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PBEM Challenges - Part III

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  • #46
    Yes, the rabbit entrails show lots of small skirmishes in the near future, but nothing to compare with the bloody war to come in the far future Yet the entrails do not show who the ultimate victor is

    I always wondered how your cities got so big so fast! That's the advantage of starting near AI opponents, as they give you such a leg up, what with standing on your slaves heads and all

    Actually, BirdBreath, had you called it quits i would probably have tried to encourage you to continue, as i saw my oppressive starting location as a real challenge, and i want to conquer it. Mobius won Swissy2 from total desert, and inherited the losing civ from another player who had given it up for dead. If a Pom can do it, so can an Aussie!!

    If i win, it will be a truly monumental victory for the former world number 1

    Bring it on, BirdCrap!!! Having annihilated you in Lung's Fast pbem, i know i have the psychological edge I have quite a few tricks up my sleeve, many of which you have not seen from me

    BC6 Turn 145 to ********ger


    • #47
      Damned censorship!

      Make that BC6 Turn 145 to ShaagShaagger

      Oh, Birdy, i now have tech on wed & fri nights, so i will not usually play turns on those nights. A pity, but your death will just be a little slower


      • #48
        Originally posted by Lung
        Bring it on, BirdCrap!!! Having annihilated you in Lung's Fast pbem, i know i have the psychological edge I have quite a few tricks up my sleeve, many of which you have not seen from me
        BC6 Turn 145 to ********ger
        You need tricks to win.

        Talking about the Lung Fast: This time you do not have any mad-navy-Pom to overrun and double the power of your nation .

        And I still do not understand St.Jon - believing so much in his navy, putting so much productions in battleships - instead of making hoardes of pikes/cannons along the border to hold you and your facists back until I could give him massproduction .

        It was of no use, that he ruled the sea when you ruled his land .
        First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



        • #49
          Turn 7 to Mieciofok. I think I like my land in this one.
          Turn 43 to Mathemagician. The mastermind keeps his PW just a few ticks above mine at all times. But I'm growing fast enough to give him some trouble. I hope to eat a few AI slaves soon.
          Turn 76 to Ricketyclik, Wonders Races are on, He's winning those, but I have a slight edge in the PW department. An AI showed me where he is
          If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.


          • #50
            Originally posted by TheBirdMan

            It was of no use, that he ruled the sea when you ruled his land .


            • #51
              u'r lucky checkMate
              i can't say that about mine


              • #52
                Originally posted by checkMate
                An AI showed me where he is
                Damned Greeks!


                • #53
                  Originally posted by TheBirdMan
                  It was of no use, that he ruled the sea when you ruled his land .
                  It's horses for courses, dude! A massive navy is only of use when it alone can stop an army i.e. when your enemy is on another island or continent. It will certainly be interesting to see what mix of navy and army works best on our interesting world. I calculated that an sufficient force could be impervious to his navy once i got past the land bridge and could spread throughout his lands. Once i got into the fleshy bits, it was so very tasty indeed!

                  You may have the edge in power, but from what i have seen so far, no one is invulnerable

                  BC6 Turn 147 to SwallowSperm


                  • #54
                    Easy now - but it takes some time to drag cannons through a forrest. And the navy - to get all the drunken sailors aboard the ships at the same time is also a hard job.......

                    I promise I'll come down for a visit soon - OK?
                    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                    • #55
                      We'll be waiting, VultureBreath It's either the pubs, or the cemetery for your sailors, though

                      So, who's going to be game enough to settle the mountain/plains river in no man's land? Could be on a hiding to nothing, or gain a crucial tactical advantage This must be every general's dilemma

                      BC6 Turn 148 to GrouseGonads


                      • #56
                        Bye bye, trireme! The HMAS Tumbi Umbi's daring raid into Roman territory finally came to an end, going down with all hands. Once the pride of the fleet, the HMAS Tumbi Umbi was well past it's prime, relying on it's low profile to sneak behind enemy lines and wreak havoc.

                        History will record this as the last defiant stand of a once great ship, destroyed by a Roman behemoth devoid of character and honour At least, that's how Australian text books will record it

                        BC6 Turn 152 to VultureVomit


                        • #57

                          American that is - couldn't yuor captain find his glasses so he could see the warflag, my SOTL had flying from the masttop?

                          Pax Americana will come to this world - with or without the consensus of our dear neighbours Our canadian AIneighbour support us - but on the other hand - we have not bombed them yet
                          First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                          • #58
                            Same empire, different time

                            No wonder the HMAS Tumbi Umbi went down with all hands! Damned captain was drunk AGAIN! Emperor Lung demands that his subjects give him a drink for each and every one they consume! If we wasn't dead, i'd deny him alcohol for life!

                            Even if you conquer us, what makes you think you can keep us sober?

                            BC6 Turn 152 to PiperPecker


                            • #59
                              Turn back in all my challengegames.

                              With Lung: 4 SOTL are now ready on the southern coastline of Rome to take soldiers, cannons and cavs onboard and 7 more has raised sails comming in from northwest and through the system of lakes and canalcities from the northeastcoast, now the war with the polynesian has ended. What makes me uncertain is the fact that he has at least one facist - I hope that this is the only one he has and that it was digged out of a ruin somewhere - else I am in deep trouble now.

                              With Rickety: Dualgame turn 115 - with normal brutal force (knights mostly) his defence is broken in both games.

                              In game 1, two cities are conquered. In addition to simple attack, some warriors, knights and a longship have "lowered" his income slowly but steadily - piracy on land and blocking tradegoods on sea - now 3 of his biggest cities made a rebellion calling themself babarians. And as far as I could see, Rickety will face a slaveuprise too. Anyway - musketeers and canons are on the road - comming down now. Death to the babarians (first ).

                              In game 2 Rickety is without capitol and have only a few cities left - less than 10 I expect.

                              With Hatchy: The american AI is a slaver and it does not like me at all - I have no choice but fighting them off now. Else the game is even.

                              With Mieciofok: Even so far.
                              First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                              • #60
                                Ricketyclik is Wondering and Wondering. But I did manage to shuck and jive my way to get the labyrinth. I have a good lead in PW, but .....

                                I have met both Nimrod and Mieciofok on the field, but hostilities have been avoided, so far....

                                Mathemagician is love sick. Game on hold.

                                Hum... I guess that's it. My game with Flame belongs to the Super League.
                                If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.

