Wow I am actually on site. Hex will be thrilled! Hex asked you'all to bug me to get on, it was that onslaught of Emails that led me to finally get on. At last count I believe I got one email about it including Hex's. 
I noticed your cities like Favre Ville, & Bart Starr. Do you have one called Nietsche? You could create some very classy cities in the high rent district like PaytonVille & Ditkatown. Sayersville would be quite nostalgic. Dentburgh would be a very good defensive town.

I noticed your cities like Favre Ville, & Bart Starr. Do you have one called Nietsche? You could create some very classy cities in the high rent district like PaytonVille & Ditkatown. Sayersville would be quite nostalgic. Dentburgh would be a very good defensive town.
