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More Tricks and Exploits

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  • #61
    I have seen a lot of files in games with Paul, just to learn from a great player like he is. He has never cheated when rush buying was not allowed, even in bad position for him. In the way he prepare his land I think he doesn't need to use that trick, because his cities produce very fast.
    I think something more is needed to put his reputation in a bad situation. The best way is showing the files.
    Sorry if I have missed an inportant post about this, but my english is not good enough and I don't have the time I would like these days.


    • #62
      Talk about being goaded.

      Gavrushka, the case I was trying to make wasn't just about honoring the strict rules of a computer game.

      It was about demonstrating that a certain individual was not being honest in his responses to people. It was about demonstrating that someone wasn't being careful with his facts.

      I can show you an ICQ transcript where Paul swore on his grandmothers grave that he never used ramp-up swapping. Even in this forum he changed his story and said he'd used it, but not for the last six months. I can show you a game--from a month ago--with a colosseum/destroyer swap still in his build queue.

      Paul said in this forum that, as for our 4-player team games, we had not beat him in a year. I'll show you a game from a month ago in which we scored a decisive victory--and in fact that game was conceded.

      Paul paut forth a mis-statement in this forum about capitols and courthouses being the same cost. This had the effect, intended or otherwise, of casting doubt on the issue. I can show you an ICQ transcript where Paul bragged about having memorized the build cost of every building and unit right into middle modern age...and then proved it to me!

      On and on....more misrepresentations than you can shake a stick at. You know that old saying. "Little white lies, got one you got two?"

      Sorry friends, but this conversation has made me sick. If you want to think of me as a lier, go ahead, but I think I'm done here.

      Dr. Doom


      • #63
        Well no one said you were a lier at least not me. Continue but understand it is not gameleague. We have a system for these types of problems. War of words is not it. Those game files are your proof yet where are they? You have but to post them yet you have not why?

        Any rate the tourney is on and will be moderated so join in play your best and let skill decide.

        Heh H's CTP site
        Last edited by blackice; June 1, 2002, 15:09.
        “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
        Or do we?


        • #64
          Originally posted by faded glory
          size of a house gav? Get lost man...
          Okay a Log Cabin??
          He's back after a fashion...


          • #65
            Ok here is more, Now we can have all turns saved. you just need this file nameloop Good job Secret_Doom, thanks; his

            This file is usefull to make one backup for all autosaves of all players. U will never loose one important turn, no more.

            Take the files from the zip. Maybe with the winzip.

            Procedure to use the savesbackup system:

            Start a multiplayer game.
            It's more eassy if you don't use timelimit. Like this you will start the backup sistems without strees

            Press Alt- tab
            Be carefull, You have only few seconds. You must to return quick or you will loose the connection to the lobby.

            Look for the new directory (created by the autosave).
            Usually there is only one "AUTOSAVE-name" there. I use to select the spanish. I use to put the name of my leader with some letters to remember this game and my enemy. For exemple: if I play with Mazaika I put Maz4 for the name. Like this the directory is eassy to find: ".......\mp\maz4"

            Put the file nameloop.bat there, in that directory.
            Make the nameloop.bat run (doble clik).
            Give the name "xxxxx" from "AUTOSAVE-Xxxxxx" (without " ).
            It's the name that you are asked for. It use to be the same name of your directory. And it'e name of the leader of your civilization. Be carefull, don't start diferent games with same name becouse the CTP can rename it.

            Select the directory where you want all the files saved.
            Something like "..\maz4" will be usefull to check if it is runing well during the game. But you can select this too: "c:\savedfiles\mazaikaglgame"

            Continue your game
            {Maybe you will need some ATL+Tab to have time to start it. The time will give you experience using it.}
            Attached Files
            “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
            Or do we?


            • #66
              Slow tips: (maybe only usefull for you to know me... go to my home page to know me more)

              1- Teach other players and share your ideas. U will learn a lot while u teach.

              "To teach is to learn" Japanish proverb.

              2- Practice. U need to test more than one time any idea to become good using it.

              ' If you want to learn anything u must to make it part of your self ' Siddhartha Gautama (Budah)

              'The glory is not never fall but is to get up everytime you fall' Kung fu tse (Confuncio )

              3- Don't led ur enemy know your strength or your weakness because information is one of the key of war.

              'war is deceit' Muhammad ibn Abdullah (Mahomet, Prophet of Islam)

              A lot of years before Sun tzu in The art of war:

              "All the art of war is based on the imposture. Then if you are able, pretend incapacity, if you are active pretend inactivity. If you are close pretend to be far, if you are far pretend to be close."

              Ofcouse i am not meaning that u can tell to your enemy that u have X powerfull units or tecnologies to make him to stop the game and surrender. I think thats not fair in one game. That's cheating for me.

              4- Be skeptical about all information and more about your own point of view. Is really hard to be sceptical if something seems important and you aren't making carefull. Remember what happened with kepler and the 8 minutes of arc.

