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Semi Acc Part IV

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  • #76
    Noble Demosthenes,

    Once again you would credit me with words unuttered. The word I used was 'hypocracy' not 'hostility' and though I would plead 'not guilty' to the latter I had not even thought myself to be accused of such.

    I act entirely out of love for my neighbours and never from any thought of personal gain. Australia could not simply stand aside and let blood flow unstemmed without acting to save the tragic citizens of the Northern Latin Empire from the distress suffered by their Southern brethren.

    St Jon, Lover of Love.


    • #77
      Turn 89/90 -> Sophix

      Lets stop beating around the diplomatic bush here...

      St Jon is now willing to attack the Romans because his forces are now in position to do so. Simple as that. He sees a Roman city that is a good production center, and hiding under the 'guise of love' he liberates it for his own use.

      If he really cared for the welfare of the Roman Empire, he would of been sending aid to them, not conquering them...

      ...oh wait he did with that trade route from one of his cities to Pompeii, before it was conquered.

      I suspect that there were more dealings with TAFKAB, which were hidden under a smokescreen of words.

      My guess that St Jon has given up on his 'secret ally' at this point in time, for his own personal gain.

      Where is the justice in that.
      Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


      • #78
        Tom Red,

        Did St Jon send you any help this turn, in terms of advances or gold that you so humbly asked for - and St Jon promised to you?

        Let us know when that happens so we can laud him.
        Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


        • #79
          Turn 90 --> Jon

          Good Land
          Nice rivers and hills w/ mines
          Wonderful grassland and plains equiped with farms
          The land goes to whoever can kick my ass the fastest

          Hmmmm I never thought I would see 4 people all against one person. Well now I have. BTW Jon why did you stop building LE it is one of the best wonders and you had a great start on it.
          Romans estimate 25 turns left before they are all dead or captured.


          • #80
            St Jon, Patron Saint of Semantics,
            (or should that be pedantics )

            Let's be frank about this. None of us are fooled by your trickery and use of soundbites. We all know that you are at war, we all know that you have yearned for TAFKAB's demise, and I don't believe that any of us is fooled by your utterations to the contrary.

            Just admit it. Like Doonnie says to Lefty in 'Donnie Brasco', "Say Mickey's name!", although in this case, just say what we all know to be true.

            As to TAFKAB, what's the going rate?


            • #81
              Turn 90 to Demos.

              The Holy One feels the need to make formal protest at suggestions from the 'Beast' as to doubt over the state of wedlock in which he was conceived! Such slurs do no credit to the already deeply tarnished reputation of the Latin Principality.

              Why is it that Australia should feel that she is viewed with less than wholehearted love by the Mayan people? Allegations of double-dealing and secret agreements being raised against the very personification of trustworthiness are close enough to heresy!

              The Living Saint wishes it to be known that under no circumstances would he have entered into any form of 'understanding' with 'Beelzebub incarnate' though economic cooporation with all of Australia's neighbours was vigourously pursued to better serve the good of all mankind.

              St Jon, Saviour of the Oppressed.


              • #82
                Turn 90 ==> Tom Red

                At last! Fighting talk from the Saintly One. So, 'Saviour of the Oppressed', which lucky citizens are you going to liberate next?

                BTW, can somebody please have a word with TAFKAB about his "Suicide Squads"?! It appears that he is intent on sending another five regiments to their demise. St Jon, can you not use your Saintly influence to deter him from this path. Such a waste of life...


                • #83
                  Turn=====> Hextapul

                  We are still awaiting aid from our Australian neighbours, who is, as we know, a man of his word.


                  • #84
                    Turn 90/91 -> Sophix

                    Shavlor is probably sending all his troops toward you, Demos - not that you will have too much trouble handling them.

                    I do suspect that St Jon will have an easier time of it against TAFKAB though - with Shavlor leaving all his northern cities 'undefended' to St Jon as a nice going away present.

                    At least you'll get some veterans out of the deal...

                    Keep us posted Tom - let us know when the Jolly Aussie Santa comes for a visit.
                    Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                    • #85
                      Trusted Friend and Ally Hextapul,

                      Thou art indeed right in your assumptions. A force of regiments, five strong, is heading for Hispalis, the site of the Roman troops last mass suicide.

                      It is widely believed that a similiar outcome will result from such actions.


                      • #86
                        Turn 91 --> Jon

                        The Romans seeing that their end is neigh has decided to give away all of their tech to their only neighbor who didn't attack them. The Native Americans shall be intructed by the Roman wise men.


                        • #87
                          Turn 91 to Demos.

                          St Jon is deeply saddened that 'The Beast' has robbed him of the ability to exercise his boundless generosity toward the Primitives. Unfortunatly what the Roman and Australian levels of scientific achievement are identical and therefore there is nothing within our power to give.


                          • #88
                            Turn 91 ==> Tom Red

                            Noble St Jon, I do not wish to sound offensive, but have you not already established an Embassy with the Welsh people? Why is it that you have a Diplomat visiting Cardiff? We were not informed of his scheduled visit, and therefore were not expecting him, and so the banquet laid on has been made in haste I'm afraid.

                            So tell me, what exactly would you like to know?


                            • #89
                              Apologies Noble Ally, I should have asked permission, but our Diplomat is merely passing through to the coast where vessels of the Holy Fleet are waiting to convey him to the Mayan peoples in the hope of establishing an Embassy there.

                              St Jon.


                              • #90
                                Turn ====> hextapul

                                Fantastic !! Thanks to the Roman people. I'm just sorry there's nothing I can give you in return.

                                n.b. are there any patches I should be using with this game apart from the Hack patch 1.21?
                                [This message has been edited by Tom Red (edited May 07, 2000).]

