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Demosthenes Semi Acc Part II

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  • #46
    Turn 70 ==> Demosthenes

    The Giza Report

    Border Dispute arises between Inca and Assyria
    The Incan city of Lauricocha has been taken by the Assyrian government. Ninevah claimed that this city violated an age old rule of borders, 'that if a body of water lies between nations it will automically be considered a border between those two nations' . Indeed this rule can be found in Ancient Egyptian common law, as well as present day Egyptian law concerning land posession between cities.

    However, Egyptian Minister of Foriegn Relations, Osiris Makara stated that is not the desire of Egypt to impose her laws on other nations, and asked that the two parties come to quick and peaceful resolution.

    Egypt Declares Formal stance on Fascism
    After leaving a meeting with his high ministers, Pharaoh Sophix declared, " The Egyptian Council will recognize a fascist government in Rome, and that he hoped to work peacefully with the new government."

    The Pharaoh also welcomed the new tower on Egypt eastern border with Rome, stating that relatively soon Cairo will authorize her own tower so that the people of North Egypt may sleep peacefully, until then he asked the Emperor not be troubled by the Egyptian Troups in the area as they only serve the same purpose as the Roman Tower.

    The Pharaoh did however add a few caveats to Rome, stating that if Rome did attack another nation, without full and complete justification, Cairo would respond immediately by aiding that nation against Rome, with military force if necessary.

    Egyptian Military budget Increased
    The High Council approved a large increase in the military budget. Ra Manora, Minister of Defense stated that this was only a defensive measure to ensure Egypt's safety. He also stated that if Rome were willing to drop her military readiness, Cairo will immediately follow suit and lower her own military readiness, but added that Egypt must be prepared.

    When asked a question concerning the 'double standard' Minister Manora stated, " Well if a Lion were to enter a pit with you, I am sure it would cause you more concern, then a if a Ram entered the same pit."

    Egypt Ratifies Alliance with Wales
    The Pharaoh signed into effect an alliance with Cardiff, he stated after doing so that this alliance will give Egyptian and Welsh sea vessels complete authorization to traverse the North Channel unimpeded by national boundries.

    The editor apoligizes to all readers for the length of todays edition.
    [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited July 04, 2000).]


    • #47
      Official Inca Reply.

      The Ignoble Rick is a an aquisative, aggressive liar and hypocrite..

      If, as he claims, I had set out to deceive Assyria would I have offered a Map Exchange?

      I have never refused, or indeed even been offered, any Map Exchanges by Assyria at any time.
      A bold faced Lie.

      If, as claimed, the Inca and the Assyrian people occupy seperate continents then the
      establishment of the City of Panama would have been just as much a transgression of
      etiqutte. This is especially true when he knew that an Inca road had been constructed for the
      express purpose of Northward expansion. Another Lie!

      The land occupied by the Inca was uncolonised by anyone and, though reached by sea, must
      be part of the same land mass. Double standards!

      How is it possible to breach a border that has never been set? By Rick the Liar's arguement
      any stretch of unoccupied land he desires can simply be declared Assyrian and used as an
      excuse for aggression.

      En route we passed a Roman vessel which we knew to be carrying a Settler captured fom the
      disbandment of an Inca City - who would he prefer as a neighbour? Indeed would Rick the
      Liar have ever dared to committ an act of open War against Rome? As a proven craven
      coward one doubts this very much!

      The Liar talks of a 'Peace Treaty' when his first reaction was to reach for the gun! No attempt
      at any kind of 'Peaceful' resolution to this issue was even attempted. He also 'now' talks of a
      Map Exchange when without doubt it's only purpose would be to provide intelligence for
      further aggression by the 'brave' Assyrian Army so adept at the capture of ungarrisoned Cities!

      High Priest Jon.


      • #48
        Turn 70 ==> Jon

        Welsh State of the Nation Address:

        Wales would like the word to fully recognise her alliance with the nations of Inca and Egypt. In a joyous speech to packed crowds in Cardiff, I assured my subjects that these alliances would not involve a loss of sovereignty to our neighbouring continental friends, but they were essential if Wales intended to keep a role on the world stage. Wales is not the powerful nation that we wish it to be, and so these alliances can help the Welsh voice have greater weight in international affairs.

