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Semi Acc Part IV

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  • Semi Acc Part IV

    New turns here

  • #2
    OK, I'm back and I'll get the turns rolling again asap.

    It's good to be back!


    • #3
      Turn 76 == > Tom Red

      Check your mail boxes guys, I've sent a circular explaining the situation, and it's good!


      • #4
        Well, the news is somewhat good - The Mayan people are mourning the loss of the Labyrinth. But like a drug habit that needed to be shaken, the Mayan people will persevere and ultimitely become better for the experience. It's too bad that the cult of CD, and the attached AI situation robbed the Mayans of the full effect of the Labyrinth.

        We welcome yet another leader to the Native Americans. What is your official title?

        May your reign be long and fruitful.

        We also welcome Demos back from his refreshing repast. I had the privilege of taking over the leadership of the Welsh in another world for this past week. It was fun, to say the least...

        Turn 77 to Sophix
        Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


        • #5
          Turn 77 ==> Shavlor

          Tom Red leader of Native Americans I would speak to your emmisary he was quite rude. While the Assyrian Foriegn Aid department was teaching your people various technologies, your emmisary told us to screw off.


          • #6
            It's alright for the rest of you guy's but what should I do with an entire Army with no place to go?

            I can't just send it home to get rusty and outdated. Someone will suffer for this!

            The only question is who?


            • #7
              Turn 77 --> Demos

              Shavlor welcomes Tom as the new leader of the great Native Americains. Jon why don't you place your warrior to work say harvesting wheat or corn. Just an idea.


              • #8
                Turn 77 to Demos.

                Shavlor, I can think of better things to do with a Musket!


                • #9
                  Turn 77 ==> Tom Red

                  Wales celebrates it's glory and affirmation of religion with the construction of Gutenburg's Bible. A truly wondorous event, for whilst emancipating themselves from the physical shackles of the Romans, Wales can still find the time to free themselves from the mental bonds.

                  Caerphilly is overjoyed that the terrible spectre of Roman heresy has now at last been lifted from the city.

                  Unfortunately, an Australian zealot was found blocking the route of the celebrating crowds, and was politely asked to return to his homeland. He had been stranded and lost for some time, but with Welsh help he joyfully returned to his mother country with the blessing of the Welsh leader Demosthenes.

                  A great day in the history of Wales.
                  Onward to glory.

                  In a seperate speech, Demosthenes put it to noble St Jon that he had previously preached war against the Romans, and then when war broke out, he stated that although he wished it he could not fight The Aggressor Formerly Known As Beast aswell as the Natives. But now the Natives have seen reason and the war is over, our thanks to the sensibility of their new leader elect Tom Red.

                  There is no excuse now St Jon, join our crusade and liberate the world from the Beast of a long gone city called Rome.


                  • #10
                    Turn 77/78 -> Sophix

                    Antium has a new Mayan embassy. One Musketeer was lost, due to a stiffer roman defense, but he will be replaced with a reformed roman pikeman next turn.

                    A roman courier arrived to the front lines with a demand for a cease fire - this will be considered - with a Mayan demand for the restoration of the lost musketeer, pikeman, and 2 phalanxes murdered by the roman forces. Mayan widows are grieving...
                    Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                    • #11
                      Turn 78 --> Jon

                      The Roman cannon will soon show the pathatic Welsh that they are nothing more than swine


                      • #12
                        Turn 78 to Demos.

                        Sadly it appears that our Northern Army may still be needed for we seem to have exchanged a frolicsome AI Chieftan for an equally unfriendly Human one. Australia did not view with pleasure having her peaceful Envoy expelled when he was merely attempting to restore full diplomatic relations. He will return, but this time under armed guard, to forfill his entirely innocent mission.

                        We are similarly displeased with our Welsh Allies for their expulsion of a poor Australian missionary who had had ample time to perform mischief had we so desired. The Welsh employment of Slavers is disgusting and has no place in the modern World.

                        Let it be known, once and for all, that Australia will probably never get envolved in the conflict in the South. This Australian Army has therefore been given orders to Stand Down with immediate effect.

                        St Jon the Pure.


                        • #13
                          Turn 78 ==> Tom Red

                          Wales announce that battle testing of Roman cannons have shown that they are of inferior quality to those made in Wales.

                          The first Roman cannon went into battle, along with anumber of musketeers, only to be shown the ways of battle by the Welsh cannons and pikemen. Three Welsh pikemen have since been promoted after their galant fighting prowess.

                          Remember folks, don't buy a cannon unless it has the 'Made in Wales' stamp of quality


                          • #14
                            I'm going to bed - wake me when my turn comes in....

                            Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                            • #15
                              Where's the F****** Turn?

                              We were going along at a Turn a day. What the hell has happened?

