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Swissy2 - Part VI

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  • Swissy2 - Part VI

    This is the new thread for Swissy2 turns and propaganda (mostly propaganda - especially from Mobius )

  • #2
    Glorious Australian troops continue to leave their victory spoils to the vanquished Egyptians, with Bubastis now totally vacated, with the other agreed cities shortly to follow.

    Turn 250 to Demosthenes

    250 turns!! Woo-hoo!!! Congratulations, everyone Er, except for the brothers who couldn't hack it, of course


    • #3
      I guess the correct words for demos and lung would be, "So close to victory, yet so far away". You guys almost had rick

      Love the propaganda guys

      keeps me coming back....

      (sorry for interupting btw )


      • #4
        Originally posted by Saddam
        I guess the correct words for demos and lung would be, "So close to victory, yet so far away". You guys almost had rick know, I'm just a substitute who agreed to help keep the game going by playing a few turns of this pitiful wretch that is Egypt.

        Any blame for the fact that Egypt has been reduced to a desiccated husk should not be attributed to me, but instead lain at the feet of her former leader who departed without so much as a goodbye, but not before having squandered a once mighty nation's resources.

        I guess I just don't want anyone to think I'm responsible for this train wreck that is the former Egyptian Empire. I'm just trying my best to keep the patient breathing on life-support machinery!


        • #5
          Both brothers vacated a seemingly impossible position which were both subsequently turned around. I'll never forget Shavlor's famous last words - "I never had a chance with the start i had!" wail, howl, whine, moan, whinge, grumble.....


          • #6
            Hey, you took most of the best words! If I want to whine, the only words I'm left with are lament, complain, plaint, murmur, mutter, groan, whimper, sob, sigh, scream, frown, scowl, weep, cry, mourn, lament, mourn, deplore, grieve, bewail, bemoan, fret, wear the willow, weep, blubber, pipe, snivel, bibber, pule, yammer, scream, mew, groan, moan,complain, murmur, grumble, growl, clamor, fuss, croak, grunt, maunder; deprecate, lament, and gnash my teeth!


            • #7
              Cursed Thesuari!


              • #8
                Yes, the Thesuari is without a doubt an evil thing. But you aparantly came up with "winge" without its help, and for that I salute you!


                • #9
                  As defined in The Concise Oxford Dictionary .....

                  whinge v.i. whine, grumble peevishly.

                  Used mainly by Australians to describe Poms (English persons) when complaining, which is of course most of the time You know the usual - too hot/too cold, too much flavour, too much soap, etc, and extends to the myriad of excuses used to explain why Aussies flog them at every sport - except the obvious one being that they weren't good enough, such as "the sun was in our eyes!" (meaning that they never see it at home), "Athers had a cold!", "couldn't get a decent cuppa", "the loo paper's too rough!", "Aussie supporters called us names instead of rioting in the streets!", blah, blah, bloody blah!

                  Aussies never tire of bagging the Poms


                  • #10
                    Turn 250 ==> Rick

                    The Fatherland has relented and accepted the peace terms brokered by Comrade Mobius. Fuhrer Demosthenes is said to be in hiding deciding upon how best to lead the nation of Wales in these environmentally unstable times.


                    • #11
                      The fact that Rick is still alive is tantamount to his abilities, Either that or Mobius's. When I left Egypt. It was a quick road to total annihilation.

                      Thanks for sending me the updates Demos, but I don't have CTP anymore, lost it when I moved.
                      Accidently left my signature in this post.


                      • #12
                        Sophix LIVES!!! I thought the mighty Sophix had vanished into the ether! It's good to see that you're still alive, dude

                        Alas, it was largely Mobius' persuasive powers (i.e. stacks of tanks) that saved the Egyptians from certain destruction. Hey, you're not going to begrudge me for kicking you while you were down, are you?

                        So, do you miss CTP? Will we see the Sophix phoenix rise from the ashes when Civ3 pbem comes out??


                        • #13
                          Turn 250--> Comrade MOBIUS

                          With the words of our venerable ancestor from ancient Egypt as inspiration, present-day Egypt has sent proposals for a Peace Treaty to all world leaders, that we might all concentrate on saving the environment (and Egypt's arse, as well!)


                          • #14
                            Rome is greatly encouraged by the acceptance of peace from all nations!

                            Perhaps now we may be able to concentrate on saving the planet from environmental catastrophe! Next cycle the city of Virconium will go some way to repairing the harm done, as will many other cities from that point forward...

                            On turn 260, assuming all goes well, Rome will step down from being a Communist State and will take up less polluting ideals!


                            Comrade MOBIUS
                            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                            • #15
                              Turn 251 ==> Rick

                              The first of Wales new environmental measures have entered active service. We hope that the communist nations follow suit and initiate an anti-pollution scheme of their own.