              What?? don't you know it? Go quick to see the cosmos TV serie from Carl Sagan.
              Hmmm. I see, It's not eassy to find it for you...
              Ok, i'll try to explain it to you.

              Kepler had one theory about the universe. He thought that the orbits of planets could be descripted using perfect geometrical forms. If that was probed it would be the great new of the milenium. That probed for him the very existance of God like the perferct builder of the universe.
              But when he had the good dates to make precision calculs he found one litle error. That calculs needed 8 min of the arc mistake. All of us know what meand 90º, one degree is 60 minutes of arc. Then u can imagine that 8 min of arc is really litle mistake.
              And he's answer to that mistake changed the astronomy and make one big jup to science. He thought that he could not ignore that mistake and tryed new descriptions for orbits. He found the elitical orbits of every planet and discovered 3 laws of the universe. He thought there musted to be one force moving the planets and Newton dicovered it later.

              The key for me here is that there is more inportance in True than in our point of view and is sometimes hard to change your mind. Be carefull with that mistake, follow Keples example.

              5- Don't use the Talion law, It's not efficient. If you and your enemy loose 1000 units and nothing changed, then your strategy must be improved.

              'eye by eye and all we will finish blind' Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi) [Saw in one film, but still not confirmed. I dont worri if it came from Gandhi, its still true.]

              6- Don't hold your opinon on few facts. Everybody likes to decide quick with not too much information, it makes to feel like we are clever.

              Some times we make bad opinion abaut one person with not enogh proves.
              “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
              Or do we?


              • #67
                Game Review

                Just a note about what to look for to those who will be reviewing the games (especially for anyone who ends up on the losing side).

                1) Review the net gold earned and compare this with any city that has had production completed. If a particular city was not scheduled to produce a unit/improvement and then produced it, review the gold before and after to see if the sums add up. Now, when you have a 70 city empire, this is easier said than done, but that is the ONLY way to catch a ramp-up or swap.

                2) Review ALL cities to look for jumps in the turns left for production. Sometimes I've noticed that a jump from say 10 turns to 8 turns happens normally due to increasing production in the empire and/or government bonuses. However, for larger items, these types of drops are not common. If one happens, does it add up with the gold figures?

                3) Look for cities that just produced a settler. Has the population dropped accordingly? I have been told that there is a bug regarding settler production and crashing that will allow a size 2 city to produce a settler and still remain size 2.

                4) Look at the total gold gained/spent. Does it add up? I have heard a rumor that there is a bug associated with gold creation but I have no idea if that is true... just something to watch for.

                5) Look for any jumps in science. There may be a possibility that a science advancement may be achieved faster through a crash trick, but I have no idea if this is just a possibility or a reality.

                6) When considering people may try look at a map during gameplay, do units all of a sudden change course and intercept enemy units for no apparent reason? Luck is a factor with that, but if there is a pattern...

                Finally, let's have fair play. I see this tournament as an attempt at finding the best CTP player. If ANYONE knows of any tricks/loopholes (legal or otherwise), be adult enough to come out with them now before this thing starts.



                • #68
                  Re: Game Review

                  Originally posted by yoda
                  Just a note about what to look for to those who will be reviewing the games (especially for anyone who ends up on the losing side).

                  1) Review the net gold earned and compare this with any city that has had production completed. If a particular city was not scheduled to produce a unit/improvement and then produced it, review the gold before and after to see if the sums add up. Now, when you have a 70 city empire, this is easier said than done, but that is the ONLY way to catch a ramp-up or swap.

                  2) Review ALL cities to look for jumps in the turns left for production. Sometimes I've noticed that a jump from say 10 turns to 8 turns happens normally due to increasing production in the empire and/or government bonuses. However, for larger items, these types of drops are not common. If one happens, does it add up with the gold figures?

                  3) Look for cities that just produced a settler. Has the population dropped accordingly? I have been told that there is a bug regarding settler production and crashing that will allow a size 2 city to produce a settler and still remain size 2.

                  4) Look at the total gold gained/spent. Does it add up? I have heard a rumor that there is a bug associated with gold creation but I have no idea if that is true... just something to watch for.

                  5) Look for any jumps in science. There may be a possibility that a science advancement may be achieved faster through a crash trick, but I have no idea if this is just a possibility or a reality.

                  6) When considering people may try look at a map during gameplay, do units all of a sudden change course and intercept enemy units for no apparent reason? Luck is a factor with that, but if there is a pattern...

                  Finally, let's have fair play. I see this tournament as an attempt at finding the best CTP player. If ANYONE knows of any tricks/loopholes (legal or otherwise), be adult enough to come out with them now before this thing starts.

         this is the , IMHO, which counts.. for a say NET-ZERO amount on the WHO GIVES A RATS AR$E scale BUT I just wanted to say that this is how something should be handled, versus the SALEM WITCHHUNT style that has been previously displayed (Of which yours truly has been a part of I am sorry to say..well not sorry to say, I freely admit, but I am sorry I ever accused anyone) Ok, I am agreeing that this is what should happen, come forth, put the cards on the table, let all examine, then a panel can decide what is and is not acceptable!

