Turn 41 ==> Hex
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Semi Acc Game part 2
Turn 41/42 -> Sophix
Boy, its really quiet now!Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
Turn 42 ==> Hex
Shavlor!! This is absolutely outrageous! I thought that we had a peace treaty, you dishonourable ass on a fly on the ass of an ass!
How dare you convert one of my cities to your heretic religion. This is nothing short of war. I am aware of your knowledge of gunpowder, but do not think that this means you can bully me. I have strong friends and devious means of my own.
Hey I spoke too soon about it being quiet - leave it to Shavlor to stir the pot! I guess this is what to expect in the game I'm starting next week...
Turn 42/43 -> SophixYes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
Turn 43 --> Jon
Opps I just pissed off the wrong guy. I am very sorry. You will be very happy know that one of your pagan cities refused to covert and as a matter a fact killed the cleric attempting it. BTW Domes nice slaver you got near the Australians. The humble ruler Shavlor realises that he can't role over in his bed will out drawing attention to himself.
Turn 43 to Demos.
Clerics and Slavers did I hear? You rascal Shavlor and I thought you had turned over a new leaf.
As for your shameful attempt to spread distrust between Australia and her Welsh brothers you overstep the bounds of believability. The Lord Demosthenes knows full well that the responce of Australia to any act of open or covert aggression would be utterly ruinous to the perpetrators. You must be aware that we two are an age ahead of the Welsh in weopons technology and whilst war between Rome and Australia would be nothing but a bloody stalemate either of us could simply crush any other nation.
Australia will stand by her allies and will, if neccessary, furnish them with troops equipped with state of the art munitions. Seek not to instigate conflict as the results would be only death and destruction without tangible gain.
Turn 43 ==> Hex
Shavlor, your boasting is almost admirable. You must be very confident of your position in the world.
The peaceful Welsh are becoming decidedly agitated at your unfriendly actions, and warrant that you cease them and return your covert units immediately.
Jon, respected neighbour, please ignore the foul propaganda flowing like sewage from Shavlor's mouth. We Welsh are an honourable people, and we keep to our word. If we from a permanent alliance, then that is exactly what it is, permanent. And we will not do anything to jepordise it. Our foriegn minister is on his way with a set of contingency plans, we will keep you informed on the situation.
Shavlor, you God botherer, stop bothering me!
Hextapul (in a calm voice)
Demos, I would suggest that you relax, it is only a couple of gold that you are losing each turn...
Shavlor, you may be driving Jon and Demos into an alliance - I hope you realize that fighting both of them might be more than even you can handle.
Turn 43/44 -> Sophix
[This message has been edited by hexagonian (edited February 19, 2000).]Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
Turn 44 to Demos.
Noble Welsh.
We are concerned on your behalf having studied our exchanged cartographic information. You seem afflicted with a plague of Romans. Have you requested that these unwelcome Latin visitors vacate your lands or do you find Roman troops fortified next to your Cities comforting?