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Swissy2 - Part VI

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  • An agreement with Mobius of the Romans is not worth the breath it is uttered from!

    Absurd demands which render us defenceless against an inevitable, subsequent attack from Rome will be denied! Peace between our empires can only be unconditional. This means that the only demand Rome can place on Australia is to vacate Pompeii in order to reinstate the staus quo. Reparations may also be considered for the damage imparted upon Pompeii, but not under threat of annihilation.

    Our agreement was for peace, conditional upon certain demands regarding particular Egyptian cities. These condition were met. Further conditions under threat of destruction violate any such agreement. Thus, the agreement was broken by Rome, NOT Australia.

    If you wish to revert to your original demands, they will be considered. Additional demands will be denied. So there


    • Oh the Irony of Pompeii burning! Just like old Rome! I shall humbly play my turn soon, and will most likely join the ranks of those Mobius has destroyed.

      it never gets OLD.

      I still have A CHANCE! Oh brother Lung where art thou last turn? I COULD OF REPULSEEEEED HIM!

      Brother Rick, Eygpt! Turn against your Tyrant Oppressors and reap the benefits! Rise up against the Roman Overlords who seak nothing but the path of war and destruction.

      Lung, theres still a chance to pollute this world to he11! Switch to Communism! LOL


      • Turn 286--> Mobiusolini

        Originally posted by faded glory

        Brother Rick, Eygpt! Turn against your Tyrant Oppressors and reap the benefits! Rise up against the Roman Overlords who seak nothing but the path of war and destruction.
        When I first took over as the leader of Egypt, we were about to be wiped from the face of the Earth, and only an intervention by Rome prevented that. So it would be extremely ungrateful to even consider acting against our friends in Rome.


        • Rome will not stop until Australia is no more!

          Rome was prepared to spare Australia from any attacks on the proviso of withdrawing from previously conquered Egyptian lands...

          For this magnanimous gesture we have become the victim of an unprovoked nuclear strike!

          Prepare to die for this outrage, Lung of the Australians - there is nowhere to hide!

          Although unprepared for such an attack, Roman forces have moved quickly to cut Australian shipping and have continued the momentum of their utter destruction of Wales by striking into Egyptian territory occupied by Australia. Five cities have been liberated, as well as the recapture of Pompeii!

          Rome thanks Egypt for her generous support and also calls our Egyptian allies to join in the liberation of Greater Egypt to take back what is rightfully hers!

          VENI VIDI VICI!

          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


          • Egyptian forces have been eliminated for standing in the way of reprisals against the evil Romans. Word has been received that our trusted allies, the Welsh, have been conquered. May Mobiusolini be forever haunted by the ghost of Faded Glory!

            Attempts to liberate Australian cities have been foiled. The Roman conquering armies are of numbers the world has never seen! Australian intelligence suspects that the Romans have been using a cloning device to produce limitless numbers of evil drones!!

            The end is imminenet for Don Bradman II and Australia as a great empire Goodbye, cruel world!

            VENI VIDI VERMICELLI!! (I came, I saw, I ate pasta! )


            • Turn 287--> Mobiusolini

              After Australia commences a sneak attack against us, Egyptian forces go on the offensive, avenging the death of our Diplomat by liberating our ancient home-cities of Alexandria and Sophara.


              • Don't get too cocky, O' great Rick! Mobiusolini will soon unliberate your cities once i'm gone


                • Turn 287--> Mobiusolini

                  Not cocky...just opportunistic!


                  • The Egyptians are our allies! We fight by their side in ridding their cities of the evil Australian tyranny!
                    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                    • @#$%!! &%$#!!!!!


                      • THE END IS NIGH!!

                        No, really! Lung is doomed!

                        I've run out of nukes, War Walkers, Tanks, you name it. When we run out of bullets shortly, we will be left to throw rocks at the approaching Roman hordes! I just hope i get a chance to throw rocks at Mobiusolini himself


                        • Turn 289--> Mobiusolini

                          Cooperation with our Roman friends has made the return of Cairo to Egyptian hands possible.

                          Cheering crowds throng the streets as husbands and wives, sisters and brothers are reunited!


                          • As the vice-like grips of the Roman War Machine tightens around the last remaining Australian defenders, poised to throttle the last remaining breath from their broken and weary bodies - we remind General Lung that he had the opportunity to ally with us all those decades ago...

                            Instead, our allies the Egyptians are the ones who reap the rewards, as they were the ones who helped us in our own hour of need!
                            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                            • Turn 290--> Mobiusolini

                              Egyptian forces entered Hawara today only to discover that the Australian occupiers had long since fled!

                              Oh, and their zeal to help you ...ummm... Romanize the Earth, have your scientists perhaps neglected to inform you of the severity of the current worldwide pollution situation?

                              Or should Egypt start building Arks?!


                              • I hope you bastards all drown