        In regards to the recent developments in Rome, I urge the need for caution. Although the Fascists have not gained total control of the Roman Senate, I believe that it is just a matter of time.

        How Fuhrer Mobius can criticise Wales for raising her military to a state of alert I do not know. Our would-be Fascist neighbour has been in a state of war for some time, and he has had no need to be as the Incans have been at peace for some length of time now.

        We in Wales do not wish to be caught off-guard by a war-ready war-intent government, riding high on a tide of populism from it's recent return to power.

        I urge all nations to act with caution. Let us see how this new government in Rome will react when it has gained full control. Let us hope that we can all work together as we have done for so many years, but be prepared to defend yourselves.

        Mobius, we shall all be watching your actions carefully. Should you turn to violence with your fascist comrades, then we shall all know where we stand, but if you intend to pursue peaceful relations as you insist, you must be able to prove it.

        And then, what of this development between the Incans and Assyrians? We hear the holy words of St Jon, but we also see the evidence of King Rick. Perhaps as a way of showing the world his peaceful intent, Mobius should mediate this dispute, thereby calling peace between feuding neighbours, and proving to the world that his intentions are good.
        [This message has been edited by The True Demosthenes (edited July 04, 2000).]


        • #49

          The High Priest of the Incans has challenged both my honesty and accuracy, so let the words of Jon from his postings on this very Forum settle the dispute.
          Do we believe this Jon:

          Brighton, Sussex, UK
          Sep 1999 posted July 04, 2000 05:28      Official Inca Reply.
          I have never refused, or indeed even been offered, any Map Exchanges by Assyria at any time. A bold faced Lie.

          ...or this Jon:

          Brighton, Sussex, UK
          Sep 1999 posted June 20, 2000 04:56      Turn 61 to Caligula.
          Apologies to our Assyrian neighbours but in the interests of national security it is felt imprudent to exchange cartographic information with a nearby power that has an armed brigade stationed within range of the Inca homeland.
          High Priest Jon.


          Jon, either your memory grows feeble, or your honesty should be faulted. Either way, we regret the tone you have adopted in this matter.

          Jon asks why he would have offered a Map Exchange if he were trying to deceive the Assyrian government. He clearly thought that having the city on our soil as a fait accompli, we would have to accept it.

          But invasion across water is a clear violation of international law. The example you gave of Panama just doesn't apply, as that was the case of a settler merely walking toward an unclaimed site, just as you did with the neighbouring city of Cahauchi.

          Jon, perhaps you know the definition of a hypocrite better than we do (as you use the word so freely), but we would have thought it applied to he who talked to a nation of peace while expanding onto their continent!

          But your slurs, while unseemly, are only words after all. Do you really mean to end what we hoped were the beginnings of friendship between our peoples? We are willing to forget all you have done and said in the name of peace, and will again offer a peace treaty next turn. May you find whatever it takes within yourself to accept it.

          King Rick


          • #50
            Turn 70 to Mobius.

            To Rick the Hypocrite.

            I confess that I am at fault in failing to recall that refusal of a Map Exchange though having checked I feel that my reasons were valid. They certainly have been vindicated by your treacherous acts against the Inca nation.

            As you have chosen to quote from transcripts of previous postings I feel that I should remind you that Inca scribes are very diligent and that the Assyrian Foreign Ministry has been somewhat carefree in that which they put in writing.

            It is my belief that both Rome and Cairo would find your policy statements to be matters of great interest.

            Needless to say I have rejected both your Map Exchange and Peace Treaty. The City of Panama no longer exists and it's fate will soon be followed by all others within reach unless I receive immediate recompence.

            I have offered Caligula, El Duce I assume now, a temporary Alliance so that I may concentrate my efforts upon The King of Sanctimony, aka Assyria, which I hope he will accept. I believe, as the old saying goes, 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'.

            High Priest Jon, The Betrayed.


            • #51
              It is with great sorrow that Rome's Northern Diplomat has to report that the ugly spectre of war has flared once more!!!

