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  • Originally posted by Gavrushka
    Yes Keygen what sort of monstrous experiments were conducted to arrive at the conclusion that there is a 97% match between Monkey pooshoot hide and Nordic Hide ..... was it a taste test, a texture test or something entirely more sinister....
    It is an experiment that is conducted every summer in the Greek beaches when those "creatures" with the "funny" skin with no hair at all (actually too blonde to be easily seen) which get too flushy when exposed in the hot Mediterranean sunlight
    Of cource many of them with lot of hours of exposure in such conditions do get a nice and healty dark color after all

    OK, my appologies but I couldn't held it considering Faded's obsession on the hairy thing since it's not the first time I hear it from him. I don't know, perhaps Faded has lot of hair on his arse


    • Originally posted by FlameFlash
      Now here's a nice announcement for those who care... a bothersome one for those who hate hang-ups in PBEM games:

      As of June 1, 2002 my wife gave birth to our son!!!
      I wish you lot of happy hours with your newborn son!!!


      • Originally posted by J Bytheway
        Congrats! I'm sure we can forgive you a bit of delay for that .

        7 pounds is 3.2kg but I don't know how many ounces there are in a pound, so I can't tell you the total weight...
        I think 1kg is 3 pounds...


        • I think 1kg is 2.2 pounds...


          • Originally posted by Troll

            Keygen..PUUUULLLLLLLeassee dont tell me that you SPANK your MONKEY'S BUTT??? I mean..that would make the monkey skin tough!!
            I do that... to my cat's arse!
            Don't have a monkey yet.
            Do you want to be my monkey?

            PS: Joking of cource


            • Originally posted by J Bytheway
              I think 1kg is 2.2 pounds...
              You're right.

              1kg = 2,205 pounds = 35,273 ounces


              • Gavrushka will be unavailable for around two weeks every month soon for an unknown period. That had as a result to drop all of his PBEM game despite the fact that he wanted to stay in.

                It was a decent and wise decision so to avoid any constant and long delays or perhaps confusion in case of a temp sub.

                Since it is pitty to lose a respected member like Garry or anyone else from active PBEM playing I would like to suggest that someone of his preference and with the same play style would teammate with Garry in a couple of games of his in a sort of tribe and play in rotation.

                This way he or anybody in this community instead of dropping all games for unspecified period or for good he/she could keep some activity even minor by playing some, lot or few turns in collaboration with a regular players.


                • I'm sorry to see Gav, go! You will be back and around, right?

                  And many thanks for all the congratulations, guys! I'm back and ready to go!
                  I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                  Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


                  • Well Garry, what do you think?


                    • Gav, are you ever gonna come to Racine and have a beer with me? I can get you laid! I know lots of girls...

                      na but serouisly. Im going to the UK again shortly, if anybody is in the UK-leeds area and wants to meet that sounds great. Im leaving next week.


                      • uneventful trip. Met gavrushka. Such an ugly bloke, no wonder he cant get any

                        I didnt get done what I went there to do. I was stumped and could find no solution to the problem with the plates we sold them

                        so I have to go back next week. Before we lose that acccount

                        no poblems tho. Ill remember to download CTP after I upload it to my workmail


                        • What problem maybe I can help? I have 21 years in the printing industry.
                          “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                          Or do we?


                          • Plates? I doubt you could help. We manufacture plates for industrial and publishing houses. The problem im having, and its alot more complicated than this. Is the stuff we sold them isnt working. I ran varouis tests and couldnt find the problem. I made sure it wasnt somthing stupid like a blown fuse in there dinosaurs, and i checked for complicated problems like manufacturing flaws on our side. I have a problem, our company has a problem, and our leeds SC customers are very angry. Im stumped and I hate coming home emptyhanded like an amatuer. Ive been there before, problems arise occassionaly but sometimes I just cant explain it.

                            we do alot of famous places
                            our plates print cambell soup aluminum labels, national geographic, Quebeccorp, and alot of foriegn odds and ends over sees. We even had an account in the falklands, which fell off last year (too hard to get people out there, i went there once. its a desolate place full of bums and slackers. most exciting thing that ever happens is the occassional coming of a naval vessel)

                            hey what expierence do you have in printing, ice?


                            • As I said 21 years. I am a plate tech, Ink tech, press tech, graphic tech...on and on. Sometimes it is not your product. Weather, people, chemicals etc...I would need more details to help... BTW in printing from paper to steel I have experience in it all...I do not have the time nor inclination to post who I have had for clients and or worked for. I do think I can help if you want it email me.
                              Last edited by blackice; June 26, 2002, 02:26.
                              “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                              Or do we?


                              • how to print on different objects: The Great Discussion.
                                I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                                Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...

