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Online League Discussion

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  • #31
    I don't think we need rules as to settings PIN.. The reason I say this is because I would anticipate all teams play all others twice.. Once at home (their own map wonder, difficulty etc settings) and once away, the opponents settings.. Maybe we should also score higher for an 'away win' ? Where you beat opponent on their setting? Maybe 3 points away win, 2 points home win? I do not want to use a formula for this that is contentious.. straight forward league points.. And maybe 4 teams per division.. That is 6 matches.

    If we have 3 players per team, then that is 12 players.. If there are another 12 (unlikely) then we could have a second division.. If there are two divisions.. the winner of the 2nd division gains promotion, and likewise bottom of the 1st drops to second, simple, straightforward and fair.
    He's back after a fashion...


    • #32
      home and away is a good idea. but i wouldnt score differently. i think it increases the thrill if an home or away match can give you the same benefit towards the end of the season.

      for 3 person teams, we would also need either
      a) 2 host players in the team or
      b) 1 host player who will play regularly.

      as for both host players being annihilated, thus losing the connection, i suggest that the last host player is beaten when his last but one city is taken, that he notifies the other players of that and that he then inactively stays in the game with his last city.

      or we need a scoring rule for both host players being annihilated, as it would end the game in some cases and to rule everyone equal the game would have to be over then in all cases. also, for equalness' sake, host and nonhost player would have to be regarded the same way by any scoring rule.
      for example, as you said, gary, eliminating one player will win the other team the game instantly.

      for specific scoring i would suggest a main score/tie-breaker system with 1 or 2 tie-breakers like it is the case in most leagues and also in the PBEM Super League.
      for example:
      winning team gets 2 match points, losing team 0. for the unlikely case that both teams lose one player during the same turn the points should be given 1 each. for fairness' sake, when one player loses, the current calendar year (turn number) should be finished to see if the other team can equalize it during the same turn.
      candidates for tie-breaker scores:
      the turn number of winning,
      the positions of the players on the PG during that turn,
      Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
      O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


      • #33
        I'm still in. But how many hours every two weeks? 1, 2, 4? I can only commit to 2 hours every two weeks -- and only on Saturday mornings (Los Angeles time). That doesn't seem like much time to play. Sorry for the restrictions... If it is not flexible enough, then I'll have to bow out.


        • #34
          with the 3 person teams it should be fine
          Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
          O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


          • #35
            Yes thats the point.. I think pairings should approach a host after discussing the time they have available.

            I think we will end up with four hosts and 12 players.. The hosts will be


            So each host takes two players who between them can commit to so much time each.

            Additional hosts will mean additional slots for none hosts. BUT the hosts have got to be available for the combined time of the two none hosts in their team. Maybe we will even have a trial run with three hosts, and try a couple of games??
            He's back after a fashion...


            • #36
              what do you see as the purpose of such a trial run ?
              Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
              O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


              • #37
                OH no Nemesis... Here we go with the questions...

                Many of the none hosts have never played on line or rarely. They need some experience and help to make sure there game play and turn speed are acceptable.

                I want to see some matches arranged to see the mechanics of people actually turning up.

                I want to make sure there are no buggy CTP installs, or firewall issues that stop game play.

                I want to see whether new players actually enjoy the on line experience and are willing to commit..

                I await eagerly your next batch of highly relevant questions..
                He's back after a fashion...


                • #38

                  okay, i see what you mean.
                  Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                  O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                  • #39
                    He's back after a fashion...


                    • #40
                      How about this Saturday at 1500 GMT for our first test? I can make it then. Which server? NL?


                      • #41
                        Alas it is my AGM Saturday! .. I do not get back home until very late evening. So I could not make it..
                        He's back after a fashion...


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Gavrushka
                          I think we will end up with four hosts and 12 players.. The hosts will be
                          I cant play with yoda as host but i can play with paul, grandpa troll, attila and grafxfx (I have no email adresses)


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by filix

                            I cant play with yoda as host but i can play with paul, grandpa troll, attila and grafxfx (I have no email adresses)
                            And I really enjoy playing with you Filix

                            I hope we can again have a nice game!

                            I am back from Honduras (long time many hours preparing for it too!)

                            I am actually considering another PBEM game

                            BUT..hopefully a few MP games soon!


                            Grandpa Troll
                            Attached Files
                            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                            • #44
                              Filix, can't you just see it.. You, Yoda and Paul as one team... I think we would all just give you the victory !

                              I do hope that we balance the teams so that one team does not beat every other..

                              Grandpa Troll I think said he would not have time to join, or rather had severe doubts it would ever happen.

                              Grafxfx and Atilla have never posted.. Paul has once. If Paul can host thats a fifth team!

                              *EDIT* Your post came in Troll as I posted..
                              He's back after a fashion...


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Gavrushka
                                Filix, can't you just see it.. You, Yoda and Paul as one team... I think we would all just give you the victory !

                                I do hope that we balance the teams so that one team does not beat every other..

                                Grandpa Troll I think said he would not have time to join, or rather had severe doubts it would ever happen.

                                Grafxfx and Atilla have never posted.. Paul has once. If Paul can host thats a fifth team!

                                *EDIT* Your post came in Troll as I posted..
                                But Gav..for real and no offense meant..but I NEVER PLAY with all these people..not the payers per say but the AMOUNT of players..

                                Games drag and many know tricks and I dont and well..I prefer a 1 vs 1 game or maybe a 3way game..

                                I tried the "league" and it fizzled and sputtered but do and look forward to many more MP fun games

                                I do however wish you the best of fortunes on this endeavor!

                                Grandpa "A-2nd-rate-NO HARM MEANT-nemesis"Troll
                                Attached Files
                                Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

