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Dutcheese PBEM Part 3

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  • #61
    The votes are in and posted regaurding the Norwich Conflict.

    Civ PBEM "play-by-play"


    • #62
      Sophanthro, I didn't received turn 28. Could you send it again (

      Thanks in advance,



      • #63
        Turn 28 sent to Ed


        • #64
          Originally posted by Sophanthro on 01-09-2000 07:55 PM
          Ed is the only leader who could impartially stand over INCs preceding, because at this time his country has no direct connection with any other.
          I think it's false. I think that now Germans have contact with Vikings. So I'm not sure Ed would be impartial. But I hope it will.


          • #65
            #1. I have not recieved the game from Klair yet.

            #2. It is true that we have run into a Viking unit, but have had no contact with the Viking leadership yet.

            Klair, please resend the game.

            Civ PBEM "play-by-play"


            • #66
              Turn 28 sent again



              • #67
                okay. got it this time and passed it to Don.
                Civ PBEM "play-by-play"


                • #68
                  Sorry Luk, I don't have time for this (or I would be playing....) You took my words out of context and made them seem what you want them to mean. You know very well that by that time the previous offer I am reffering to was your first offer and not the last one in which you limit the lands into Norwich. In your first offer your border was as England finnaly suggested with the exception of the river banks.

                  After we requested the river banks too, you came with this Norwich colony bull****, this obscene proposal and a military threat. My reaction was to remove England from the talks, and if you haven't apologized right after I was ready to go into military readiness.

                  The British goverment has the file with your first proposal made by you to me. I'm sure they will be glad to share with the international community.

                  Your first offer plus the river banks is in fact what we request, no more. THIS IS NOT ONLY THE NORWICH AREA. I have all emails that we have exchange so don't make misquotes off me counting that I either don't have the material or the time to share them. Lord Sophanthro also has it.

                  Actually, leave out of it, because altough I would love to, I can't put time into it.


                  • #69
                    Official Statement of The Holy See

                    It is quite apparent that the original concerns expressed by the Irish government regarding the setting up the INC were fully justified. The SF clearly did not intend the INC to be a forum the peaceful settlement of international disputes but merely as an extension of SF, or SFU, foreign policy.

                    Germany is the only Nation that can genuinely claim to be independent in it's judgements upon disputes between the SF, or SFU, and England as it has no direct borders with either. Whilst we have established contact with Germany it will take another six years for us to be able to establish formal diplomatic relations due to the distances involved. Having exchanged cartographic information with Germany we know them to be ignorant of their eastern borders and therefore unable to have formed any negative view of the SF, SFU, position of the Norwich Peninsula Issue.

                    It is quite clear that despite the consistant claims of upholding 'honour' the SFU has little intent of honouring the territorial integrity of it's immediate neighbours. Canadian citizens must be feeling somewhat nervous as to the honour of their 'friends' at this time.

                    Ireland enjoys, and again committs itself to, a non-agression and mutual defence treaty with the SF but contrary to Mr Castle's viewpoint does not regard this as giving him the right to determine Irish foreign policy. If the SF, SFU, are set upon an aggressive and expansionist policy that threatens either our or our allies security we will act.

                    Ireland does honour it's Treaty obligations, whether they be formal or agreed through ICQ, and will stand by them. Let this matter be settled through the INC under the Chairmanship of, the only true neutral, Ed of the Germans and peace prevail.

                    Cardinal Nihalisticus


                    • #70
                      The Statement of SC

                      How can we disscus when the past leader of England Lord Trial is a lier. We looked one more time on our first border proposal and it is the same proposal as we have now. Norwich and the zone of Norwich is Engliash and English will not expand. If you say that it is not true you are the LIER.

                      To Jon the antipope of Ireland.
                      We want to have the territorial integrity not anyone. England tries to take the lands which is not their. It is all. We can't agree to the proposition which is the imperialist ambition of nationalistic King Sophantaro.

