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Master 2000

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    Sorry guys, that fastest time award kinda went to my head - I've been resting on my laurels (well, I am a Roman Emperor after all... :-) )

    Actually, had a top night at playing Unreal CTF and downing Tequila Slammers (Not my choice, but I find alcohol in any form very persuasive!!!) Not the best for FPS games tho' :-(

    If you're ever in London, look me up - this place is a network gamer's paradise!!!

    MOBIUS the sheepish...

    (My Head hurts!)

    Emperor is set as 'Local' so OK there...
    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


    • Hey, Mobius! I'm stationed at RAF Mildenhall. Its about an hour away from London! U live in london, or just visiting?

      U know, now that i think about it... your email is stands to reason u live there.... I really have to start thinking these things through before i post....

      I told u guys i was a bit slow... LOL!

      Maybe it's all these rum and coke's of late...
      [This message has been edited by Kristen (edited January 21, 2000).]


      • ok, one question, to get the Tequila Slammers to work, do you slam it down real hard to make it fizz, or do you add something, then slam it?
        Trying to figure that out....
        or, mabe its something different out there
        and I'm talking about a completely different thing.


        • I think we need a designated referee. Someone who can send a friendly email to people saying something like "it's been 24 hours, hurry the hell up!"


          hey guys HURRY THE HELL UP!

          actually, I'm pretty happy with getting a turn in every other day. unfortuanlty, it's going to take me another 5 turns before my warriors are built. which means (does math) 2 weeks from now.

          I dont have any plans for the next 5 turns, if everyone else is in the same boat, is there some way we can generate the next 5 turns, automatically?

          maybe Kristen can just advance everyone a few turns from his computer and then send it out to everyone. yeah yeah, it'd give him some advantage, since he'd see our stuff, but so what. he sounds like a fair enough guy. hey!

          we could just turn on everyone's AI for 5 turns then, turn off AI for us? would that work?

          Am I the only one who is in this boat with no warriors and nothing to do for the next 2 weeks but patiently wait for the turn, run the turn, then mail it off.

          seems so pointless, to download the file, start CTP, then his the end turn button, and then upload and send the file.

          yeah yeah, I know it's to be expected that the game will start slow, but it's so boring, and maybe that's why the turn is taking so long to movew this time around.


          • Ah sorry again...

            I sent the wrong turn to Sporeboy - but that's been rectified now...

            These things are taking so long to come round that I'm getting careless :-(

            Tequila Slammer (UK version)

            Lick the salt from your wrist.

            Slug back the shot of Tequila and slam it onto the table - eat a slice of lemon...

            OR mix it with champagne(? can't remember now) cover the glass and slam it on the table to mix - then drink...

            Personally, I think the drink tastes foul and I can't understand why anyone would want to drink it (!?) ;-)


            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


            • go to

              best resource for mixed drinks on the web.

              mixed drinks my butt! I like my tequilla stright up.


              • Please dont forgett to say where you send the game when you post here....
                [This message has been edited by Tilemacho (edited January 22, 2000).]
                One Life One Game...


                • Thought we had this fixed. WHO has the game?


                  • I have the game, I'm running it right now.

                    How a georgia boy drinks tequilla:

                    tequilla should be drink alone, by yourself, and you can't drink it from a shot glass, you have to use a coffee mug. You can mix in coke, or mountain dew and drink it that way, but that's usually for girls. try and drink at least 1/2 of a liter bottle, so you can have that tequilla stomach feeling all through the next day. Be sure to get Mezcal Tequilla, with the worm. That way if you get alcahol poisoning you'll have spiffy halucenations. (and your spelling goes to crap)


                    • Turn sent to Almighty Emporoer.

                      We've made our first settlement in this really nifty place. Lots of beaver, and forests, and we've discovered an 18 foot tall specieses of giant sloth. hehe, those things wont last for long.

                      note on giant sloths: giant sloths were native to my hometown 15,000 years ago. The ancient peoples who lived in georgia hunted the giant sloth to extinction. The sloth was huge, about the size of a kodiak bear. But, eat grubs it dug up, and fruit. It didn't last long after humans showed up in the area.

                      I was just thinking about what my people are like, 6000 years in the past. I guess they are in the new stone age. have axes, and some basic ideas of agriculture, that sort of thing. No real classics yet, but we're building mounds. I think we're burying people in those mounds, but archeologists will have a hard time figuring it out.


                      • The still wandering migrants of the American people strive through hardships, looking for a good homeland...

                        TURN 3 TO DOUGLAS OF THE BRAZILLIANS


                        • U know, the propaganda flying around ALMOST makes the wait bearable....


                          • .................................................. ............................
                            Well Emporer I think you what to do and how to do it ...........
                            If you guys want to see what speed means just check the new game I'm playing in: "Apolyton Quickstart 10 settlers"
                            In 2.5 days we are in Turn 3!!! and I have already met 3 other Nations............
                            .....meaby we should play a quickstart to......
                            One Life One Game...


                            • I agree with Tile, but lets give him another few hours.


                              • .........sleep.........1 day...9 hours...6 minutes........................................... ................................................. 1 day...9 hours...7 minutes......................... bored bored bored................. 1 day...9 hours... 8 minutes........................................... ...........................................Set the one who doesn't play to AI PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE............................................ .............................................
                                [This message has been edited by Tilemacho (edited January 25, 2000).]
                                One Life One Game...

