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Demosthenes Semi Acc Turn Posts

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  • Great Sophanthro, your offer of an exchange of maps has been duly accepted and Emperor Caligula is also proud to announce that a peace treaty between our two great nations has also been signed with your terms and conditions to be adhered to, to the letter...

    Rick of the Assyrians, a Diplomat with suitable transport is being prepared post haste to make contact between our great nations - though I fear even working around the clock, it may take several hundred years!!!

    Chief Jon of the Incas, your words of reconciliation warm me and your request is going through the due diplomatic process (being dealt with by Consul Incitatus, I believe...?), however even at the best of times this has been a slow and arduous process containing much red tape. It has been found that a bribe of several hundred gold speeds this process up no end, especially in light of the recent difficult relations upmost in the minds of the Roman people - they do say time heals all wounds... Well better get Incitatus to rubber-stamp the new peace treaty, assuming he hasn't mistaken it for a tasty snack...

    Shavlor Jones Wise Castellan of the Welsh peoples, I hope that your tenure is going well - though I somewhat think that it may be a bit difficult for the Welsh to satisfy their bloodlust as it is rumoured that they live on an island...

    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


    • turn 13--> Sophanthro

      When I told my people that a diplomat was coming from the great Roman empire, there were gasps and then cheering. Kinda put a damper on things,though, when I explained that few of them would still be around by the time he finally arrived.

      Our explorers have discovered some previously unknown lands in the heart of Assyria that will make a fine site for our settlers to soon found new cities. Things are beginning to look up for we impoverished goatherders.


      • Turn 14 ==> Shavlor

        The foreman in Memphis promised that the Labyrinth will be completed in less then ten generations (turns).

        The recent cartographic meeting between Cairo and Rome went extremely well. Egypt now feels that they have approximate knowledge of where all civilization lie and a scout is already on the way to where Assyria is said to lie. Diplomatic parties is expected out of Egypt shortly.


        • Turn 14 --> Jon


          • Shavlor, you have sent me Demos's Turn.


            • Sorry Jon's turn 14 --> Jon
              Tom Red will be my substitute while I am away. He has Demos's instructions so should be fine.


              • Turn 14 to Caligula.

                So you reject the Peace Treaty offered by the friendly Inca people and instead choose to use blackmail and extortion instead of honest Diplomatic exchanges. I am saddened for this is a very short-sighted attitude to take.

                I have at least met your, I hope, peaceful scouts. I trust that you have no intention of encroaching any further over our agreed neutral zone.

                I have made no further Diplomatic offers. The choice is now yours, if you wish Peace then I will accept it but if not then I was wise to keep my Soldiers swords well oiled.

                High Priest Jon.


                • ***Tablet Conference***

                  At about noon today, a squadron of Incan Knights was intercepted well within the desert buffer zone and south of the 'Caesarea-East' demarcation line travelling in a westerly direction towards Empire territories and in clear violation of previous stipulations...

                  Given that this move coincided with another unwarranted outburst from the leader of this nation, it was regretfully decided to make an example of this infraction - lest any leniency give cause to embolden the Incan resolve to continue with their illegal incursions...

                  The order was given and battle was met - Rome mourns the loss of the Incan Knight squadron as if these gallant men were her own subjects, such a senseless waste of men and horses! We can only say that they met their death with kindness and were killed with love...

                  Praetor Macro
                  Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                  • turn 14--> Sophanthro

                    The Assyrian people hear the sounds of war, and are saddened, but not surprised...


                    • Turn 15 ==> Tom Red Regent of Wales

                      The news of war came as something of a shock to the wise Pharaoh. All though he had heard bickering between the two nations he didn't expect it to come to this.

                      The high priest of Ra, condemned both countries saying they had sinned against the second precept of Mat.

                      Production must be cherished, never to be used in wasteful manner, such as war when there is little possibility of realized gain

                      The High Priest went on to reassure the people of Egypt, that they had nothing to fear, as the Pharaoh was endowed with infinite wisdom, being the living incarnation of Osyris.

                      [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited April 06, 2000).]


                      • Turn 15 to Caligula The Murderer!

                        I would caution him to accept our generous Peace Treaty or he will find an Inca sword in a place that normally, or abnormally, only Incitatus would place his weopon!

                        I would earnestly suggest that he and his Troops depart immediatly back to their perverse Equine pursuits or much blood, both Human and Horse, will be spilt.

                        Caligula or, as he known in Cuzco, The 'Alternative' Jockey should be wary that he does not bring down many tears upon the faces of Roman Widows. If, that is, that there are any Roman men who can bear to drag themselves away from their Stables!


                        • Incans: Your peace treaty has been accepted - we have no wish to be at war with you, let us simply consider this unfortunate event a mere border dispute... Consider the border to be set 9 leagues (squares) SW of Pucara, running on a SE/NW axis with no forces entering the 9th league (neutral zone). I will be sending a diplomat to make contact (if allowed) and you may do the same...

                          To the other nations: We apologise for our part in this minor skirmish, but were defending clearly laid out stipulations. Any capitulation on our part may have been seen as weakness therefore the prompt action by Roman forces may have indeed averted a potentially larger catastrophe...

                          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                          • turn 15--> Sophanthro

                            It is with a glad heart that Assyria greets the news of peace in the world. But we have seen treaties unravel before, so we watch carefully to better understand the intentions of our neighbors. We must be wary until peace is more of a certainty.

                            It is with these realities in mind that Assyria must reluctantly shelve plans for a Cartographic and Border Summit with the Roman people. While we are most desirous of a close and cooperative relationship with the Roman empire, we feel that we must be assured that the great Caligula is truly pursuing peaceful goals, and believe that a strifeless period of perhaps 10 (turns) would do much to help the Assyrian people trust our neighbors to the north.

                            Likewise, although we are in philosophical agreement regarding the border proposal, we wish to include this in the "cooling off period".

                            This waiting period will be brief, and then hopefully we Assyrians and Romans can then meet to achieve these goals desired by both our blessed peoples.

                            King Rick of Assyria


                            • Turn 16 ==> Tom Red, Wales

                              Many in Egypt were hoping that war would take place between the Incans and the Romans. Egyptians now head back to the daily routine, and anxiously a wait the excitement that the Labyrinth will bring.


                              • The Romans grow impatient awaiting news from other lands before they can make their next decisions...

                                Where's the turn?

                                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