                      We back our decision of veto and agree to the proposition of Ed to be a General Secretary for 10 turns (as it is in Constitution), but we will strongly recomend to Ed to be neutral. In Dutchesse reporter we can see a lot of text which is subiective not obiective point and which definitly recomends the English position. If Ed will not change this position we will veto aftre 10 truns the proposition of reelection.

                      We will not agree to secret votnig because it could be manipulated. We cant belive GS that he tells true. Every country which has honour shouldnt be unhonourable and should announce the decision - this could eliminate the manipulations.

                      We want GS to be the mediator not the representant of english view.

                      Our civiliations grow in peacefull way and we do not want the war... We want to belive the Ireland Authorities that they will not attack us first. But I think England would never be the friend of our country. We are tolerant not nationalistic and integristic and imperialistic country. Our people love multicultural live - we are one community together with 10 nations and the Great French Nations which has the most talented scientists Ive ever heard.

                      Head of SC and co-head of SFU,
                      "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


                      • #71
                        Out of Character

                        Luk let us agree not to bring up the words of 3rd Trial any further, it clear that he does not have time to respond


                        • #72
                          Lord Sophanthro called an assembly today to discuss the situation concerning Norwich.

                          " Luk Castle continually calls us Nationalistic and Imperialistic. In what way have we shown ourselves to nationalistic, was it by submitted the dispute before INC, was it by trying to draw up an equitable border, which the nations of world have endorsed. In fact, the epitome of nationalism is Luk. He has rejected INC, alluding that General Secretary Ed has lied about the ballots. He calls for an open ballot, feeling that he can bully nations into voting for his Nationalistic proposals.

                          We desire to prove Luk wrong, and ask the Nations to state how they voted. We will take no offense if a nation has voted against the English proposal. We also will respect any nations right to remain silent.

                          We ask Luk Castle to do the same, and agree to hold no grudge against any nation, who doesn't agree with the SFU proposal.

                          Of course none of this would be necessary if Luk had any sense of dignity. The act, he accuses Ed of is so heinous, that we find it hard to believe any one could ever stoop to that level.

                          Every Day Luk proves himself more and more nationalistic, we want Luk to prove us wrong. We want him to prove that he is the equitable and fair ruler he pretends to be. Prove that Slavia is a nation which welcomes diversity, and not a nation where the phrase 'Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer' is all to applicable"


                          • #73
                            Hello from Paris

                            I had hard work with internal affairs, that's why Luk speak for us. But last message from Lord Sophrano is for me a sort of personal attack against Luk.
                            I want to say that Norwich's problems isn't in fact the city itself but that english want to make an other city on this continent. This is the problem. We had accepted Norwich but we couldn't accept new cities close to French or Slav one.

                            May be Luk is nationalistic, but english seems to be "expansionist" and I think it will be more dangereous to be expansionist that to be nationalistic. If english want to create new cities they could build it on others continents.


                            • #74
                              Turn 29 to Frazer


                              • #75
                                Will the SFU agree to the English Map proposal if the English agree to not build any more city's on the peninsula?

                                If this is not suitable than how about we create a zone about two tiles wide along the English/SFU border. We keep this zone occupied with INC peacekeeping troops from nations of the SFU choosing. The English get to approve/disapprove of the SFU choice's. The selected nations will then send a military unit(high defence,low offence)and a diplomat to the area.
                                These units will take up positions along the English/SFU border. This border is not very long so it should be fairly easy to monitor. If any aggression or trespassing is
                                detected by these units then the offending unit(s) will be confronted and destroyed. INC members will send a somewhat larger force of peacekeeping units to the area to support it's existing peacekeeping force if it is necessary.
                                The INC troops will not invade or occupy the offending nation(s)lands. But sanctions or other measures could be imposed against the offending nation(s) for a period of time. With this plan the SFU would agree to the English map proposal and the English get to do whatever they please within the boundries of their map proposal. As technology improves in the future the INC peackeeping units will be upgraded so they can perform their peacekeeping duties adequately.

                                The Canadian people want peace and hopes the World leaders can find a solution to this conflict.
                                [This message has been edited by DON (edited January 12, 2000).]
                                [This message has been edited by DON (edited January 12, 2000).]

