed nations with cities using old archtecture since the city did not follow the progress of its nation. Every age has it series of graphics for big, medium and/or small cities. The place of different expansion of a city depends on the size of the city. Currently Ancient and medieval has one tile; modern has three; and, genetic and diamond has two.
Download of the mod: