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PBEM Challenges - Part III

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  • #31
    That's right: You haven't been replaced in any of your SL games...


    • #32
      Yes Frosi, in OCC your sit is still waiting for you.

      If you don't want it, quinns wants to take it.


      • #33
        BC6 Turn 137 to HummingbirdHaemmorhoids

        Australian scouts continue to find yet more lands on this truly gi-normous planet! No more has been seen of the roaming Roman pikemen, though If they stumble on Australian deserts, they will surely die of thirst


        • #34
          Never - we know beer are to found anywhere in Australia.

          And we will find it for sure
          First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



          • #35


            • #36
              Sure, BirdBreath, but if you find beer and keep walking, you will still die of dehydration If all else fails, your pikemen will simply get drunk with the locals and forget who the enemy is

              BC6 Turn 137 (whatever) to PartridgePrivates 12 hours ago

              Well, whaddya know. Lung has lost his third, yes, third city to superhuman barbarians who defy their puny attack strengths to blow down all buildings with a single breath. Man, their breath must STINK!!!

              In a disturbing coincidence, as soon as i finished the turn and found out that Tamworth was annihilated, i saw the real Tamworth suffering enormous flooding!! Is that spooky or what?

              Anyway, sorry about the slaver, but i couldn't keep track of him, so he had to go, even though he didn't *actually* try and enslave my people

              This is such a fun game I don't know whether to go on the offensive and expose myself ( ) to risk of attack, or stay on the defensive and wait until something more lethal comes along

              I'm sure BirdFace is wondering about the very same thing


              • #37
                While waiting for turn 140.......

                Originally posted by Lung

                Anyway, sorry about the slaver, but i couldn't keep track of him, so he had to go, even though he didn't *actually* try and enslave my people

                This is such a fun game I don't know whether to go on the offensive and expose myself ( ) to risk of attack, or stay on the defensive and wait until something more lethal comes along

                I'm sure BirdFace is wondering about the very same thing
                Hey - don't harm my most polite diplomat. He was not a such bad man.....

                As for a visit from me.... See I can't turn my back to the polynesians, so you just have to wait until it's your turn. Though a few cavs, pikes and cannons ARE ready to be shipped over.
                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                • #38

                  He was a goddamned slaver! What sort of diplomacy does he use? Bush diplomacy?

                  The bloody Polynesians are so far away i can't even ally with them! C'mon, the real reason you haven't invaded is that you can't keep supply lines open over such distances Of course, this is the same thing that is stopping me from attacking you

                  If a diplomat comes over and respects our borders, i promise not to feed him to the Death Adders

                  So, how is your war against the Polynesians going? It's been going a while with no signs of progress. I guess i don't get to know directly, do i? Anyway, the Australian people condole with the Roman and Polynesian peoples and their ongoing suffering from the war. We hope that it shall end soon. With a Polynesian victory

                  BC6 Turn 140 to OwlHooters


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Lung

                    He was a goddamned slaver! What sort of diplomacy does he use? Bush diplomacy?
                    Still, he was the most kindly diplomat I had available.

                    You will not be in doubt if you see the nasty ones. They are all dressed in the long black leathercoats.
                    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                    • #40

                      BirdBreath, you better keep those perverts in trenchcoats away from our schools, or else!!!

                      I've heard about your "spies" bribing city officials with wads of cash and little kiddies with fists full of boiled lollies


                      • #41
                        BC6 Turn 141 to CormorantCrap

                        Well, hello there! So this is BirdBreath Central? It's a pleasure to meet y'all!

                        Just as soon as my diplomat makes contact with the Bird underground, he shall be on his way, skirt and all!


                        • #42
                          Well, much has happened in Lung v BirdBreath since last time. Our units have had far more 'interaction' than usual, what with my Mounted Archer doing the same to Bird's settler as he did to my diplo and all. I was shocked to see that BirdFace has a significant presence so close to me Still, your pathetic Cavalry dude awaits the same fate as your two slayed slavers BTW, jusy how many slavers do you have out there?

                          You have been very busy harrassing me for a nation at war with another. Are you sure that you're fighting them and not just playing footsies?

                          This is such and interesting game. It speaks volumes that we came from 3rd and 4th to overtake both AI civs. I'm pleased to keep the gap between us from growing, yet it irks me that i have been unable to close it. Then again, if what i've seen so far is anything to go by, you should have been way out in front from the start, and i should be stone motherless last. You may pay the ultimate price for not stopping me before i got developed

                          The question is whether we end up having a medieval war or a modern war? The distances involved are not condusive to a medieval war, but that's never stopped either of us in the past

                          BC6 Turn 145 to RavenRectum


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Lung
                            BC6 Turn 145 to RavenRectum
                            Still waiting..... Why are your turns so many hours in the air before they land in my inbox - are they examined by Echelon in both Australia, US and Denmark first

                            BTW, jusy how many slavers do you have out there?
                            They are not slavers - just diplomats interessed in doing some fair deals with you.

                            You have been very busy harrassing me for a nation at war with another. Are you sure that you're fighting them and not just playing footsies?
                            It is not a hot war anymore as I do not need many cities in the north when you are in the south - I'm just keeping enough troops in the area to keep them busy and happy .

                            Then again, if what i've seen so far is anything to go by, you should have been way out in front from the start, and i should be stone motherless last
                            Agree with the last - that is actually where I would like to see you - as for the first....

                            You might remember I released a babarian in the start of the game, who conquered my capitol next move. That was a major setback so early in the game.

                            I was actually prepared to give the victory to you when I read, that you was stuck somewhere on an island - my mind changed then.... hoping you told the truth/crossing fingers/offers made to my godless gods etc. etc .

                            You may pay the ultimate price for not stopping me before i got developed

                            The question is whether we end up having a medieval war or a modern war?
                            Modern pls. I'm sure Gallileo will help me getting first to the modern arts of warfare. And the AI polynesian are providing me with many slaves - heck, I have not before seen so many slaves in one of my cities as I have here . Meanwhile, I'm building up some fine productioncities

                            I'll be right next to you in due time - take a nap until you see the marines
                            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                            • #44
                              Go Birdman!!

                              Go Lung!!

                              If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.


                              • #45
                                Such violence... Can't we all just get along?

