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Demosthenes Semi Acc Turn Posts

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  • #91
    This should cause amusement. The only player I am at war with in any PBEM game taking over my turn. The irony!

    Why not, I'm mail Shavlor and let him know what I want! Cheers Sophantro.


    • #92
      Turn 10 to Caligula.

      I implore you, Honourable neighbour, not to adopt this agressive and hostile attitude towards the peaceful farmers and traders that comprise the Inca nation.

      Both my people and I truly love you and yours and would never seek to stray from the path of peace.

      My people are fearful at the near vertical rise in Roman power and know this can only be the result of an enormous increase in the Roman military. The only alternative to this is a quantum leap in Roman pharmaceutical research leading to the early developement of Viagra.

      Chief Jon


      • #93
        Turn 11 ==> Jon

        Welsh intellect knows no bounds as we yet again find the reasoning of the ways of the world.

        Demosthenes will be taking a short pilgramage in order to collect his thoughts and bring back immeasurable knowledge to the Welsh people.

        In the meantime, one of our nobles of the Welsh assembly, Shavlor Jones, will assume control of the day to day running of the Welsh people, to ensure that peace remains on our island.


        • #94
          I'm happy to act as a replacement if anyone else leaves.


          • #95
            Turn 11 to Caligula


            • #96
              And Lo!

              Reading ancient, almost forgotten texts Emperor Caligula gained enlightenment!

              In defeating the great computer general 'AI' at deity level, Caligula thought his knowledge was unsurpassed - how wrong he was!

              Turn 11 --> Rick, Ruler of the Assyrians and valued neighbour

              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


              • #97
                Turn 11--> Sophanthro

                One of our younger merchants has had the idea that we could create a building in which our Assyrian currency could be stored, rather than hiding our money under the stables where the goats sleep. He reasons that it could then be put to work for all of Assyria. While the King remains dubious, I've allowed him to begin work on this project as an experiment.

                We have received reports from our explorers that a channel of water seems to separate us from our friends the Romans. Perhaps we will build some manner of sea-going craft and invite the great Caligula for a dinner cruise. We'd prepare his favourites: Whole Honeyed Boar and Hummingbirds in Aspic :-)


                • #98
                  Turn 12 ==> Demosthene's Regent Shavlor

                  Egyptian scouts press further and further into the wilderness in an attempt to a find, the fabled countries they have only heard about.


                  • #99
                    Turn 12 --> Jon
                    Wow Demos has a real nice river here


                    • Turn 12 to Caligula.


                      • Tis truly a wonderous day!!!

                        My advance scouts have discovered the lost Kingdom of the Egyptians!!!

                        All hail Sophanthro, just and munificent ruler!

                        My apologies for stumbling across your territory with my military unit - I bid thee no harm as (although provoked by the incans in the past) my forces are not at a state of War readiness...

                        Please advise as to which direction your lands lie and I will not trespass!



                        Assyria, Indeed Emperor Caligula compliments you on your fine culinary tastes and looks forward to your invitation - though if on a Trireme, please make sure it's close to the shore as he hates getting his feet wet...

                        Perhaps we may discuss this 'treasure house' idea that your subjects are speaking of? we too have come across a body of water separating the land 6 leagues SE of Pompeii - is this the one you mention?


                        Events Co-Ordinator to the Imperator


                        Footnote: Roman economic management is doing so well that our cities are growing exponentially - we cannot keep up the Temple building programme and the Citizens are getting restless...

                        Oh well - comes with the territory...

                        Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                        • turn 12--> Sophanthro

                          Stories come to us of many exotic peoples in far-off lands. Most we have yet to see with our own eyes, and there are those among us who feel that the entire matter is a hoax concocted by the recently created Assyrian Travel Agency to promote their group tours.

                          In the meantime, we tend our goats, and strive to build a nation from ice and sand.

                          To the glorious Romans, we should confess that we don't actually have a trireme yet, but aspire to such a conveyance, and hope to reassure the mighty Caligula that should he come for a ride, the humble Assyrians would line the deck with a thick layer of Peacock feathers to keep his Imperial toes dry.

                          And yes, there seems to be a body of water north of us, beyond which one of our ancestors caught a glimpse of a fabled city called Pompeii.


                          • Turn 13 ==> Wales

                            The Pharaoh welcomes the Roman scouts as long as thier stay is short in the land of Egypt, and gladly agreed to the Olive branch of peace extended to Egypt. The Pharaoh went on to propose a meeting between Roman and Egyptian cartographers, to avoid any land confusion between the mighty Empires.


                            • Turn 13 --> Jon

                              With their leader missing the Welsh grow restless they crave blood.


                              • Turn 13 to Caligula.

                                Once again the Inca extend the Olive Branch of Friendship and Peace to the Roman People.

                                It is to be hoped that they choose this path as the Priest's in Cuzco are very different from their Aztec relatives and hate the sight of blood.

