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Lung's FAST! pbem - Part VII

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  • #31
    The (formerly) Dutch city of Utrecht has joined the league of Lungs However, failure has besmirched the army which previously had never suffered defeat! The 15th Australian Fascist brigade was wiped out in skirmishes against a regiment of medieval Roman musketeers!! The musketeers were promptly annihilated by Australian tanks before Australian forces conquered Utrecht.

    In other war news, the rogue Indian battleship has finally succumbed to the might of the Australian Navy, while in another sea, yet another flotilla of Indian naval vessels emerged from the shadows to terrorise the Australian city of Nagpur! When will it end?! India have a seemingly endless supply of battleships!!

    Also, the Dutch mountain rebels finally suffered their first taste of Australian military muscle with the commencement of routine bombardment of their encampment. The net is closing...

    Turn 176 to Stavros.


    • #32
      Turn 176 to Jon


      • #33
        Turn 177 to Lung.

        Now I could have used a battleship or two - just to put a little firecracker or two into Mr Bradpan - sorry Brandman, no Bratbrain.... no-no-no well, the australian leader newly conquered dutch city.

        Else nothing new from the roman front.

        Senator Maximus.
        First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



        • #34
          Turn 177 to Jon


          • #35
            No Turn received - Please Resend.
            “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
            - Anon


            • #36
              Yet another glorious day for the mighty Aussies! Two more Indian cities fell with little or no resistance, while the formerly Dutch city of Essenheim also joined the Australian nation. The fortified Dutch mountain division retreated in the face of overwhelming odds, presumably in a desperate attempt to save the remaining Dutch cities from Australian control.

              In other war news, Australian troops from Kurri Kurri finally broke free of it's seige with the elimination of the nearby Indian garrison. With the number of Indian cities dwindling at a great rate, so are the number of places from which St. Jon can hide. He shall be found and executed like the evil dog he is!!

              Also, a stray Roman marine battalion prematurely met it's inevitable end in a pathetic attempt of halting Australian progress. Soon, the trickle will become a flood as Roman cities will be within reach of Australian troops and the world will one day be freed from the scourge of Communism!!


              • #37
                Turn 177 resent to Jon


                • #38
                  I got it returned again with the message "host not found. I tried it one last time from Hotmail and if that also doesn't work you'll have to give me an alternative address to send the turn to.


                  • #39
                    You're not getting out of this that easy, Jon! Just another half dozen cities or so and you can die peacefully


                    • #40
                      Turn 177 to Jon's new address.


                      • #41
                        Turn 178 to Lung.

                        I knew I had a kind of a spy in my midst - but I have not been able to trace him before now.

                        It showed up, that he was a german lawyer. Now he is dead.

                        How long he have been sending reports home, I do not know. But it seems to me, like I now have to take more care of possible threats from inside my land.

                        Edit: Remember Stavros is away for a week. Maestro is subbing.
                        Last edited by TheBirdMan; June 1, 2001, 11:55.
                        First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                        • #42
                          Turn 178 to Jon


                          • #43
                            Turn 179 to Lung.

                            Not much to report this time.
                            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                            • #44
                              Turn 179 to Jon


                              • #45
                                BirdBrain's token alliance commitment to the Dutch were swiftly set aside, making way for the glorious Aussies to march upon Arnhem, which was added to the Australian empire

                                It is time for Don Bradman II to point out the folly of the Dutch joining the Roman alliance

                                The Dutch have impressed the world with their benevolence, integrity, and their peaceful nature. They were not under threat from Australian forces as they were considered peaceful. Now, in their imminent demise, they must see that their leader was manipulated into sacrificing their country for the benefit of Rome and their meglomaniacal leader. The only consolation is that the Dutch people will be treated humanely by their new leaders, and educated about what their misplaced trust has lead them to, and the evils of the Roman leader!!

                                In further news, Australian war correspondents report that Australian troops have completely overwhelmed the Indian garrison of Manali, which is now safely in Australian hands. Also, a daring mission by Indian marines to capture Nagpur has been foiled! The Indians have shown resourcefulness in their hopeless cause, but they are only delaying the inevitable. St. Jon the evil shall soon be dragged out from under whichever rock he is hiding under and promptly executed

