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Love Conquers? Part II

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  • Turn 36 to Madrid.

    His Purity is indeed deeply interested in any form of new device for the cleansing of the soul and would ask that his Holy Brother explain further the merits of 'the horse'. The congregation grow bored with the rack, wheel and hanging, drawing and quartering and need some fresh method of illustrating their utter devotion.

    Cardinal Misanthropese,
    pp St Jon.
    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
    - Anon


    • We neglected to mention that the riot problem is still ongoing in Greece, with another happy city in turmoil.

      It appears that the mysterious malady lingers for but one cycle in each city before moving on to another. It is hoped that after an exposure, a city will aquire an immunity, and will never be afflicted again. For losing food certainly puts a city at a disadvantage!

      We also feel badly for we have apparantly put the bawdy French Diplomat in hot water with his masters. Therefore, we invite him to find shelter from this danger back in Greece, where he may live out his life enjoying a freedom and happiness he never knew before in the repressed atmosphere of France!

      Xenophon the Libertarian


      • Dear Cardinal Misanthropese, our Diplomatic mission to Greece purchased several Greek Gymnasium Horses to keep our troops fit and healthy - for without war, they have grown indolent and bored... Indeed it is only the daily purging of heretics that has prevented them from becoming entirely useless as an effective fighting force!

        As chance would have it, one of our younger and keener apprentice inquisitors came across one of these Horses and hatched a cunning design - by planing down the body of the horse into a triangular point, a heretic is placed in a seated position upon said point with weights dangling from each leg to hold him/her (never let it be said that Tomas de Torquemada is not an equal opportunities 'inquisitor'!) straddled across the Horse by using the simple expedient of gravity...

        The more 'merciful' an inquisitor, the heavier the weights attached and therefore the faster the demise of said heretic...

        So, dear neighbour... Wouldst thou like to place an order???

        Brother Dolor

        Grand Inquisition Merchandising Practitioner
        [This message has been edited by MOBIUS (edited November 01, 2000).]
        Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


        • Turn 36 ==> Stavros

          After a delightful stay in Darwin, it is now time for my Personal Envoy to make his way to the lands of the Greeks. He is ue to stop at Knossos, where there is rumoured to be a great palace with with a strange beast inhabiting the maze-like caverns underneath.

          Whilst I feel my Envoy should absorb as much as he can of the different cultures he encounters, I ask that you keep an eye on him when he reaches Knossos. With the fine ale that will doubtless be in plentiful supply, I feel his sense may give way to misadventure, and an embarrasing situation for us all.

          He means no ill, he's just Welsh


          • I'm happy that all and sundry enjoyed their stay in Darwin. We will definately have to replenish our supplies of swamp wine and Alagator meat, before the people start complaining about lack of food.

            This has firmly established Darwin as the cross-road of the cultures, which I suppose our forefathers had in mind when they established the settlement many hundreds of years ago. Their reasons were of course more paranoid in nature, but I believe everyone is happy with the outcome.

            [This message has been edited by Stavros (edited November 02, 2000).]


            • Turn 36 to Hextapul

              Oh Hextapul, I was fully prepared to see that your army had moved out of Naxos' city limits, but this is not the case. They have moved, but not in the right direction. Even our horses are getting skittish from the sounds of their singing at night!

              To have them leave Naxos, send them either directly north, or southwest (but not south).

              Demosthenes, your envoy will receive a warm welcome in Knossos. To avoid any disappointment, we should tell you now that cannot show him (or her) the Labyrinth, as we have never built such a thing, but we can show you much Greek hospitality.

              As for drink, we have wine aplenty, but will try to limit his intake to no more than a barrel a day!

              We do hope that the "horse' being referred to is not of the Trojan variety. We in Greece have some knowledge of this sort of horse, but being peace-loving choose not to construct any.



              • Turn 36/37 -> St Jon

                You will find that My troops are now out of your city radius, Xenophon. I am sorry to have caused such distress to your people.

                It seems that our first contact has caused much mistrust...and since it seems that we are close neighbors, we will have to work at being amicable to one another. Small steps of understanding lead to larger steps of peace.

                Hextapul - Peace Incarnate
                Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                • Turn 37 to Madrid.

                  I thank my Brother in the unending Crusade against Sin for his ingenious new method of 'purifying' the souls of the fallen. A private trial has been conducted and I hope to unveil it to my Flock soon.

                  Greetings Demosthenes, I was unaware that we had met but maybe it was just divine intervention. I already have a Missionary en route to you and your Tribesmen though I fear he will not arrive for quite some time yet.

                  St Jon, Humility in Human Form.
                  “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                  - Anon


                  • Turn 37 ==> Stavros

                    Sorry guys, we've hit a small problem with the house moving, and so I've got to shoot down to London for a couple of days to sort it out, especially as we're supposed to be moving on Sunday November 12th. I hope to be back by this Tuesday.

                    I hope you understand that moving house is more important right now than my hobby, and I apologise at the short notice, but there's nothing I can do about that though I'm afraid. Due to the short notice I've not been able to bring any subs onboard, however, simply open and end my turn so that the game doesn't stall.

                    Once again my apologies. All being well we shall be moving next weekend, and after that all systems should return to normal, no more absenteeism

                    Hope you all understand.



                    • I am saddened to hear of the impending retirement of the noble leader Hexagonian. A deliberating tactician, and a worthy apponent.

                      I understand that each man must find the balance between matters of state, and matters of the heart. I hope that you find peace of mind in your chosen path...

                      Turn -> Rick


                      • Turn 37 to Hextapul

                        The assurances of peaceful intentions from the great Hextapul are believed by Athens, and we are sure that subsequent deeds of Inca shall prove them to be true.

                        It is sad to us then, that just as we are finding ourselves to have such a good neighbour, that their leader should be about to depart. Good luck to Hextapul in whatever endeavours you choose to pursue. The next leader of the Inca will have big shoes to fill.



                        • What happened to Hextapul? He's not playing any more games?!?! .. I love reading his posts!!
                          King Thor


                          • Ok Guys, we have a replacement for the lost Hextupal. Quinns will take over with immediate effect.

                            Turn 37 to Quinns.

                            Hex, very sorry to see you go. You have been a truly worthy opponent and a great plus to any Game with your brilliant Role-Playing and great sense of humour. We shall all miss you.

                            All the very best.
                            “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                            - Anon


                            • Turn 38 to St. Jon ---

                              Greetings to all from the Incas! I am called Quinns.

                              It was a great shame to lose our great leader Hexagonian. The Gods were very unhappy with our people and it took a sacrifice of the highest order to appease them. Hexagonian will be forever in our memories.

                              However, the Gods now seem pleased. Our starvation has stopped and our people are once again pursuing happiness!

                              To the Greeks: Many apologies for our wayward expeditionary forces at the doorsteps of your great city. Be assured that they will all promptly return westward next turn.

                              To the Spanish: As Hexagonian's sacrifice included all of his belongings (including all of his writings and documents), I am at a loss to what our borders are. Please advise, as I do not wish to violate any agreements between you and my predecessor.

                              To the Australians: Hello Stavros!


                              • Turn 38 to Madrid.

                                My Holy Brother you were indeed most wise in your adoption of 'The Horse' for my Flock were so inflamed with joy that several died upon the spot. The Heretics themselves wept as their Sins were expunged from their mortal beings but these were tears of pure happiness that they should be so purified!

                                I welcome the new Inca Chieftan, Quinns, and hope that my Missionaries will soon locate you so that you and your poor unenlightened people shall not forever walk in the darkness of the worship of false idols!

                                St Jon, Certainty in an Unsure World.
                                “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                                - Anon