              In a sign of great individual courage, Gaius Pacificus has interposed himself between these two warring nations...

              Rome urges a ceasing of hostilities!

              Caligula feels the Incans were wrong in settling the Assyrian's Southern shore, but that the Assyrians were too heavy handed in their ejection of Incan interests from their soil...

              While the Incan retaliation was extreme in nature, it was understandable given the circumstances...

              Rome believes that if the Incans withdraw back to their lines, honour will have been served and this skirmish can end.

              Without wishing to set the cat amongst the pigeons, Rome also wishes to note the existence of our own city of Pax Romanicus - just to the North of the ruins of Panama...

              We did not know that this territory had been claimed, and wish to enter into mutually understanding negotiations with our Assyrian brothers - note that we will not brook the same kind of treatment meted out to the Incans!

              Fianlly High Priest Jon, do not worry about our Musketeer close to Paramonga - we are merely exercising our territorial rights to our river border as agreed...

              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


              • #52
                (meanwhile, in an alternate universe)

                MOBIUS, I haven't received the turn yet, and as we're going out soon to 4th of July celebrations tonight, I guess I can't play it until I get home from work tommorrow.

                But today was spectacular! New York harbor was filled with REAL Ships of the Line! So many, and so beautiful! Kinda makes me sorry to be leaving them behind here for a modern navy. Although, I have to say, the aircraft carriers and battleships I saw sail by today were pretty cool, too!

                King Rick's alternate persona


                • #53

                  Turn 70 --> Sophanthro (I was able to play it tonight after all!)

                  The factories and oil refineries of Assyria continue to hum merrily...


                  • #54
                    Turn 71 ==> Jon

                    Perhaps I was a little hasty in coming to the conclusion that Mobius would be the usurper of peace. It would seem that the Incans and Assyrians have much bad blood between them. I pray that such differences be resolved, and quickly, for the longer this problem remains, the harder the resolution will be.

                    Both sides will have to compromise, sacrifices of some order may be necessary. Are you willing to give peace a try?


                    • #55
                      Cairo applauds the recent peace keeping actions of Rome, in the war torn east. They do advise Caligula to keep a close watch on his generals in the area, less they attempt to make a gain on the sorrowful conditions of Inca and Assyria.

                      The Pharaoh stated his complete nuetrality in the war. Lamented the fact the distance from Egypt prevents an possible peacekeeping actions from his own army.


                      • #56
                        Turn 71 to Mobius.


                        • #57
                          Gaius Pacificus brings good tidings from the front as fighting seems to have stopped between the Incans and the Assyrians!

                          It is therefore with great pleasure that Rome cordially offers the Incan nation the olive branch of a new peace treaty as a further sign of the continuing improvement in relations between our two states!

                          Further proof if anyone needed it that Rome's new fascist government is committed to furthering the ideals of peace with those nations who share these goals... As a Nationalist government, Rome is committed to protecting all nation's inalienable rights of self determination and will champion this noble cause to the end...

                          Caligula, First of the Fascii is warmed by the welcome change in attitudes to his new government following Gaius Pacificus' successful peacekeeping mission and seeks only to prove his goodwill to the other governments...

                          Great Pharoah, do not be perturbed by the stationing of two Cavalry units at my listening post - we romans merely wish to protect our expensive new equipment from the possibility of unwanted encounters with drunken corporals of the Egyptian armed forces... Our units are only as close to Giza as your warrior is to genua - including your marine our relative strengths are roughly equivalent...
                          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                          • #58

                            Turn 71 --> Sophanthro

                            Emperor Caligula,

                            The Assyrian government has noted with interest that you have spoken of a Roman city on what may turn out to be Assyrian territory. Could this be true? We have yet to see this city, but are sending scouts to the area where we believe it to lie. It is our hope that we have misunderstood your statement.

                            King Rick


                            • #59
                              Turn to Demosthenes (last night)

                              Egypt welcomes the Calvary and understands Rome's concern, as Egyptians are known get riley under the influence of strong drink.


                              • #60
                                Turn 72 ==> Jon

