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Semi Acc Part IV

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  • #61
    Turn 87 to Demos.

    The Sinless One is somewhat concerned about what appears to have been a calculated insult by his old and trusted friend. Why was His Immaculacy not invited to attend Noble Demosthenes' Coronation? Is it to be inferred from this that Wales no longer desires the friendship of Australia?

    In his Turnly Sermon St Jon declared that so as the World hath chosen to turn it's back upon love and peace so shall it be that Australia will turn it's back upon the World. As a peace loving people Australians cannot be expected to look upon the carnage that goes on around us without tears springing to their eyes. Our pleas for mercy have gone unheeded and it is clear that nothing will bring an end to this rampant bloodlust.

    Australian troops have returned to barracks and apart from border patrols and strongpoint positions large scale disbandment and full demobilisation has commenced.

    'Go your own way, follow the path of destruction if you will but Australia shall stand alone as an example to you all as to what can be achieved without recourse to the Musket and Cannon.'

    St Jon, He to whom violence is an alien concept.


    • #62
      Turn 87 ==> Tom Red

      St Jon, your absence was noted from my coronation ceremnoy and celebrations, but it is not through any fault of my own. Your Ambassador here in Wales has taken a professional dislike of me. I understand this, for we presently disagree on the best course of action regarding TAFKAB.

      However, he has also taken a personal dislike of me, the reasons for which I know not. An invite was sent out to you, via your Ambassador, but it would appear that he did not deliver it because of his dislike of me. I do not hold a grudge against him, but I fear for the consequences of bureacratic control on our relations.

      The last thing that the Welsh people want is a dislike of them from them esteemed friends, neighbours, and allies, the Australians. However, if an efficient form of communication between us is being disrupted then I can understand your upset.

      Sophix did not respond to our request to join us, in the same manner that he has not responded to our diplomatic overtones in the past, and our request to pool resources in our mutual battle.

      Tom Red had pressing engagements already, and we understand his absence, especially as he has now managed to bring his nation to blossom with the utilisation of his scientific knowledge. We praise you Tom Red, you have achieved so much, so quickly, and through a course of peace.

      TAFKAB was not invited for obvious reasons. However, if he wishes to visit Cardiff, perhaps to gaze upon the splendor of Gutenburg's Bible, of maybe to request an end to this war by his surrender, then I'm sure that arrangements can be made....


      • #63
        Turn ======> Hexagonia

        Congratulations Demosthenes on your coronation. Apologies again for our absence, but we hope to establish normal diplomatic communication as (one of) our (many) priorities.

        And thanks Hextapul (and the others) for your scientific colaboration.

        Chief Tom Red


        • #64
          Turn 88 -> Sophix

          Great Sophix

          Of course your diplomat can come. I only ask that the proper protocol of notification is followed. He can set up an embassy at the same city he visited earlier, but he will have to reboard and return back the way he came when finished. Last I checked, diplomats have the ability to spy too.

          Ask St Jon, who seems to be overly worried about my if it will bring down the entire Australian empire with one fell swoop - but stranger things have happened in the world, so I do understand his caution.

          This will hopefully be the first step in a beneficial relationship, but realize that all first steps are small to start with. You will find that the Mayan people are loyal to their allies, and rewards them with an overflowing abundance of gifts.
          Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


          • #65
            Assyrian Foriegn Relation Statement

            Assyria apologizes for the lack of diplomatic contact as of late. The Archbishop has been busy with matters of world's he has found time to attend to matters of state in Assyria, but unfortunately has not found time to address the diplomatic concerns of other nations. Although the Archbishop wishes it could be other wise these matters are not expected to change until examinations finish in three weeks time.

            The State Between Assyria and Rome

            As rumours have indicated, Assyria is at war with Rome. The council of Bishops did not come to this point easily, and state they are not engaged in a crusade. In fact Assyria was forced into this situation when Rome attacked an Assyrian border patrol without warning. The myth that the border between Rome and Assyria was safe disipated, and Ninevah realized that they had to extend their borders to realize safety in the heartland of Assyria.

            The state between Assyria and other nations.

            Welsh: Assyria considers Wales a friend and ally to Assyria, and apoligizes for the lack of diplomatic contact in recent times.

