Breaking in...
You know Jon and David, this brings up a good point related to rated game finishes. Jon, your "Tedium" comment started me thinking. What if (in rated games only) we say that, "if a player's Power Graph is clearly FOUR times larger than the next closest player, then GAME OVER". All players beneath the winner are ELIMINATED according to the Elimination Rule.
This would allow the losers to save face, saying something like, "Well, if it wasn't for that stupid rule, I would have come back and beat you!", while at the same time allowing the game to come to a merciful end. What do you all think?
You know Jon and David, this brings up a good point related to rated game finishes. Jon, your "Tedium" comment started me thinking. What if (in rated games only) we say that, "if a player's Power Graph is clearly FOUR times larger than the next closest player, then GAME OVER". All players beneath the winner are ELIMINATED according to the Elimination Rule.
This would allow the losers to save face, saying something like, "Well, if it wasn't for that stupid rule, I would have come back and beat you!", while at the same time allowing the game to come to a merciful end. What do you all think?