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Demosthenes Semi Acc Turn Posts

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  • Greetings from The True Demosthenes. My time in contemplation has proved most beneficial. however, you must understand that whilst expanding my mind the world has undergone many upheavals, and I must familiarise myself with them before I can use my new-found knowledge to the benefit of the Welsh nation.

    Fear not, the turn will be returned into circulation very soon. My thanks to the regency of Shavlor Jones and Tom 'Jones' Red, your service to the Welsh cause will not go unnoticed or forgotten. Know now that Demosthenes is in your debt and will be happy to repay you in kind whenever you need assistance.


    • Turn 16 ==> Jon

      Upon returning to his kingdom the Welsh ruler took note of what scientific advances he could possibly give to his neighbouring procreationists, but the list is far to long to state here.

      Ag Rev in one turn! Beat that!


      • Which Turn 16 am I supposed to play and post?

        A Confused Jon.


        • Egypt already has AG Rev As can be substatiated by Caligula.

          Jon I guess play the turn from Demos.


          • Turn 16 Caligula.

            If the Pervert of Rome thinks that he can define where the Inca people can or cannot place new settlements then he is sadly mistaken.

            We were ruthlessly attacked and it should be noted by the fact that we have established a Trade Route already just how peaceful people we are but the unwarrented assault upon us was unforgivable. We accept none of 'The Deviants' preconditions and should any 'It's' Clerics or Slavers be found on Inca soil they will not be expelled but killed.

            We remain at 'War Readiness' and will brook no interference from a gang of thugs who practice unnatural acts with Horses.

            We shall determine our own borders and any that should interfere will be disposed with.

            High Priest Jon


            • Emperor Caligula welcomes Demosthenes back to the fold and trusts that his journey to exotic lands was a bounteous success! Much has happened since you last feasted in your great hall, our young World is fast coming of age and already seems to be shaping itself to become a land beyond our wildest dreams!

              News of your advancement towards Agricultural Revolution greatly warms me, however as proof of the fabulous minds already proliferating throughout our World, Great Sophanthro has already had knowledge of this most wonderous advance for I'm guessing at least 250 years - such is his bountiful wisdom!

              Emperor Caligula is glad to see that our 'neighbourly' high priest has not taken the loss of his Knight Squadron too bitterly, he was given ample warning as to the consequences of his continuing to test the resolve of the Roman people...

              Emperor Caligula feels that the 'murderer' in this situation is indeed that person which sent this loyal and innocent pawn to it's promised fate - such a careless disregard for life, Emperor Caligula hopes that high priest jon is not so careless with the lives of his citizens!

              As for the proposed border, the albeit arbitrary line in the sand I posited is merely a line equidistant between Pucara and my closest city of Augustodunum (The Great and Wise Sophanthro can confirm this...). Entirely fair in my reasoning especially considering most of this land is barren territory, however if 'fair' is a alien concept to the Incas then one could see why this arrangement may not be to their liking...

              As to Clerics and Slavers, quite why the Romans should wish to have such units is quite beyond our reasoning. We also surmise that to be able to detect such units one must already have them oneself - we therefore thank chief jon for advising the Imperator that he already owns these underhand and devious units. I take it they feel perfectly at home and am minded of the fact that these units are useless they are used for such pursuits as which they were intended...

              Emperor Caligula is happy that his warnings about unneighbourly behaviour have finally hit home. The proof is that our technologically backward neighbour has resorted to crude and clumsy name calling as his only recourse - truly his impotence has been laid bare for all to see!


              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


              • Upon hearing the news that another of thesebarbarians has already learned the knowledge of agricultural revolution the great Demosthenes realised that the heathen off-islanders were not to be disregarded so out of hand.

                Welsh cartographers were soon at hand attampting to establish the whereabouts of these wise and noble men, so that we can share our quest for knowledge. A diplomat was immediately briefed of the situation and has set about the task of seeking out the wise and noble barbarians so that together our minds may broaden.


                • Hey Mobius, with all the recent turmoil, did you forget to send my turn?

                  [This message has been edited by Rick Elkins (edited April 09, 2000).]


                  • turn 16--> Sophanthro

                    With news flying in from all over the world, the King lay awake at night worrying about this "agricultural revolution" he had heard about. He must be vigilant lest it create discontent among his tomatoes and discord among the corn. Surely a revolt of the agriculture would not be a pretty sight. Why were others encouraging it? "These foreigners must be strange indeed", he mused.


                    • Turn 17 ==> Demosthenes

                      The Pharaoh announced that production of the Labyrinth is going better then expected estimates now place completion in five generations.

                      [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited April 10, 2000).]


                      • Turn 17 ==> Jon

                        Tis unfortunate that the fornicating Incans refuse to share their knowledge with the Welsh on the whereabouts of the other barbarians in this land.

                        Demosthenes will have to find another way to locate these 'intelligent' barbarians.


                        • Turn 17 to Incitatus.

                          Demos, If you had actually asked for a 'Fornicating' Map exchange then I would have agreed! You didn't, maybe the Scrapey is making you forgetful?

                          High Priest Jon
                          [This message has been edited by Jon (edited April 11, 2000).]


                          • All is quiet, the Romans are getting on with building their Empire

                            We've just discovered the art of constructing fisheries, however do not as yet have the sufficient public works to build them...

                            Also in view of the new peace accord with the Incans, Emperor Caligula has ordered a general withdrawal to friendly cities...

                            It is of course not true that there is increasing unrest in Roman cities due to the burgeoning population and that these units are required for the citizens to be reminded of the Imperator's authority...

                            Emperor Caligula was heard saying:-"We pay them probably the highest wages in the known World and still they grumble..."

                            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                            • turn 17--> Sophanthro

                              A time for growth in Assyria, both intellectual and physical.

                              We wonder if we can still expect a diplomat representing the mighty Roman Empire? Our Royal Caterering Service has asked us to convey their wishes for a couple of days notice so they would have time to prepare a properly celebratory feast.


                              • Turn to Demosthenes

                                Sorry I played this last night, I thought I sent it out, but I accidently left it in my queue.

