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Semi Acc Part III

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  • #46
    Turn 48 ==> Hex

    Mighty Jon,

    Is it true that once again your cities are under attack by covert minions? Who dares attack you now? I believe that you have a peace treaty with the Romans, and alliances with the Assyrians and us Welsh? Could it be the Native Americans? Maybe the silent Mayans?


    • #47
      Turn 48/49 -> Sophix

      The Mayan people would not stoop to such base actions against a nation that has caused them no harm. To accuse them of such actions is a slur on our national honor.

      Where is the proof of this!

      Demos, you would be wise to come up with such proof before raising these accusations.

      The Mayan people offer their sympathy to the Australian nation, and hope they will catch whoever is behind this treacherous act.

      Hextapul will not not be drawn into accusing anyone before the proof is shown to him.
      Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


      • #48
        Australian Foreign Office Statement.

        The Australian Government wishes to make clear that no direct accusations of culpability in this heinous crime have been made. Satan's Spawn in Rome must remain the most likely to have stooped so low but, though we know 'The Beast' to be a creature without honour, without proof we cannot fairly decide guilt or innocence.

        Be assured that we will discover the identity of the perpetrator of this disgusting act and that their punishment will be severe indeed.

        Australia would make it known that whilst she cannot exclude any from suspicion she makes no allegations against her friends and certainly not the Mayan people who we, as yet, have not met directly.

        Guilt lies somewhere and it shall be uncovered. Australia will not be desecrated!

        Cardinal Misanthropos
        Foreign Minister


        • #49
          Turn 49 ==> Shavlor

          A large continent campaign to the continent of Nova Assyria was launched today. Cities are expected in 5 turns time.
          Answering questions concerning New Assyria the foreign minister of trade said that knowledge (can be seen just south and east of Assyria) of the small continent is centuries old but it was believed to merely dessert and mountains, this has recently been proven wrong. He went on to say that if any other Civilization attempts to found there, it will mean immediate removal of their colonies.
          [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited March 08, 2000).]


          • #50
            Turn 49 --> Jon

            The Romans hear of the distressing news of in Austrialia and sre slighty slighty taken a back that they receive the blame.


            • #51
              Could it be the Native Americans who wage a covert war with the Australians? All other nations have denied responsibility.


              • #52
                It is a possibility is it not? Especially now that the stable head of state, Baston, has been exiled for his bid for power.

                Perhaps the reinstatement of the true Native American head of State would bring an end to this foul play.

                Baston & Sophix, any luck with the gamefile?


                • #53
                  None yet -- i suspect i will have to re-install CTP.

                  Sophanthro -- i will resend the turn that you sent me some time ago to see if you can read it under the new installtion.

                  However i will have to reinstall dutcheese (i am sure this is the culprit) because i am playing in 4 games using this mod.

                  BASTON VOWS RETURN

                  The young chief has been spotted in outlying tribes amassing new support for the final offensive. He has become increasingly pale and aged after the failure of the coup all those years ago. Shamans who have spoken to him have found him to be much less optimistic than he was and now seems concerned at a second failure. The shamans believe his health will deteriorate to a critical level should he fail again.


                  • #54
                    Turn 49 to Demos.

                    Yet another outrage!!!

                    This time the fair City of Canberra was subjected to an undercover attack, though once again our loyal citizens were watchful and security maintained!

                    Sadly the culprit still remains unidentified but this WILL change. Whilst the primitives of the North could have been responsible for the atrocity against Melbourne they must be discounted as suspects for this latest violation of Australia's sovereignty.

                    Beast of Rome, let it be known that I have ordered my Generals to raise the state of readniness of our troops. Our border patrols have been strengthened and should we gain the evidence needed to prove your guilt you will face WAR!!!

                    To ALL other nations. Though 'Satan's Spawn' in Rome is the most likely guilty party, indeed whose very existance is an affront to civilised man, as we cannot be certain no units of any nation will be permitted to enter our lands without prior notice. Any detected will not be expelled but destroyed and any covert unit encountered, even outside our borders, will be shot on sight.

                    These crimes will cease or blood will flow!


                    • #55
                      Ok, what's going on here? Jon can you resend the gamefile please, my computer doesn't like the one I've presently got.

                      The size of the save game file is incorrect.

                      Does this mean anything to you guys? I've tried the previous turn and that works fine, as does the turn before that. Perhaps it got corrupted in transit.

                      Anyhow, please resend the gamefile and I'll give it another shot.


                      • #56
                        Turn resent to Demos.


                        • #57
                          Turn 49 ==> Hex

                          Panic over, it must have got ****ed up during transit.

                          Phew! I was beginning to worry for a second there.


                          • #58
                            Turn 50 -> Sophix

                            We will all pray for justice and that it will fall swiftly on the guilty parties. Whoever dares to mount these attacks has already proven himself baseborn and not worthy to rule mankind, let alone a single nation.
                            Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                            • #59
                              Turn 50 --> Jon


                              • #60
                                Turn 50 to Demos

