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OCC Part 1

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  • OCC Part 1


    Nimrod: Eirikr of the Vikings -

    berXpert: Pancho Villa of the Mexicans -

    Nukeboy: Mr. Patel of the English:

    Hatschy: Hatschy of the Assyrians -

    Map - Balanced, no ruin premade map.

    Rules: One land city per nation only. Expeptions: conquest, sea and space colonies only. 24 hour rule in effect.
    Last edited by Nimrod; March 20, 2003, 00:38.
    So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"

  • #2
    Th egreat people of the Viking have settled a vertile valley with mountains and plenty of goods. The poeple are so happy here they have all agreed not to create any more cities until they have the ability to settle under the ocean or in space. So begin the long and prosporuse saga of the Vikings.
    So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"


    • #3
      Mr. Patel sends his best wishes to the Viking empire, and hopes when the two empires cross paths, we can establish peaceful diplomatic relationships.

      Sapiens Fortunam Fingit Sibi
      (A wise man carves his own fortune)


      • #4
        Tenoch the great Aztec general had decided to settle in this fertil land after a long walk from Aztlan.

        City of Tenochtitlan built.


        • #5
          Aztec? ber did I mess up and give you the wrong civ? If so Im sorry
          So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"


          • #6
            Nimrod, my CCTP is playing up, so I can't access the game without being kicked to desktop. Any help would be appreciated.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Nimrod
              Aztec? ber did I mess up and give you the wrong civ? If so Im sorry
              No, you gave me the rigth civ... but I want to tell a story here and Aztecs were before Mexicans in this land


              • #8
                Also... Aztecs aren't in CCTP


                • #9
                  Okay, Turn 0 sent to Hatschy after much difficulty. Don't fry me if I don't play the turn as a dodgy CTP could be to blame


                  • #10
                    After settling in the fertile grasslands of England, the first orders were ratified by our great tyrannic leader, Mr. Patel. Mr. Patel's orders were as follows:

                    1. No foreign unit shall pass into the city boundaries of Patel City without consultation with myself.

                    2. I want more curry.

                    3. Slavers are forbidden entry into Patel City.

                    4. We will welcome all non-aggresive civilizations.

                    5. Pirates will not be tolerated. Our fertile land is not for sale!

                    Mr. Patel is a wise leader and is to be trusted. We will work in tandem with our allies, and we will destroy all enemies. Thou shalt be damned, those who wish to cross paths with Mr. Patel the Tyrranic one.

                    Foreign minister and curry administrator


                    • #11
                      After years of restless wandering and privation the Assyrian people, guided by their great leader Hatschy, found a wonderful place. A valley with a network of rivers and flowers growing everywhere that promised ample food. And mountains, rich in jewels, that surrounded the spot. Hatschy told them to build a city in the center of the beautiful valley. And they named it Nineveh.

                      "Tales of Fortune - The Golden Age, Part I"

                      Turn 1 sent to Nimrod


                      • #12
                        After a turn of sitting around, and 2 more expected, the creator of the land has decided that future OCC's will include one (1) warrior for each player at start
                        So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"


                        • #13
                          Nimrod, how big is the map?


                          • #14
                            After a long turn, Tenoch had decided to continue building a warrior to start exploring the new Aztec land.


                            • #15
                              Mr. Patel has decreed that a small band of fearless warriors be brought together so the land surrounding Patel City can be brought under his command. After a recent election, a local deity has been appointed curry administrator. I will remain Foreign Minister until 3000AD.

                              Our best wishes go to Tenoch of the Aztecs, and hope that one day our warrior tribes will meet in peaceful confrontation. Also, we wish Hatschy of the Persians the best, as you derserve it so after many years of nomadic being. And Eirikr of the Viking... we hope you people continue to rejoice under your wise leadership.


                              Foreign minister

