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  • #31
    Turn 322 ==> Kremen

    The Indonesian forces pressed further into Russia in what was called the drive for peace.
    "The Russian government was unwilling to accept our terms of peace. It was necessary to drive home, the impact of continued war between us and the Russian. It is unfortunately the only way to achieve lasting peace" Stated General Tsunamo, from his headquarters in Novobirsk.

    President Sophix added "As soon as an amicable peace is reached, we will withdraw from the land we have recently taken. This peace must mean the end of all wars, that the Russians are now engaged in.

    Hey Rowick sorry I did not read your post until after I played my turn, and I'll do this next turn.


    • #32
      I'm back
      Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


      • #33
        Axel Khars, the foreign minister for Germany Speaks:

        The world is gripped in chaos and war - George Orwells profecy in the book 1984 was only a few years from the truth. The Party has amassed forces to deal with the coming threat and is tired of maintaining these forces for no gain. To this end Germany offers it's men and hardware to any nation which feels it is being oppressed. We reconise Indonesias right to the liberation of Novobrisk but otherwise will accept no incursions onto foreign soil by any nation. Komrad Rowick wishes to see all disputes settled within 4 years after which the German juggernaut will be mobilised and ready for war.

        Leaders of the world, we are on the verge of global distruction, I emplore every nation to share the glories of civilization rather than rule the remenants of destruction!!


        • #34
          I will be away from tomorrow 29/12 8h GMT+1 to 02/01/00. Please attach an AI to the Chineese.

          Happy new year,

          Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


          • #35
            There hasn't been a turn taken in this game for a long time, I realize will were on something of Holiday. Just curious when are we starting up again.

            The Indonesian government asked Premier Kremen, and President Slamp to approach the negotiating table to try and organize a unilateral peace. General Tsunamo stated that without a peace his troops would continue to press into Russia with the understanding that all taken lands, would be returned when the war was finished.


            • #36
              The Russian Premier also desires world peace and applauds the Indonesian government for their attempt to brig about such a peace. We welcome the chance to join the negotiating table, but warn that the Russian people would not stand for a peace made that tramples on their rights as a free peoples. The peace must be amicable to all or the conciquences would be dire.

              Turn 322 -> slamp


              • #37
                Turn 323 sent.

                Chineese accepted peace.
                Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                • #38
                  Turn 323 -> Sophix


                  • #39
                    We're back underway boys and girls :-)


                    • #40
                      turn 323 ==> Kremen

                      There were great celebrations, in the cities of Indonesia as world peace was settled.

                      "We now believe that all problems are in the past", President Sophix stated, " And can look forward to a time of global brotherhood and cooperation. "


                      • #41
                        Turn 323 -> slamp


                        • #42

                          Has everyone sold there Computer centers and sent the Germans 1800gp?? I'm sorry to be pushy but it needs to be done ASAP. Could everyone let me know if / when they have done this.

                          PS: Feel free to build them again, it's just that it gives you guys a hell of a big head start. :-)


                          • #43
                            Turn 324 sent to Rowick

                            Oups I forgot to sell it. Next turn I will do it.
                            [This message has been edited by slamp (edited January 04, 2000).]
                            Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                            • #44
                              Turn 324 -> Sophix


                              • #45
                                Turn 324 ==> Kremen

                                An Indonesian Embassy was established today in Germany. The Indonesian government reports that Diplomats our on thier way to all nations, and encourage all other governments who haven't established an embassy in Indonesia to do so.

                                The Russians recieved control of Smolensk as the Indonesian army withdrew to Novobirsk. When asked what Indonesia was going to do with their large army General Tsunamo was unsure, saying that there is more than enough men to guard all of the borders.

                                Rumours abounded today that someone has finished the Genome project, as the Indonesian genetics department, gave up thier pursuit to map the Human Genome.

                                Editorial (none of this is my oppinion)
                                The Military are not the only people who are going to suffer from this "wonderful" peace. As Indonesian press is also going to be hard it. "Back when there was a war everyone had to have a paper, Now there isn't anything to really write about" The chief financial officer of the Indonesian Times reports, he was immediately fired by the editor and chief. Who says you can expect plenty of wonderful stories about cats in trees and the like. So don't cancel your subscriptions,

                                [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited January 05, 2000).]

