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Dutcheese PBEM Part 3

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  • #46
    Turn 26 sent to Jon
    Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


    • #47
      Turn 27 to Frazer.

      ED has received The Irish vote on the Norwich Peninsula issue.

      Also we endorse SF desire for the election of a General Secretary for the INC. To this end we would propose either Ed of the Germans or Slamp of the Mayans for the job.


      • #48
        To 27 To Soph

        Ed has received notification of the Viking stance regarding the Norwich Border

        Frazer has expressed the desire for a free election for the General Secretary of INC
        and seconds the nomination of president Ed as a candidate


        • #49
          I too, feel that we should have a free election for the General Secretary of INC. My vote is for President Ed.
          [This message has been edited by DON (edited January 08, 2000).]


          • #50
            Turn 27 ==> Klair

            We also vote for President Ed.

            The reason that the INC vote should be animous is because the vote before INC is to decide what is right and fair, not which country each nation should back. England expects her allies to consider the merits of both sides, and vote accordingly.

            In response to Klair, We desire the penisula because of certain trade goods as well as the right to expand in a land that is which is ours.

            We have asked Lord Trial to explain the 'river banks', mentioned in Luk Castle's message. We were never made aware of this correspondence, but were made aware of several others reinforcing our current position.


            • #51
              Papal Bull

              It should be noted that the Holy Irish Empire has not shrunk from openly declaring it's policy with regard to the Norwich Peninsula issue. As the SFU leadership need us to restate this we shall.

              1. We have mutual defence agreements with both England and the SF. These we will honour so that we will act immediatly to aid the victim of any attack upon them even if the source of that attack be the SF, as seems likely.
              2. We have no diplomatic relations with the French or agreements with the SFU as a whole.
              3. We enjoy full Alliance status with the English nation and know and trust their current leadership. Whilst we have, in the past, enjoyed friendly relations with Mr Castle the same cannot be said of the French leadership.
              4. We utterly reject the SFU border proposals as being mere 'land grabbing' and since the foundation of Norwich was in fact prior to that of either Moscow or Paris it's description as a colony is fallacious.
              5. We cannot accept any border agreement between third parties that in any way threatens Irish control over the straits between the Norwich Peninsula and Ireland proper. With the expansionist policies adopted by the SFU the establishment of a possible staging point for incursion into Irish territorial waters is utterly unacceptable and will, in the absence of a peaceful solution, be countered by the creation of an Irish base of operations upon the disputed Peninsula. It is deeply to be hoped that the HIE will not find it necessary to embark upon such a confrontational course of action.

              In a personal plee Pope Jon prayed that Mr Castle would remember that the Irish are the friends of the Slavs and have repatriated all suspected criminals with Slavic passports, along with all evidence against them, to be tried. Whatsoever the diplomatic situation between the HIE and the SF all Slavs resident in Ireland will be treated fairly and acts of intolerance against them will not be tolerated.


              • #52
                Turn 27 sent to Ed

                To Jon, head of Irish: If you have an agreement with Slav you have an agreement with French. SFU is an union.
                If France didn't directly speak to you it's only because we didn't meet each other on the game. Regards,

                Klair co head of SFU
                [This message has been edited by Klair (edited January 08, 2000).]


                • #53
                  I have passed the turn to Don.
                  I'm really sorry, I don't have time to answer to the recent happenings. I will respond in the next day or two. I plan to update my site and I'll try to post a message here. I'm glad to say I have a large turnout in voting. If anyone hasn't voted yet, and needs to, send it ASAP. Also, I'm happy to see the support for me as GS of INC. Thank you.

                  Civ PBEM "play-by-play"


                  • #54
                    Vote, which vote ? Who's candidate ? etc etc...
                    ED, if you need my vote you have it, but I want know why we are voting...
                    Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                    • #55
                      The SFU votes for Jon and use the right of veto for the Ed to INC. We will not agree to him. Obly Jon could be a real indepedient President. If not we will not be treating that Ed is the president of INC but he is the leader of anti-SFU fraction
                      "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


                      • #56
                        Of course we are voting Slamp not Jon....
                        "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


                        • #57
                          Luk, I'm not condidate
                          Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                          • #58
                            Turn 28 to Frazer.

                            NEWS FLASH

                            There were street parties being held in Dublin as news of the successful negotiation of a formal Irish/Viking Alliance. 'A victory for peace' declared Cardinal Mephistopoles, Foreign Affairs Legate.


                            • #59
                              Turn 28 Recieved and Sent to Klair

                              INC suffered an extreme blow today, as Luk Castle exercised his 'right' to veto. " The reason that Luk opposes Ed as GS of INC is simple. Ed is the only leader who could impartially stand over INCs preceding, because at this time his country has no direct connection with any other." Stated John Whitman, England's Secretary of State. Sir Francis Drake Secretary of Trade, went on to state, " The SFU states that they will treat Ed, as head of the anti SFU faction. We would like to remind Luk Castle, that every nation besides the Slav/French Union, has voted for President Ed. What they have effectively declared is that the entire world is against them." Which in this writers opinion is a strong sign of Paranoid Psychosis.


                              • #60
                                Turn 27 sent to Jon
                                Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM

