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Semi Acc Game part 2

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  • Ok, I have now tried the turn with the following setups.

    1. Patches 1.1 and 1.2, with hack.

    2. As above with Dutcheese.

    3. As above with Quicker Start.

    No joy I'm afraid. I really don't know what to do. I'm really sorry guys, I hate to mess this up when the game was really getting interesting. If only I knew exactly how my directory was set up before the corruption.

    Any ideas guys?


    • Another shot in the dark...

      I looking at the installation of Dutcheese - these are the files that could of possibly been overwritten if you were installing CDs mod. All other files are placed in the Civilization-Call to Power/Scenerios folder and should not be affected by any installation you may have done





      What you may have to do is unzip CDs Mod (make sure you are using the version you used before - there's currently a 4.22 version) into a separate location (so it doesn't overwrite any of your ctp files) and then do a replacement of the files listed above (trial and error). You don't remember which files you replaced before, do you? Of course you mave have replaced several of the files, so finding the right combination might be a real trick.
      Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


      • sorry, double post
        [This message has been edited by hexagonian (edited February 24, 2000).]
        Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


        • I'm not having any luck with CD at the moment. I can play my turn but it crashes when I try to end my turn, pretty much the same as before.

          **** guys, I don't know what to do?!


          • Do I smell the sour scent of death hanging in the air?
            [This message has been edited by Jon (edited February 25, 2000).]


            • No way! This game is not going to die on us.

              If needs be set me to AI and carry on without me. Or I could take over the Native Americans. But this game is too interesting to simply stop.


              • We can't set you to AI. That was the problem when you went away and looks as though it's exactly the same problem now. There was something different about your config of CTP that made it impossible for it to be played out on anyone else's machine. I'm afraid that it looks like curtains to me unless somehow you can completly replicate your original setup.


                • We could start again (groan)

                  However, I think that we've almost run out of rope on this one...

                  And yeah, it was getting really interesting too.

                  Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                  • I think you are right.
                    It's goodnight or try again - PITA!


                    • Wow I looked through my recycling bin, never gets empty so I had back to Turn 14, but it still didn't work.

                      Does anyone have any clue what we should do?


                      • I'm not happy about letting the game die.

                        I've been out and about alot over the past few days, but give me another day or two and I'll see if there is anyway I can get it up and running again.

                        In the meantime, keep thinking.


                        • Turn 45 ==> Hex


                          • He he he! OK, I guess posting "Turn 45 ==> Hex" is a bit cheeky.

                            It works, at last. Albeit in a slightly strange manner. I decided to try the game again with CD's mod as I'd already done so, and then try some tinkering. But first I thought that I'd play the turn and see why it crashed.

                            Whilst loading the game up it minimised to desktop, with around ten alert boxes all stating:

                            Cannot find Controlpanelwindow_Terraswitches_XXX

                            With XXX being anything from Deserts to mountains, etc.

                            After ok-ing all of the boxes I could then maximise the game again, load the trun, play it, and end turn without saving. I did no more tinkering tioday whatsoever. Stupid computer. Why didn't it work like that yesterday? I've done nothing to it in the meantime.

                            Anyway, I've got two CTP directories. One for this game and one for normal play plus my other PBEM games.

                            The setup in this particular directory includes:

                            Patch 1.1
                            Patch 1.2
                            Hack 1.21
                            Celestial Dawn

                            The problem we may find is that the science branches for CD are altered, yes? So I could make gains in some areas due to the changes, and losses in others. What to do is up to you. We can carry on and see what happens, but I'm gonna have to research some of the different branches, as they are necessary.

                            The problem seems to be this.


                            XXX being a number ranging from 2882 to 2891. This means nothing to me, but they correspond to the terrains. However, the game is still playable, and the turn has been passed.

                            Also, shall we start a new thread, as we are well into the fourth page here.


                            • Brilliant!!!

                              If it's playable then I say we go for it. The game has just got to the point of things really starting to happen and it would be a real shame to just abandon it or go for a complete restart.

                              BTW Sophix have you found anyone interested in taking over the custodians of the North Pole? There is a post from someone looking to join a game so maybe they might be interested. It's a pretty poor position so I can understand the drop-outs, I thought my terrain was bad until I exchanged Maps with them, but it would be better to have a human Civ rather than the AI which stands no chance of putting the brakes on those rampant imperialists the Romans!


                              • Turn 45/46 -> Sophix

                                I guess that confirms where I stand on whether we should we can all get back to rattling our sabres at each other in a belligerent and threatening manner.

                                CDs Mod does slow the rate of science advances from Rennaisance onward via cost, so if that is what is happening to you, then it does becomes an issue. Check your library to see if CDs units are in there too. (helicopter and so forth) I doubt it but just to be sure...

                                BTW, I've noticed an abnormality in my gold savings - according to my charts, I am pulling in enough gold each turn to pay wages/science/maintenance/crime and I do have some left for savings. I checked to see if anyone coverted any of my cities (no). I have not Rush bought anything.

                                Yet I am losing 28 gold per turn from my savings account. I've monitered it for the last two turns. The numbers just do not add up.

                                Everyone check to see if this is happening to you too. You will know if when you get your turn, your savings are in the red.

                                Either that, or Shavlor has found a way to convert cities with 21st century stealth means.
                                Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner

