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OCC Part 1

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  • #16
    Also, Turn 1 sent to Hatschy


    • #17
      Having just settled, the diligent Assyrian people decided to build a unit for exploring the territories on the other side of the mountains. This was done in the hope of finding more of such valuable land and because there were rumors of other folks settling not so far away. Hatschy, the Assyrian leader, was interested in meeting them. Especially he wanted to thank the leader of the so called "English" for the best wishes the rumors had brought to his ears.

      "Tales of Fortune - The Golden Age, Part I"

      Turn two sent to Nimrod.


      • #18
        Mr. Patel hears of tales from the Assyrian empire from wondering nomads. Mr. Patel is pleased that diplomatic relationships between the Assyrian and English empires have established a good understanding before we have met in person. Mr. Patel also sends good wishes for the long and arduous road ahead of all empires.

        Foreign Minister


        • #19
          With the discovery of religion, three Viking shamans reached out across the land. After crossing a 15 day march for thier warriors acroos so plains, they came upon a forest land that would take their warriors 5 days to march from one end to the other. In the middle layed a mountain range that formed and "X". The three then split to enter the dreams of three other nations. They conversed with them hoping to open friendly dialog between them. Upon leaving to return to their own dreams, the shamans left a pipe of peace. They send it could be used for either tobacco or poppies, once properly treated With the knowledge of how to treat bestowed on leaders of the world, the shaman left, never to return to the dreams of those men again...
          So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"


          • #20
            Mr. Patel is puzzled by the "Pipe of Peace" but accepts it gracefully. Also, this talk of a forested mountain range has increased Mr. Patel's anxiety to complete arming and training the group of conscripted warriors.


            • #21
              Mr. Patel is so anxious to complete the warrior unit, he has decreed that if it is not completed in the next cycle, he will sentence every 10th citizen to death. Naturally, the warrior unit will be completed in the next cycle


              • #22
                Not long after founding Nineveh, the Assyrian people discovered religion. This event opened up a lot of new perspectives. Hatschy, the wise, realized that the time had come to find new forms of government. So he gathered a handful of learned persons and told them to reflect on that problem.

                "Tales of Fortune - The Golden Age, Part I"

                Turn 3 sent to Nimrod.


                • #23
                  After the discovery of Mining, the next step for Mr. Patel is to search for new forms of government, as well as obtaining enough volunteers for a new mine to be constructed on the outskirts of Patel City.

                  Foreign Minister


                  • #24
                    Warrior scouts have left Trondiem to explor their lands and to meet the nieghbors.
                    So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"


                    • #25
                      "I had a dream... where all men be in war"

                      Were the words of Tenoch the night when Religion was discovered, warrior unit production was rejected by the old men of Tenochtitlan, a granery is the first objective of this city.

                      First politic strike against the brave warrior Tenoch.


                      • #26
                        turn recieved, will play later


                        • #27
                          After finally conscripting enough citizens of Patel City, these fearless men have begun to move up the land bridge descibled to them in there dreams. At the moment the only type of terrain sighted is plains. Although this is easy to move across, they see no sign of the mountainous forest


                          • #28
                            Erm... wheres the turn


                            • #29
                              Well, since I am the player that follows in the line, I should have it. But I haven't received my turn. Please resend it, RedBull.


                              • #30
                                turn resent