            Australia: Assyria considers St. Jon a friend of Assyria, but remain cautious of their pretended peaceful attitude. Citing the recent excursion into Native American lands as evidence dispelling their proposed pacifistic nature.

            Mayan: Assyria considers Maya a neutral as regards Assyria. The Bishops wish to improve relations toward Maya, and although find the reasons for expelling the Assyrian diplomat tolerable they would have aprieciated warning. As to the lack of warning presented by Assyria, they apolize, but consider there to be no other reason for one nation to send a diplomat to another, but to establish an embassy. Assyria also requests permission to send an emissary to Maya.

            Native Americans: Assyria considers Tom Red to be a wise ruler, and a potential friend of Assyria.
            [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited May 01, 2000).]


            • #66
              The Arch Bishop will reply to any further concerns or statements, but regretably his answers will be terse.


              • #67
                Turn 88 to Demos

                Blessed Children,

                His Purity wishes to extend his love to all even unto the lowest 'Beast' of Abaddon. Join with me now in wearing the garland of Peace and Reconciliation and forget the troubles of the past. Let us link hands and dance around the May Pole of love.

                Dear and Beloved Ally, Demosthenes, know that our Ambassador has been recalled and a new one despatched who is fluent in the strange tongue of your people and regards Dylan Thomas as the greatest author in history.

                Hextupal, an Emissary to your noble people will shortly be taking ship to your far off lands in the hope of establishing an embassy. Be assured that his mission is entirely innocent and when complete he will depart immediatly. I will advise you the Turn before landing so as to avoid any confusion.

                Noble Ally, Sophix, be assured that the Australian commitment to love and peace is genuine. Our small border skirmish with the Primitives was purely a matter of self defence and that Australia is happy to live within her own borders and seeks not to expand at the expence of any other nation. You must forgive us but even with my infinite spring of love I must look to protect my flock from pagan savages who would sweep down from the North.

                It is with joy that I hear of the progress you make, Tom Red, in attempting to civilise the aboriginals and drag them out of the stone age. You need but ask and all assistance we can offer will be given you in your hopeless task.

                Poor pitiful 'Beast', I extend my love even to you and the Devil's seed that are the remains of the Roman people. I Turnly light a candle in my Chapel in hope of your salvation. I fear that it may not come in this life but may your torture teach you humility and virtue and let you meet your end with a smile upon your hideous face. Should you wish I will despatch some of my favourite choristers to sing at your funeral so as to ease your passing.

                Let Love Conquer All!

                Follow the path of peace My Children and let your peoples till their fields and labour in their workshops and not take up arms against their fellow man.

                St Jon the Righteous and Pure.
                [This message has been edited by Jon (edited May 02, 2000).]


                • #68
                  Turn 88 ==> Tom Red

                  St Jon, apology accepted, but there was really no need to apologise, the fault was not yours. However, in the same manner that you have stated that you will not join the crusade despite much lobbying, the Welsh will not stop our crusade as yet, despite your lobbying.

                  The Welsh people are happy with our present arrangement, and until we recieve cast iron proof that we are safe from a return to oppression by the dark forces of TAFKAB, we shall continue in our quest. It has, afterall, raised the Welsh to a position in the world bettered only by yourself.

                  It would appear that TAFKAB has been mightily silent on the diplomatic scene of late. St Jon, how do you propose that I reach a peace settlement when TAFKAB has gone into hiding? I do hope that he has not fled the country and is being sheltered by any of my allies.....


                  • #69
                    Turn =====> Hextupal

                    I'm glad that the (high and) mighty St Jon of Australia says "You need but ask and all assistance we can offer will be given you in your hopeless task". Any scientific collaboration or straight forward pots of cash will certainly help our developing nation develop further, and earn our unending gratitude.

                    Our entry into the league of nations continues with the establishment of a diplomatic outpost with the Welsh. Apologies for not announcing our arrival, but a wandering emissary happened upon one of your cities by chance, whilst on his way to the generous Australians in Darwin. Sorry. He has of course now withdrawn .

                    Chief Tom Red

                    [This message has been edited by Tom Red (edited May 03, 2000).]


                    • #70
                      Turn 88/89 -> Sophix

                      Indeed, as a man of the cloth, St Jon should be willing to give what the Native Americans so humbly ask for. Otherwise, the other leaders of the world may not be able to trust what he says so piously on these public forums. I would hate to think that the esteemed ruler of the Australians was nothing more than a bag of hot wind.

