Turn 70 ==> Demosthenes
The Giza Report
Border Dispute arises between Inca and Assyria
The Incan city of Lauricocha has been taken by the Assyrian government. Ninevah claimed that this city violated an age old rule of borders, 'that if a body of water lies between nations it will automically be considered a border between those two nations' . Indeed this rule can be found in Ancient Egyptian common law, as well as present day Egyptian law concerning land posession between cities.
However, Egyptian Minister of Foriegn Relations, Osiris Makara stated that is not the desire of Egypt to impose her laws on other nations, and asked that the two parties come to quick and peaceful resolution.
Egypt Declares Formal stance on Fascism
After leaving a meeting with his high ministers, Pharaoh Sophix declared, " The Egyptian Council will recognize a fascist government in Rome, and that he hoped to work peacefully with the new government."
The Pharaoh also welcomed the new tower on Egypt eastern border with Rome, stating that relatively soon Cairo will authorize her own tower so that the people of North Egypt may sleep peacefully, until then he asked the Emperor not be troubled by the Egyptian Troups in the area as they only serve the same purpose as the Roman Tower.
The Pharaoh did however add a few caveats to Rome, stating that if Rome did attack another nation, without full and complete justification, Cairo would respond immediately by aiding that nation against Rome, with military force if necessary.
Egyptian Military budget Increased
The High Council approved a large increase in the military budget. Ra Manora, Minister of Defense stated that this was only a defensive measure to ensure Egypt's safety. He also stated that if Rome were willing to drop her military readiness, Cairo will immediately follow suit and lower her own military readiness, but added that Egypt must be prepared.
When asked a question concerning the 'double standard' Minister Manora stated, " Well if a Lion were to enter a pit with you, I am sure it would cause you more concern, then a if a Ram entered the same pit."
Egypt Ratifies Alliance with Wales
The Pharaoh signed into effect an alliance with Cardiff, he stated after doing so that this alliance will give Egyptian and Welsh sea vessels complete authorization to traverse the North Channel unimpeded by national boundries.
The editor apoligizes to all readers for the length of todays edition.
[This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited July 04, 2000).]
Border Dispute arises between Inca and Assyria
The Incan city of Lauricocha has been taken by the Assyrian government. Ninevah claimed that this city violated an age old rule of borders, 'that if a body of water lies between nations it will automically be considered a border between those two nations' . Indeed this rule can be found in Ancient Egyptian common law, as well as present day Egyptian law concerning land posession between cities.
However, Egyptian Minister of Foriegn Relations, Osiris Makara stated that is not the desire of Egypt to impose her laws on other nations, and asked that the two parties come to quick and peaceful resolution.
Egypt Declares Formal stance on Fascism
After leaving a meeting with his high ministers, Pharaoh Sophix declared, " The Egyptian Council will recognize a fascist government in Rome, and that he hoped to work peacefully with the new government."
The Pharaoh also welcomed the new tower on Egypt eastern border with Rome, stating that relatively soon Cairo will authorize her own tower so that the people of North Egypt may sleep peacefully, until then he asked the Emperor not be troubled by the Egyptian Troups in the area as they only serve the same purpose as the Roman Tower.
The Pharaoh did however add a few caveats to Rome, stating that if Rome did attack another nation, without full and complete justification, Cairo would respond immediately by aiding that nation against Rome, with military force if necessary.
Egyptian Military budget Increased
The High Council approved a large increase in the military budget. Ra Manora, Minister of Defense stated that this was only a defensive measure to ensure Egypt's safety. He also stated that if Rome were willing to drop her military readiness, Cairo will immediately follow suit and lower her own military readiness, but added that Egypt must be prepared.
When asked a question concerning the 'double standard' Minister Manora stated, " Well if a Lion were to enter a pit with you, I am sure it would cause you more concern, then a if a Ram entered the same pit."
Egypt Ratifies Alliance with Wales
The Pharaoh signed into effect an alliance with Cardiff, he stated after doing so that this alliance will give Egyptian and Welsh sea vessels complete authorization to traverse the North Channel unimpeded by national boundries.
The editor apoligizes to all readers for the length of todays edition.
[This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited July 04, 2000).]