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Love Conquers? Part VI.

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  • #46
    Turn to Madrid.

    I am shocked to see how deeply Morant the XXXX Supper has been wounded by the combined assault against him and his witless people. As far as my Missionaries travel they find not an Australian City still ruled by Australians.

    Have pity upon them I plead! They are but poor uncouth colonials unversed in the ways of civilised men so be merciful and put them out of their misery.

    Love unto All,

    St Jon, Harmony amidst Discord.
    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
    - Anon


    • #47
      It is with surprise that Spain finds herself at a technological disadvantage with the Incans and Greeks!

      Spain congratulates both kings, Xenophon and Thor!

      Of course with Edison's Lab under the aegis of Spain, we feel confident that we will resume our place at the forefront of technology!


      Tomas de Torquemada
      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


      • #48
        Turn 103 to Stavros.


        • #49

          Turn 103 -->Lord Thor

          St Jon must be congratulated for now having so many size 10 cities. There must be some secret known only to the French whereby the citizenry can have so many children without resorting to fornication.

          Greece sadly hears the news of warfare betwen Inca and Wales, and dreads the thought that the world might be sinking further into the carnage that we already know all too well.



          • #50
            The Incans are at war with the Welsh?
            What trick is this? A sneak attack? Why?
            Awaiting the turn for confirmation.


            • #51
              Turn to Madrid.

              Methinks that my beloved friend and neighbour Xenophon may not have heard of 'immaculate conception'.

              I am deeply disappointed in the Welsh for whilst talking of betrayal it is now clear that the knife is firmly inserted in Lord Thor's back.

              I pray that the other civilised nations of the World will join with France in condemning this unneccessary waste of life. It would be easy to dismiss this as a petty squabble between a bunch of stone age savages and some simple hill farmers but please remember that these pitiful creatures have souls!

              Love unto All.

              St Jon, Tranquility amidst Turmoil.
              “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
              - Anon


              • #52
                What is this about war between Wales and Inca - surely our eyes deceive us!!?
                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                • #53
                  “St Jon, King of France,
                  I don't know why you did come up with that conclusion but I did not attacked King Thor. All I know is that I have unprovoked been attacked by the Incans and lost 4 phalanxes outside Melbourne. I don't know for sure why the Incans attacked me but it seems that they attacked the Australian division nearby too. I don't know what to conclude from this attack. Sydney maybe?

                  I hope that you were just misinformed about the facts but I would ask you to refrain from such announcements in the future unless you have a solid proof of what you are saying.”

                  King of Wales Constantine

                  PS. I had a problem with my email server yesterday so I couldn't send the turn. I will send it today when I'll do home.


                  • #54
                    I felt great sadness when word was brought to me that the Welsh cannons had opened fire on one of our Cavalry Divisions. This attack was unprovoked and unannounced. No warning was given, no indications were made. Indeed the Welsh had proposed to setup a united front against the Australians when they joined the war.

                    If this is not treachery, then I do not know what is. The people of Wales have been placed in great danger by the immature and reckless acts of the Welsh dictator. I feel for the innocent civilians of Wales, but I will not hesitate in asking my allies to join me in an effort to crush the Welsh.

                    For now the Incan armies have been withdrawn from the location to minimize casualties among our soldiers, once the regrouping is finished the offensive will begin.

                    Lord Thor of the Incas
                    King Thor


                    • #55

                      come and get me you bastards.... what are you waiting for !!!???



                      • #56
                        Turn 104 -->Lord Thor

                        Greece hopes to hear news of a more peaceful variety coming from the Inca-Welsh borders soon...


                        • #57
                          Turn to Madrid.

                          War is now spreading like an epidemic!

                          What has caused this terrible thing to happen? Why has King Thor chosen to add to his list of enemies by attacking My Brother of the Cloth?

                          Love to All,

                          St Jon, Peace Personified.
                          “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                          - Anon


                          • #58
                            “Lord Thor is right.
                            I admit that I attacked an Incan division by bombarding it.
                            I thought it was an Australian division that came to support the besieged Melbourne and block the road heading to Sydney. I didn't notice the colour they had. They were standing on the road between Melbourne and Sydney next to my division and couldn't think that they could be Incans!!! I mean what they were doing there?!? I reopened turn 102 and observed better. And they were Incans indeed. Well, I don't regret of what was done. I only regret for not having warned him to remove them from there but as I said, I didn't notice they were Incans. I had informed the Incans that I was heading for Sydney and that was my agreement with the previous leader, Quinns, to let me attack Sydney. Lord Thor never answered to me. I now know. The snake wanted Sydney for himself and he didn’t want me to now about it! He probably had sent this division there to prevent me from heading to Sydney. The Incans had conquered at list 4 Australian cities, they could target some others too but his greed wanted Sydney too. Lord Thor, I don’t want to fight with you, I never meant to but I will siege Sydney by all means, even if you siege it before me! I only wish to fight the Australians to death and Sydney was one of my original targets. I don’t want to fight anyone else and after I fulfil my plans regarding the Australians my people will rest to peace until the end of world (the end of the game ) unless someone provokes me badly."

                            King of Wales Constantine.

                            PS. For the last three days I couldn’t send an email from home. I wish the problem ended today. Sorry for any unanswered email or any delay I have caused.


                            • #59

                              Originally posted by Stavros on 04-19-2001 04:39 PM

                              come and get me you bastards.... what are you waiting for !!!???


                              Soon my friend, soon...


                              • #60
                                The Spanish are greatly concerned with the development of the incident between our neighbours, Inca and Wales and will be monitoring the situation very closely indeed!

                                We ask for both sides to resolve their differences quickly and peacefully, although are dismayed by the accusatory stance taken by the Welsh - hopefully this was merely a misunderstanding.

                                As to the Spanish/Incan 'war', it appears we too were briefly at war will our friends but that this ended as soon as it started - Spain is none the wiser and cannot detect any visible incursions? We hope this was not a freudian 'slip of the finger' and expect a full explantation!


                                Tomas de Torquemada

                                [This message has been edited by MOBIUS (edited April 21, 2001).]
                                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

