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Semi Acc Part IV

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  • 'Mayan mischief making?!?!' - Indeed the very thought of that concept is laughable indeed. What mischief has the Mayan people wrought?

    The Mayans merely seek to gently remind others of the promises and statements made in these public forums - for it is by those words that the true intent of a man is revealed - measured against his actions.

    If you do not want to give the Native Americans anything, so be it. It is your right - but who is to say that future Australian declarations will be met with anything but skepticism.

    I still hold out hope that this will not be the case - that honesty and truth will be the norm in the world, and St Jon an example of those concepts.

    'Bringing the Light of Truth to the World since 4000BC'
    Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


    • Mayan mishief making continues!

      Australia can only give that which she possesses and our level of scientific attainment is the same as of the Latins so our learning is unneeded and we are a poor nation without the ability to donate large sums of money unlike the owner of a previously used Labyrinth.

      Australia has broken no promises, treaties or undertakings. Honesty and Integrity are the two most important words in the Australian vocabulary.

      Once again we are the victims of falsehoods and blackening inneuendo.

      Everyones Friend.
      St Jon the Benign.


      • Sorry, Double Posting.
        [This message has been edited by Jon (edited May 13, 2000).]


        • Turn 95 to Demos.


          • Brothers and Sisters.

            The Omniscient Sainted One is going on a pilgrimage on Monday, 15th May until Friday, 2nd June. Between those dates Brother Mobius has agreed to assume the reins of power.


            • Turn 95 ==> Tom Red

              Good fortune st Jon. We hope that you find your spiritual nirvana....


              • turn ====> Hextapul


                • Turn to Shavlor

                  News from the Assyrian front, Rome is putting up a stronger resistance then expect on this front. The Assyrian generals shrugged this off however stating, that no war is a cake walk.


                  • I am horrified to hear that my dearest Allies are struggling against the might of 'The Beast'. Noble Hextupal where is your soul? How can you sit back and watch the sufferings of others without lifting a finger to support them?

                    Australia has poured all that she possesses into this conflict and has withstood grievous casualties in the cause of peaceful expansion. This war is your war and yet you are content to witness a CTP version of the Battle of Ypres occuring on the Eastern Front.

                    I pray that upon my return sanity will have prevailed and that the peace that I long for will have prevailed.

                    St Jon, Friend to the World.


                    • Turn 96 ==> Tom Red

                      Silent Lord Sophix,

                      I re-iterate the situation to you. If diplomatic relations had not ceased between us, then perhaps this travesty would not have happened. We urge you to open up and allow a new dialogue between us.

                      Jon, please do not go down that particular route. "Noble Hextupal where is your soul? How can you sit back and watch the sufferings of others without lifting a finger to support them?" - Ahem, sound familiar to anybody else, or am I the only one that sees certain repetitions (albeit with different actors) here?

                      "Australia has poured all that she possesses into this conflict and has withstood grievous casualties in the cause of peaceful expansion. This war is your war and yet you are content to witness a CTP version of the Battle of Ypres occuring on the Eastern Front."

                      Noble St Jon, with all due respect, what a load of rubbish! Since when has Australia "poured all that she possesses into this conflict"? You have the largest army, and if you had poured it into the conflict to aid us, as you now rally Hextapul to do so, then we would no longer be at war, and peace would be bountiful.

                      Afterall, isn't peace what we all desire?!



                      • Noble Demosthenes,

                        Once again we are wronged. Your cynicism knows no bounds and you even presume to doubt the word of the Patron Saint of Integrity.

                        In our abortive campaign against the Primitives Australia suffered the loss of many soldiers and the capture of Augustudum cost us many wounded.

                        No nation upon earth has endured such suffering as have we in the cause of Love and Peace!

                        As for the size of the Australian armed forces, they represent but sufficient force to guarentee our territorial integrity and have never waged war for selfish reasons.

                        St Jon.


                        • turn ====> Hextapul


                          • I could say the same about you St Jon - where were you when Mayan soldiers were lying bleeding on the fields of honorable battle.

                            I do not recall seeing any messages regarding a war with the Native Americans - merely an attempt to strike against them when they were leaderless. Lo and behold, a leader rises up in time to guide the noble Native Americans before blood is drawn, and suddenly, the Australians do not have the stomach for war with them - even when Australian forces had the technological superiority.

                            Then the Australians decide that the time is ripe to strike against the Romans, when their military is weakened by the efforts of Lord Demos and myself. I do not fault you for this action, as you were called to this course. But, as I recall, Australian forces did not suffer casualites - as reported by yourself. So any reports of Australian wounded is met with a bit of cynisism on this side of the ocean.

                            What is the truth in these reports?

                            We do hope that your pilgrimage will bear fruit though, and wish the best to you in your endeavors while gone.

                            The Light of Justice to a Dark World
                            Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                            • St Jon,

                              Forgive me, but when you stated 'this conflict' I presumed you were referring to the only conflict that is presently being waged, and on that assumption you most certainly have not committed the entirity of your armed forces, neither have you suffered the most casualities.

                              The Welsh people could take offence at the indifference shown to their lost loved ones, in a proxy war, fought on your behalf. Hardly selfish, although personal gains have been collected en route.

                              Am I all too aware of our frank discussions on such matters, and so if I appear cynical, it is only due to my attempts at reading between the lines.
                              [This message has been edited by The True Demosthenes (edited May 14, 2000).]


                              • Greetings friends...

                                Fresh from the Roman front Pope Mobius I is here to ring the changes - even in defeat the BEAST is still driving a wedge between us!!! Well no more for Australia declares a holy crusade against Rome and will not rest until she is driven from our borders!

                                As we speak the Australian war machine is being mobilised in coming to the aid of the rest of the civilised World - but the road will not be an easy one for we have mountains to scale and hills to climb, the suffering populace at home will not brook failure so all must be planned meticulously and roads built...

                                Advance guards are already striking deep into the mountains to illuminate the way with the teachings of our Lord - but patience must be a watchword for we Australians have few roads and poor infrastructure since the strain of maintaining an effective deterrant have bled our coffers dry!

                                Pope Mobius I has pleasure in declaring the embassy with the Mayans open...
                                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

