Turn 350 -> Sophix
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Turn 351 to Rowick
Chineese don't understand why they are attacked by Russians. We hope that it was an error. We don't want war, but we can't accept this attack, so we bombarded the two units who attacked a Chineese army. It's only reprisals and if Russian government apologize we could accept a peace treaty; if not, we will prepare for a big war !!!!
[This message has been edited by slamp (edited March 09, 2000).]
Turn 351 ==> Kremen
A russian spy was caught near Novobirsk today, he was immediately sued for sediton and found guilty. It is unclear if Indonesia will retaliate to any further extent. Though it is believed that they desire compensation for the attempted espionage attack.
A Russian LAWYER was reported to have been attacked and killed yesterday, presumably by Indonesian forces, between the cities of Novosibirsk and Smolensk. The Russian government protest this uncalled for act, and point out that the lawyer was within Russian territory and was in fact searching for any remaining Chinese spies left from the old Chinese regime. He had taken no action against the city of Novosibirsk and had no intention of doing so.
Turn 351 -> Slamp
The war between Chineese and Russian is finish !
Turn 352 to Rowick
Turn 353 -> Sophix
A Chinese airborne assualt on Berlin was today repeld without the loss of German lives. President Rowick has expressed grave concerns as to the continuing trend of Chinese aggression.
" I wish to call on our Indonesian and Russian neighbours to join us in discussion on how to deal with this latest cavalier government in our midst. Any government that speak of peace while stabbing those around them from behind should be dealt with as harshly as their own measures."
President Rowick will hold a crisis council with officials and foreign diplomats over the coming week.
What ? I didn't attack Germans ! I didn't launch an airbomb assault on Berlin. Are we playing the same game or are German Government use falses informations to have an excuse to launch an attack against pacific chineese ?
[This message has been edited by slamp (edited March 13, 2000).]
Turn 353 ==> Kremen
The Indonesian government met the news of war between the Chinese and Germans with great distress. It is our belief that both powers possess nuclear weapons, and the war if continued will cause great destruction to Germany, China and the Environment.
[This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited March 13, 2000).]
Response to the Chinese Delegates,
"Your deceitful words do not change the fact that there WERE Chinese troops in Germany and that their death is the sole cause of our changed diplomatic status. Perhaps Chinese paratroopers were misdropped??
Either way Germany demands an explanation for their presence."
The Russian government would like to echo the Indonesian distress over the prospect of conflict between two of our nuclear powered neighbours. From the sketchy reports coming in from the scene, it would seem that what appeared to the Germen government as apparent Chinese attack, was not intended as such by the Chinese. The Chinese "troop training manoeuvres" within Germen territory may have been potentially inflammatory, but perhaps this is truly just a case of poor navigation on the part of the Chinese troops? The Russian leadership urges both sides to step back from the brink of a potentially devastating war.
Turn 353 -> Slamp