                  My hats off to you folks, this is gonna be a great tourney, I aint good enuff to be a contender, but still wish for fair gameplay to be had by all.

                  I also agree with a previous poster, Paul should come back for the tourney, he is, again, IMHO, one of the bestest ever! If he doesnt, I think that there may be some "other" reason, than this thread to cause him not to..but hey whom am I?? I am a small crumb thats been kicked off the table and deservedly so, but even Dogs have sun shine on them thar buttcoks once in a while

                  Have fun folks, keep it clean and play fair!

                  Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                  • #69
                    Two more things

                    Don't forget to look for public works that are completed in one turn!!!! The PW trick is very significant.

                    As for playing in the tournament, I plan on playing in it as long as I am invited to play. I don't care who else plays in it because now that I know what to look for in the saved games, I know it will be very difficult for anyone to be dishonest. Of course, there still may be tricks/loopholes/cheats that I don't know about, but hopefully these (if there are any) will show up in the saves.



                    • #70
                      Finally, let's have fair play. I see this tournament as an attempt at finding the best CTP player. If ANYONE knows of any tricks/loopholes (legal or otherwise), be adult enough to come out with them now before this thing starts.


                      Cheers that was what this thread was for

                      As for the rest covered believe me. I really doubt if someone has a trick up thier sleive they will try it here in this tourney. They will be caught besides this is about being the best not an ass*ole who can win not with tallent but a trick....nope the best be the best see how you meassure up.

                      Ok I hope that resolves this thanks for the tips Yoda, Doom and the rest keep them comming. The tourney is on all players welcome let's see what ya got
                      “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                      Or do we?


                      • #71
                        Just a note about what to look for to those who will be reviewing the games (especially for anyone who ends up on the losing side).

                        1) Done
                        2) Done
                        3) Done
                        4) Yes there is and Done
                        5) Yes it does Done
                        6) Done
                        Finally, let's have fair play. I see this tournament as an attempt at finding the best CTP player. If ANYONE knows of any tricks/loopholes (legal or otherwise), be adult enough to come out with them now before this thing starts. Don't forget to look for public works that are completed in one turn!!!! The PW trick is very significant.

                        Amen, that was the idea of this thread.

                        As for playing in the tournament, I plan on playing in it as long as I am invited to play. I don't care who else plays in it because now that I know what to look for in the saved games, I know it will be very difficult for anyone to be dishonest. Of course, there still may be tricks/loopholes/cheats that I don't know about, but hopefully these (if there are any) will show up in the saves.

                        See no reason why not on either part Doom or Paulino for that matter.
                        “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                        Or do we?


                        • #72
                          All right all right.....I'll post a few maps and commentary, because you know what?

                          Aside from making my case on a few issues, it will give the moderators of the upcoming tournament a few tips on what to look for on the ramp-up swapping issue.

                          I've been thinking about your earlier comment Blackice, and I think you might have hit the bullseye. I can tell you what I would do if someone was posting comments and quotes pointing out artful dodging and questionable CTP play on on my part. I would enter this tournament, where there is going to be NO chance of cheating whatsoever, and kick some ass.

                          And since I've left mine hanging way out in the wind....c'mon Paul, by now it's surely a tempting target...

                          Here's your golden opportunity to prove you really are the best, with no heckling possible.

                          Dr. Doom


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Dr. Doom1
                            All right all right.....I'll post a few maps and commentary, because you know what?

                            Aside from making my case on a few issues, it will give the moderators of the upcoming tournament a few tips on what to look for on the ramp-up swapping issue.

                            I've been thinking about your earlier comment Blackice, and I think you might have hit the bullseye. I can tell you what I would do if someone was posting comments and quotes pointing out artful dodging and questionable CTP play on on my part. I would enter this tournament, where there is going to be NO chance of cheating whatsoever, and kick some ass.

                            And since I've left mine hanging way out in the wind....c'mon Paul, by now it's surely a tempting target...

                            Here's your golden opportunity to prove you really are the best, with no heckling possible.

                            Dr. Doom
                            Left your WHAT HANGING OUT THERE DR.DOOM????????????????????????
                            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                            • #74
                              Ok them Paulino1 Yoda Gav time to kick some butt Lets go. I assure you all we will microscope these games so just play fair and hard. How much more fun can it get, oh wait MONEY heh and the all mighty bragging rights.

                              Erica you in?
                              “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                              Or do we?


                              • #75

                                Hi BI and Gav,

                                As far as I can see this thread was necessary only to make players aware that cheating is not tolerated.

                                Other than that it is bull****, absolutely unnecessary. If every game is going to be saved at every turn then any of these cheats will be exposed, ramping and tile cheats will not be possible. So what is the problem? Am I missing something here?

                                Come back paulno1, not everyone is against you.


