The story of the world "Teamhorses" continues here.
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Teamhorses 3
Turn sent“The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
Or do we?
OK, if Quinns succeeds in playing Zobo's turn today and, in view of his reputation, I am very optimistic about that, we will have done a complete turn this day. Great. Thank you all.
We needed that here after our DVD-Rom player damaged the CTP CD-Rom, promoting it to the garbage can. Darth went spontaneously bezirk. I consulted activision and they responded by mail within the hour (on Sunday, that is). Not bad for a company that we often call craptivision. They promised me a new CD-Rom if I returned the old one together with 10 dollar. Not bad either. However, I was able to find the complete game from a (dutch) Internet shop for about 7 dollar!!! (I do not have it yet so ............ )
This all to warn you guys. After our new disk comes in we will probably play a lot better. But do not worry. We will not deviate from the peacefull path we walked untill now.
Franses (like Ramses).
Turn sent“The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
Or do we?
"[...] Now farming areas and fishing net are sufficient for our cities. We will redirect all our energy for the biggest road building plan that men thought. In this map you can see our future road network.
"You can see that for the moment, we will not build road near the Three Great Cities, because people prefer to travel on the Green Serpent river. But for other cities people would travel incredibly fast. We need for this colossal project a huge participation of our Great Nation."
Lord O'Lonney, The Great Architect put the Staff as he finished is annual report.
Zobo the Messiah, saying no word, continued to look at the map. Then Morgrin, High General of the Irish Army, begin his report :
"If you allow me, O Great Avatar, I will speak about our Great Army."
Then he took the Staff.
"I suggest to pursue the military pressure on Athens but lighter. Greek Leader is still a threat for our Nation, as are Egyptians. And some our Valorous Samurai will be more useful for defending northern coast than battling against flies in Greek Swamp or Jungle.
"We have no border treaties with Greece, and Greeks doesn't respect the Words they give. So we can expect invading project from both Egyptian and Greek Army. We are now building fortification on eastern to prevent invasion. We will send several Phalanx units to prevent Greek aggression. Roads are no necessary on eastern front and can represent a danger! We need resources for our war efforts not for digging in the dust!"
Morgrin stopped few instant, glanced quickly at the red face of O'Lonney and drank some fine wine. Then he continued.
"Tiran Arthur only explored the eastern land. Now as east is inhabited and war for colonization isn't interesting, we need to explore further to the wild west and south too. So we need gold and men for exploring this area. I have already sent Keffian's mercenaries to explore the region. Will certainly discover new fertile area with plentiful of trading goods !"
At this last Morgrin words, Zobo smiled. Bowing respectfully, Morgrin gave the Staff to his Great Lord. Zobo solemnly stood up.
"Dear Great Architect and Dear High General. I heard with great pleasure that you both have great projects for our Land. Now I will Speak for my People. I still keep in mind three targets.
"The first target is to expend our civilization on the face of the world as our Great God Command us.
"The second one is the reinforce our land, military and by great works to make us one of the most advanced civilization.
"And the last one is to punish the aggressive Greek leader and defend the Honor of our Friends the Mongol as we promise it. For the moment, we will just avoid that Greek send armies and colons further to the south. I will meet Lord Quinns to establish how pursue our vendetta. For my words become reality, I will order a great mobilization campaign. Ireland needs young and strong blood to protect Her Border. And Ireland needs young adventurers to explore deeply to the south and west. Be happy Morgrin, I heard your words. And be happy too Wise O'Lonney. Even we will not yet follow your great and ambitious project, we will still start to road-connect major cities between themselves. I prefer peace rather than war and our land needs more than swords and enemy blood to become the Light of the World. I had spoken. The annual meeting is over."
[This message has been edited by ZoboZeWarrior (edited May 09, 2001).]Zobo Ze Warrior
Your brain is your worst enemy!