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Demosthenes Semi Acc Part II

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  • #16
    Turn 64 to Mobius.

    Three Cities rioting this Turn with the lowest Happiness level 75!!!

    A somewhat unhappy High Priest.


    • #17
      Turn 64 ---> Sophanthro

      A joyous day dawns for the Assyrian people! For today two Diplomats stand at the gates of two great cities about to establish Embassies!

      Gazing up at the gleaming skyscrapers of Meydum, we are awed by the building skills of the learned Egyptian architects. We look forward to an audience with our friend, the Great Pharaoh of Egypt.

      And at the newly discovered city of Chiripa, we send our greetings to the Incan people, and eagerly anticipate seeing our neighbor, High Priest Jon. It is our hope that this meeting will end in a closer friendship.

      To the Learned Demosthenes, we ask permission to sail to the city of Denbigh very soon for the purpose of building an Embassy with our friends in Wales. Too long have we been unable to visit, and we long to see for ourselves your lush lands and cool rivers of your nation.

      BTW, we came across one of your Diplomats alone in the frozen tundras of our western provinces. Is he OK? Can we be of any assistance to him? This is dangerous territory, full of murderous Barbarians!

      To the mighty Caligula of Rome, we offer early congratulations for what appears to be the imminent completion of the Edison's Lab. May the science that you glean be of benefit to the entire world, and be used for peaceful purposes.


      King Rick

      [This message has been edited by Rick Elkins (edited June 24, 2000).]


      • #18
        Turn to Demosthenes

        King Rick: We welcome your diplomat, and the Pharaoh himself is traveling down to Meydum to greet him. He has also order that which ever women the Assyrian diplomat desires for his company, will be aside from those belonging to the high priest of Meydum, and Pharaoh.

        Emperor Caligula: We are unsure what your settler is doing in our lands as we understand it he is below the lake which is our border and request that he return to his own lands.

        The scientist have yet to unravel any thing concerning the riots as they have been caught up, with the possibility of working on a replay for CtpII. But have scheduled a hearing on the subject tommorow.


        • #19
          Turn 65 ==> Jon

          King Rick, the Welsh look forward to your Ambassador's visit, and preparations are being made to make his stay a most enjoyable one.


          • #20
            Turn 65 to Mobius.

            Only one City Riot but when that's still very odd when it's only size 7, has Temple, Aquaduct and a full garrison! The only negative is for Starvation, and they're only hungry because of the halt in Food Production, which still leaves a rating of 78.

            I am vexed!


            • #21

              I had my brother, run thru it in Linux for me.

              Well guess what no riots, but it did do some other wierd stuff(I expected it to - Linux and Pc PBEM files aren't exactly compatible), but I was hoping it wouldn't be related to the riots, I think it is. Certain cities belonging to Rome, Inca, and Assyria. Experienced celebration, and it gave the cities about 3000 (happy) points . Im going to check for incomplete events in the DC files, but Its a shot in the dark.

              Oh and Caligula it thinks you've got a force field around every city (a standard Windows to Linux Bug).

              Oh and unfortunately it reported no errors .

              edited to get the smilies right
              [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited June 26, 2000).]


              • #22

                Please put me on the list for free force-fields.


                • #23
                  It is truly a great day for our World as Caesarea II proudly unveils that great center of learning - Edison's Lab!!!

                  Great Pharoah,

                  The Roman settler is heading back from whence he came in accordance with your request. Caligula apologises for his oversight after reading the previous correspondence between our two great Empires...

                  Peace unto all, Caligula salutes you!!!



                  Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                  • #24
                    BTW Thanks Sophix for all the work you've been doing trying to fix this bug!

                    What do you mean I don't REALLY have forcefields!!?

                    This turn was zero riots again - I have five cities on happiness 72, if that makes any difference...?

                    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                    • #25

                      Turn 65 ---> Sophanthro

                      These are happy times for Assyria.

                      This very day our Diplomat been lucky enough to have been granted an audience with the Great Pharaoh himself. Our friendship has indeed deepened, with our new Embassy as testimony.

                      And today, our friend High Priest Jon has shown us much hospitality, and our Diplomatic mission has been a big success, with a fine Embassy established in the Incan nation. The ship bearing the Diplomat now sails south-east for our much-anticipated visit to Wales.

                      And if this wasn't enough, there were no riots at all this turn! Yes, a good day!

                      King Rick


                      • #26
                        Turn 66 ==> Demosthenes

                        The Pharaoh thanks the wise Imperator for withdrawing his settler.

                        John Romero: says stay clean, stay away from Drugs -- after producing a game like Daikataina why would anyone care what he says, besides Daikatana looks like it was designed on crack.
                        [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited June 27, 2000).]


                        • #27
                          Turn 66 ==> Jon

                          Sorry about the delay guys, back on track now though.

                          Anybody know of any jobs in the Birmingham UK area? Thought not.


                          • #28
                            Turn 66 to Mobius


                            • #29
                              Demos - why do you want a job in Brum?

                              Be a REAL man and come and work in London!
                              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                              • #30
                                A snippet from this week's Roman Chronicles...

                                'The annual Tarentum vs Augustudunum University boat race turned into a fiasco today after a mystery fireship torched the Augustudunum trireme before the start of the race...

                                Augustudunum Dons refused to openly blame their Tarentum peers but said that "there's no smoke without fire!"'

                                At which point the captain of the Tarentum boat team got a little 'hot under the collar' and accused their opponents of "inflammatory remarks"!!!'

                                Not much to report here...

                                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

