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  • #61
    Ok, I got a message from Douglas....
    Said dont panic....thats it though...


    • #62
      Douglas Could you please resend your turn because I didn't get it???
      One Life One Game...


      • #63
        This game is taking way to long. Tilemacho, please set the english to a computer player, as I am going to bow out.

        personally, I guess im gonna stick to internet games. (And I also bought Birth of the Federation on Saturday)

        Have much fun!



        • #64
          Sounds great to me..........
          One Life One Game...


          • #65
            I love Birth of the Federation. It's like Moo2 with a little bit of personality.

            took me WEEKS to figure out all of the nuances though. it's pretty complicated.


            • #66
              The turn 1 was resent for the 3rd time...

              Don't panic!


              • #67
                What I don't understand, is that when I originally asked everyone to play an email game, max players, gigantic map, EVERYBODY SAID YES. I explained the rules to EVERYONE at least three times! I hinted to everyone that they needed to be by their e-mail as much as possible, and I double-checked all the e-mail addresses BEFORE we started the game to make sure there would be no problems such as the ones we have been having!

                If any of u do not think I am a serious player, think again. But when people cannot get their act together to check their email more than once a day, in this situation, it can end up taking 8 DAYS to get one turn through! AT FIRST, I thought it might be the way I set up the game, since I really gave no thought to time zones. But Obviously you people proved that theory wrong.

                EVERYONE must understand that we must work together as a team to make this work. If you can't get into your email regularly, DONT PLAY. I am simply frustrated that we have restarted the game once, and already contemplating a third time. Not only that, but when we re-started the game, everyone should have been able to figure out that they needed to check their email more often to facilitate the game moving faster. This has to be a team effort to make this work, with everyone trying as hard as they can. Please, I like this game, and I enjoy playing with other players, but we must resolve this issue once and for all. Taking 3 to 4 days to play one turn of this game on email is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE.

                As always,

                Kris, Puppet Master of Kronos, Leader of the English

                P.S. This is for all of u who didn't get my e-mail, for whatever reason!


                • #68
                  Turn 1 -> Steen
                  One Life One Game...


                  • #69
                    So Tilemacho...

                    Did you get that turn from Douglas in the end - or is that direct from Emporer???


                    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                    • #70
                      The turn came from Douglas.
                      Althought I cant say for sure that it wasn't my fault I have a friend who gets over 50 mail every day and he never had problems as mine....
                      I have an idea but I'm not very sure about it: When someone playes his turn he could call the next one. I think that would work better with mobile phone (but I personaly dont have one) and he would just say "Hi Steen its Tilemacho" and then hang up immediatly...its just an idea...
                      One Life One Game...


                      • #71
                        Dont take this the wrong way, but I'm not sure if I want to give my phone number out to a bunch of foreign psychos. Hmm, could get expensive, and I'm not sure how it works over there.

                        But here, you can make a collect phone call and refuse the charges. I used to do that alot when I was broke, call up my wife in DC, then she'd refuse the chareges and call me or at least she'd know I was getting in touch with her, but then again..... the phone thing is nice because it's speedy.

                        I'm on my computer most of the time, since I work at home from my computer. but i dont mind either. I dont think it'd benefite me too much, since I'm on alot and send out turns as soon as I get them.

                        I think it would be good though if we could upload the turn someplace where we could all have acsess to it.

                        hmmm, maybe a webpage like geocities? or Tripod we could upload the turns there and they would never go missing. are the turns password protected? I've forgotten.

                        I'm up for anything.


                        • #72
                          Steen where are you
                          Please play your turn.....
                          One Life One Game...


                          • #73
                            Yes, I know its a little bit strange....
                            One Life One Game...


                            • #74
                              Yes, I know its a little bit strange....
                              What about Steen should I attach him to AI?
                              He should have played long before....
                              One Life One Game...


                              • #75
                                Turn 0 cast to psyco.

