Turn 23 to Burchill
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burchill PBEM
Turn 23--> Creator
The Emperor has pulled his army back in agreement to the wishes of the Esteemed Andrew of England. Our intention was not to trespass, but merely to escort Assyrian troops who being temporarally leaderless were wandering toward Roman lands.
Now that the mighty Creator has retaken control of his people, the Emperor has again dispatched a treaty of peace to him. In addition, we would request that he demonstate his strength by refraining from attacking the Greeks whilst they remain leaderless. While Rome understands that there are major disputes between Assyria and Greece, we urge restraint for the time being.
Which raises a question. If Rowick is having some problem which has taken him from the game, should we try to find a temporary substitute player? If so, anyone know any candidates?
Hello boys and Girls!!
Well after a lot of cursing and an overhall of my PC I'm back in the land of the living. Sorry about dropping out by my Hard drive gave up on me and the casing on my CPU was a &*$#@ to get off.
Please take me off AI when possible and let me see what that devil has done to my beloved Greeks!!
Also it will be a few days b4 I get access to my mail again so could you please send my turn to rowick@messagez.com until further notice.
Creator great assyrian propert returned into palce from secret mountain monastery. When Hi see actual situation in his formerly mighty empire, he fly into a rage.He order his pretorian to do capture Arti-Inte insane ruler ( hi nominate oneself to king of assyria, and change assyrian gowerment-it is very stiupid decision, but it is not all his offence, Arti-Inte waste many production and 2000g !!!
, devastate army, city and population, in a word hi lead Assyrian empire to ruin...
[This message has been edited by Krzysztof (edited May 05, 2000).]
Turn 24 ------> Jon
Jon if you send next false propert ( cleric unit )or slaver, in my teritory, I will kill him. it is my first and last warning.
Assyrian people are very hapy, because His Eminency Creator [Great Propert] return with glory into Lazure Palace. They are spontaneity funded for him two great holly wonders: Ramayama and Stonehenge
[This message has been edited by Krzysztof (edited May 06, 2000).]