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City Expansion v2.0

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  • #46
    Do you have the patch v2.2 installed?

    It fix the subneural add giving.
    "Kill a man and you are a murder.
    Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
    Kill all and you are a God!"
    -Jean Rostand


    • #47
      Pedrunn, with all the updating of the cityexpansion that was done, is the file in the file forum the latest version? Or does it need to be updated with the new files here?

      Thanks in advance


      • #48
        Hey I had a thought when playing with the city expansion mod. Why not make it so that after the discovery of Nationalism or Guerilla warfare, each city tile gets one or two defenders (with a good defense bonus because of the urban environment). Also, after you defeat the defenders in a city tile, the ownership of that tile is transferred to you.

        I think it would make attacking cities in the modern age much more difficult just like it is in the real world.


        • #49
          Pedrunn, with all the updating of the cityexpansion that was done, is the file in the file forum the latest version? Or does it need to be updated with the new files here?
          The database mod is an old version. You need the update 2.2 to have the latest code
          Hey I had a thought when playing with the city expansion mod. Why not make it so that after the discovery of Nationalism or Guerilla warfare, each city tile gets one or two defenders (with a good defense bonus because of the urban environment).
          Could be done but i dont like this abudance of free unit. This will make the sstrong cives stronger. I rather give the city tiles a bonus in defense to have this effect.

          Also, after you defeat the defenders in a city tile, the ownership of that tile is transferred to you.
          Unffortunetly this will cause some strange things like a tile around a city have a diferent owner that is miles away in another continent for example.
          Thanks for the suggestions.
          And i am waiting for the comments
          "Kill a man and you are a murder.
          Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
          Kill all and you are a God!"
          -Jean Rostand


          • #50
            I rather give the city tiles a bonus in defense to have this effect.
            A very realistic thing, but that'd mean the heal rate for units should be the same on those tiles, other city improvement bonus should also apply - like the forcefield, that'd include the suburbs for sure, and, and, and - so maybe it's not doable or playable after all


            • #51
              Originally posted by Pedrunn
              Could be done but i dont like this abudance of free unit. This will make the sstrong cives stronger. I rather give the city tiles a bonus in defense to have this effect.
              It would make the weak cities stronger too. Since in most games the human player is the agressor at the end, it would slow down his conquest. Also, when attacking a city in the real world (as if that applies to the game ), the fighting starts in the outer parts of the city not just in downtown.

              Perhaps, I can test some code that does this and then comment on whether or not it's useful.

              Regarding the defensive bonus, I haven't built a city shield in a city yet (I'm that new to CTPII ) so I didn't think about that. But I think the suburbs should have a good defense value.

              Begin real world examples ... now: in the ancient world they made the roads in the cities and suburbs deliberately confusing so that an attacker would get lost and could be more easily defeated. In modern times with guns and rifles, it's the urban jungle effect with cities one of the most dangerous places to fight.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Pedrunn
                The database mod is an old version. You need the update 2.2 to have the latest code
                So did you resubmit the newest version so that Locutus can add it when he will return?

                Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                • #53
                  I will do that!

                  Where is Locutus? Did he travelled?
                  "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                  Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                  Kill all and you are a God!"
                  -Jean Rostand


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Pedrunn
                    Where is Locutus? Did he travelled?
                    He didn't travel. I would call it a very serious private issure in his real live. I can understand that this is more improtant for him then anything else. But I want to keep it in private and want to leave it to Locutus wheather to talk about it or not.

                    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                    • #55
                      Pedrunn, I just have to say this is by far my favorite mod. I will go to war with any civilization if I think they might pillage one of my suburb tiles.

                      One thing you should know though is that if you have a damaged unit that spends a turn on the suburb tile, it instantly goes back to 100%, even though in though in the city it only regains strength at 5% a turn (in cradle). In other words it has the same heal effect as a fort, perhaps this should be changed?


                      • #56
                        Pedrunn, I just have to say this is by far my favorite mod.
                        Thanks this is something great to hear

                        One thing you should know though is that if you have a damaged unit that spends a turn on the suburb tile, it instantly goes back to 100%, even though in though in the city it only regains strength at 5% a turn (in cradle). In other words it has the same heal effect as a fort, perhaps this should be changed?
                        Are you playing it with Craddle???
                        Since in the regular game the units does heal instantly in cities.
                        Any way i will look at it.
                        "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                        Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                        Kill all and you are a God!"
                        -Jean Rostand


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Pedrunn

                          Thanks this is something great to hear

                          Are you playing it with Craddle???
                          Since in the regular game the units does heal instantly in cities.
                          Any way i will look at it.
                          Yes, I'm using both Cradle and City Expansion. So the heal rate should be way down in the cities and non-existant outside them.


                          • #58
                            Hex recently discovered that the instant healing is provided if the tile imp has any defense bonus - so I presume the suburbs do. Can you do without it?


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by J Bytheway
                              Hex recently discovered that the instant healing is provided if the tile imp has any defense bonus - so I presume the suburbs do. Can you do without it?
                              Glad the problem has been figured out. I will drop the defense bonus for the cities, it hasn't really figured into my gameplay yet.


                              • #60
                                TOP MOD

                                Ok a few notes on this mod
                                1) Its fantastic I really do love it and very annoyingly I only really play MM2 so dont get to experiance it

                                2) Why are not all the expansion types used, I think it would be good too at least include the alternative ancient city expansion

                                3) Is it true that once you have an expansion (just say u got it in ancient age) it will not change unless pillaged therefore u can be in the genetic era or modern and still have an expansion that is left in the ancient era (if this is the case I think it should be changed so that when u go to a new era, along with your cities changing your expansions should automatically change too)

                                Once again great mod, very good (whens the MM2 version )
                                Oxygen should be considered a drug
                                Tiberian Sun Retro
                                My Mod for Tiberian Sun Webmaster of