                      I do not think that now, but words must be backed up with deeds to have any merit... If someone makes a promise, he must follow through with those promises. The world is watching now.

                      I welcome Tom Red to set up an embassy with me, but I am a bit confused, as I do not have a city near Darwin.
                      Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                      • #71
                        Turn 89 to Demos.

                        The Living Saint has finally tired of all the death occuring upon Australia's borders. A small detachment from 'Salvation' Army Group East has therefore been ordered to exercise it's humanitarian duty and set up a protective zone around, and in, Augustudunum.

                        It must be emphasised that this is in no way an act of war. There were no casualties and the citizens welcomed their liberators with open arms.

                        St Jon, Purity Personified.


                        • #72
                          Turn 89 ==> Tom Red

                          Noble St Jon,
                          It was with great joy that I heard the news of Augustudinium's liberation from tyranny. But may I just remind the world for the record that the mighty Australian leader stated not so long ago that:

                          "Let it be known, once and for all, that Australia will probably never get envolved in the conflict in the South. This Australian Army has therefore been given orders to Stand Down with immediate effect."
                          (Turn 78)

                          And then:

                          "Despite constant reiterations of Australian Foreign Policy the World appears to be populated by profoundly deaf leaders. Let it be known that it is almost CERTAIN that Australia WILL NEVER go to war against any of her neighbours."
                          (Turn 84)

                          This is not for purposes of childish 'I told you so' gossip, but for scholars who wish to record present events for future generations.

                          The Welsh people are ever grateful of cooperation on this crusade, a crusade that St Jon the Noble (yet slightly fallen from grace ) has sent us on.

                          Despite protestations that this is not an act of war, information that all leaders will recieve states to the contrary. But this matters not, as by present scores:

                          Turn 78 = never enter conflict

                          (+6 turns)
                          Turn 84 = almost never enter conflict

                          (+5 turns)
                          Turn 89 = enters conflict but not 'war'

                          (+4 turns)
                          Turn 93 = joins war, but not permanently

                          (+3 turns)
                          Turn 96 = commits totally to war

                          (+2 turns)
                          Turn 98 = military supremacy in south

                          (+1 turn)
                          Turn 99 = the end of TAFKAB?


                          'Possible future speculations' according to Crown Prince Demosthenes


                          • #73
                            Noble Demosthenes.

                            I would request that you examine rather more carefully the quotes that you have used in your statement.

                            The two most telling ones were both qualified by the words 'probably' and 'almost'. At the time of the issuance of these statements of Australian foreign policy both were accurate in that we were 'probably', ie 'unlikely', not going to join any conflict and that it was 'almost' certain, ie 'unlikely', that we would wage war against anyone.

                            Neither statement was definative and as Noble Hextupal put it, 'Australia was waiting for the window of opportunity'. It should have been obvious to any literate leader that the qualification of my statements was deliberate and not a slip of the keyboard!

                            Not one word of a lie was spoken nor was any Treaty broken. To have ignored the suffering of the people of the Northern 'Latin' Empire during it's utter collapse would have been inhumane and could scarcely have been expected to have gone unnoticed by St Jon the Merciful.

                            Before raising accusations of duplicity or hypocracy I would suggest that you pay greater attention to the exact phraseology used and understand that the words chosen were not accidental.

                            St Jon, Patron Saint of Semantics.
                            [This message has been edited by Jon (edited May 04, 2000).]


                            • #74
                              Turn ======> Hextapul (about 10 hours ago)

                              I see the Australians are sending a diplomat to Native American lands. I thought you'd already established an embassy ?


                              • #75
                                'Accusations of duplicity and hostility'?

                                Noble St Jon, Crown Prince Demosthenes would never stoop so low as to make any such iterations.

                                I only wished that the common courtesy that you so often accuse the Welsh of lacking, was also applied to us. After all, we have been requesting your assistance in this mater from it's very conception, it's conception from YOUR loins I might add.

                                I merely wish to highlight the potential possibilities to TAFKAB, in order that the peace, which you yourself have been so very vocal in calling for, might be achieved.

                                Know now that friends and allies of the Welsh nation have nothing to fear from the Welsh. We hold you dear to our hearts, and only wish that you recieve the benefits that we ourselves are getting from your own personal crusade.

