Turn 321 -> Sophix
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I try to change government in the first turn,
I'm waiting for the change. Russian was already in facism. I saw some facist units :-(
For the three advances, I can't explain it.
May be in few turns I will understand what make this difference.
turn 320 ==> Kremen
Indonesian peacekeeping forces took control of Novobirsk today. The comanding General said he was shocked by the Fascist degradation of thier people; calling it more a libertation than a takeover.
A spy ring was uncovered today, although the spies nationality is unknown, they are not believed to be from Russia.
Sl: Changing government results in anarchy for 1-6 turns. I'm currently in the same boat waiting for a government change. My guess is that Kremen got lucky and hit one turn and then rush bought fashists. If you havn't changed in the next couple of turns let me know and I'll look at it.
As for the techs that's my stuff up.... Russia starts with two extra techs( Computers and genetics) and a computer lab in every city. To fix this I propose the following....
1) Kremen offers these two techs. as a gift to all other nations
2) Kremen sells his six computer labs
3) Kremen offers a gift of 900 gold to each of the other nations. This spreads the gold he gets from selling his computer labs four ways. Kremen has gained approximately 188 points of science due to the comp labs and this has also been split in the form of gold, and makes up part of the total sum offered above. As the added science is minimal it will be negligible in the long run I think that a gold payment should be close for balancing it out.
Please let me know who agrees / disagrees with what I have proposed so that we can fix this next turn.
Well the silly season is nearly upon us and a lot of us are going to be busy over Christmas and New Years.For this reason I am suspending the game between:
Australia: 23/12 - 1/1
US: 24/12 - 2/1
If you receive your turn and wish to play it by all means do so, however it will probably be impracticle to expect every player to get their turn in on time as everyone is sure to be v. busy.
Happy christmas everyone!
turn 321 to Rowick.
I will not be able to play my turn from dec 23 13h GMT+1 to dec 24 13h GMT+1. I will travel by train from Amterdam in Holland to Toulouse in France and I must install CTP in my father's computer.
Hong-Kong morning news:
Chineese took revenge ! We have taken Moscow this night !!!!!
The general of all chineese army (Air force and Sea force included) reported that this battle was easier than the predictions. He said: "It's the use of combined force that gave victory to Chineese."
Slamp, head of chineese, was not very happy when he heard these news. He said at the summit conference in Hong-Kong, that "we must liberate people of Shangai instead of conquer new land". The opposition protested and the conference was stopped.
There isn't yet any government in Chineese country, it's anarchy ! Will army take control of the chineese government ?
[This message has been edited by slamp (edited December 22, 1999).]
Turn 321 ==> Kremen
This was a great day for the Indonesian people as the first votes were held. President Sophix was elected in a landslide vote, his party however did not take control of the house.
The peace process chilled greatly today when the Russians took Novobirsk, the Indonesian army has retaken it, but remains wary of Russian attack. "You can't very well say yes lets have peace, when the Russian army is mobilized against you" The Supreme General Tsunamo is quoted as saying.
President Sophix stated that he very much wants peace, but admitted that the General Tsunamo is right. "We cannot finalize a peace with Russia, unless they prove substantial good will toward our people, including Novobirsk and our people trapped in Russia." Sophix concluded
The Russian People are greatly saddened by Indonesians misrepresentation of the events. The Russian leadership points out to all that the Russians took no offensive action against any Indonesian city, and have shown great restraint in not retaliating to the Indonesian attack. After the brutal, unprovoked Indonesian attack on the RUSSIAN city of Novobirsk, the Russian people demanded that the city be liberated from the aggressors. This despite the untold thousands of civilian casualties that were lost in the Indonesian attack and the subsequent liberation. With blatant disregard to the civilian population or the rightful sovereignty of the city, the brutal Indonesian army has attacked the city once again, killing even more civilians in the process. This greatly upsets the Russian peoples who once again demanded the liberation of the city. However this time, calmer heads in the Russian leadership prevailed. The olive branch of peace has been extended to the Indonesian peoples once again, despite it's brutal rejection last time. The Russian leadership wants a peaceful settlement to the dispute, and has cordially invited the Indonesians to the negotiating table. The question now is "Will they accept?" or is their rhetoric about wanting a peaceful solution just that... rhetoric?
In further World News, the devious sea and airborne attack on Moscow has been repelled and the city liberated from Chinese hands by Russian forces. Again, the Russian peoples seek only peace, and have taken this action to recover what is rightfully theirs. The Russian leadership implores the Chinese to cease their aggression, and sit down at the negotiating table where an amicable settlement may be drawn up.
Oh yeah... and Turn 321 -> Slamp
Turn 322 to Rowick
The Russian leadership implores the Chinese to cease their aggression, and sit down at the negotiating table where an amicable settlement may be drawn up.
Just one question: Did not Russians attack first ?
But we could try to negociate now.
[This message has been edited by slamp (edited December 22, 1999).]
Hong-Kong morning news:
Shangai is free !!!!
We liberate Shangai in the end of night. The battle was very hard and long said Slamp new president of Chineese kingdom.
New general of chineese army, Ying Tsan report that Chineese launched some attacks against Minsk and Smolensk but he didn't want to say if it was a success or not.
[This message has been edited by slamp (edited December 22, 1999).]
An Open Letter from President Sophix
The Russian Fascists state that unless we return Novovbirsk, we have no desire for peace. This is incorrect. Allow me to explain my reasons.
I will start by telling a small story from Fascist Russia, "When they came for the Anarchists, I stood by. When they came for the Jews, I did nothing. When they came for Communists, I did not act. When they came for me, it was to late."
Our government realized this, and when the Fascists marched on China, we knew that we were next. So we took defensive measures and took Novovbirsk. We could not stand by to watch the Fascist power grow, until it was to late. We had to act, and as the composition of Russia has not changed, we must hold Novovbirsk, due to not only to it's strategic location, but to protect our people who have moved there to help the surviving victims of Russia's Fascism.
We do however believe that with Novovbirsk securely in our possesion. The peace talks can begin, as it estabilishes a buffer from possible Russian agression; without Novovbirsk we feel that our country would lie open to Russian attack.
President Sophix
[This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited December 23, 1999).]
I will be away from 12/23/99 13h GMT+1 to 12/24/99 12h GMT+1 (6h Apolyton time). If you think it's too long or if I don't post here in 24H turn me on AI.
Merry Christmas
Turn 322 -> Sophix
It seems I have stuffed up with the computer centres. Basically everyone has them (without having computer tech) except the Germans. In your next turn could you please sell all 6 comp centres and forward 1800gold to Germany. This will result in each player gaining 5400 gold from the sales. Hopefully this will even things up!