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Swissy1 - Part IV

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  • Swissy1 - Part IV

    Please post your turns here from now on.

    Turn 201 to Matthew.

  • #2
    Do you really wish knowledge of your latest defeats to enter into the public domain?
    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
    - Anon


    • #3
      Turn 202 to Lung.

      The English 'Salvation Army' marches ever onward. Oh what a jewel we espy within our grasp! Having successfully severed the Heretics vile Empire in two we really are obviously down to the mopping up operations with 'Warriors' attempting to halt the passage of an entire Army Group.

      All is well in the North and East with Stratford liberated and the investment of Halfstead already begun surely the Nordic Barbarians are close to breaking point.

      My Generals assure me that, if we can manage better than a Turn a week, it'll be Christmas in Sydney and New Years Day in Trondheim!

      Goodwill to All
      Pope Jon, Holy English Empire.
      “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
      - Anon


      • #4
        Brave Australian warriors show they have balls bigger than St. Jon's evil, black heart!

        Turn 202 to Matthew the Mighty.


        • #5
          Turn 203 to Loathsome Lung the Cruel.

          The ever onward march of the 'Salvation Army' continues apace and the poor, long oppressed, people of Bulganderine can soon look forward to a life free from the terrible heritic teachings of the 'Vile Atheist Communists'. Oh what a day of Thanksgiving shall be held to celebrate the capture of the only worthwhile Australian Metropolis!

          Pope Jon, Holy English Empire.
          “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
          - Anon


          • #6
            The ignorant savages of England can't even spell the name of their intended target! Meanwhile, the brave soldiers of Bulgandramine brace themselves for an expected massive onslaught. Many weary veterans are providing guidance to the brave young men of Bulgandramine who are valiantly trying to save thier great city from the clutches of the evil English

            The evil of St. Jon apparently knows no bounds, as his crazed troops throw their lives away without regard for themselves. They must be truly posessed by the devil himself!


            • #7
              The ease with which the brave men and women of 'The Salvation Army' have swept aside the pitiful Australian Army, if it even merits the name, is astonishing. To think that three Army Groups, plus support, were earmarked for this campaign and but one has been called upon to fight. It is a shame that the appalling infrastructure of the 'Heathen Dogs' has slowed redeployment and made the journey to Brisbane a long and wearisome one.

              We thank the Nordic Barbarians for their kind donation to the English pool of knowledge and the bloodless, for England anyway, cessation of Halstead. At least, hopeless and helpless though they were, the defenders died like men rather than the cringing dogs of the South!

              Pope Jon, HEE.
              “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
              - Anon


              • #8
                Turn 204 to Matthew


                • #9
                  Turn 205 to Lung the Nefarious.

                  The opening salvo on that pit of sin and depravity that is, for now, called Bulgandramine. The War, if it could even be called such, against the Australians is all but finished. Severed in two can they survive?

                  The Barbarians fair little better, though at least they have put up a fight, for another two Cities are mine and the 'surprise' that I was promised has failed to appear. It is sad but they seem now to have taken to the habits of their craven allies and chosen to flee rather than fight making a War little more than a mopping up operation.

                  Pope Jon, HEE.
                  “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                  - Anon


                  • #10
                    Turn 206 to Lung the Loathsome.

                    Another City falls to the forces of righteousness and just who needs to worry about Science when you get a bonus with every little pilgrimage you make.

                    Bulgandramine's days as a bastion of secular atheistic repression are very definitely comming to an abrupt end with the only question being just how many soldiers the Dictator is prepared to sacrifice in it's forlorn defence.

                    Pope Jon, HEE.
                    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                    - Anon


                    • #11
                      Is this the same "St Jon the Holy" that has been lecturing the leaders of "LOVE CONQUERS?" on kindness, love, and humanity??? No. It must be someone impersonating him. Hey you impersonator! The REAL St Jon is going to be MAD AS HELL when he finds out you've blasphemed his name!!

                      [This message has been edited by quinns (edited December 15, 2000).]


                      • #12
                        Hmm, the English are claening up the board. I wrned you what would happen if Jon was not confronted earlier.
                        "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


                        • #13
                          The English have as their spiritual and temporal leader His Holiness Pope Jon I. Whilst His Holiness has read the Book of Jon and uses it as his moral guide he interprets it in a somewhat more 'Crusading' vein than others. The 'Sainted One' has indeed manifested himself to the Pope upon many occassions pleading that he adopt a less 'vigourous' campaigning style but to no avail.

                          Indeed the exiled leader of the 'Primitives' has proven his point. The folly of others to ignore his wise council has indeed proven costly though I fear there is still much blood left to be spilled before 'righteousness' can finally prevail.
                          “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                          - Anon


                          • #14
                            Turn 206 to Mathias

                            Oh, and Swissy - yeah, yeah, i told you so, blah, blah.....okay, so you were right, goddammit!


                            • #15
                              Turn 207 to Lung the Loathesome.

                              At last The Barbarians show that they still have some fight left in them. A worthy foe is always so much more satisfying to crush than a cringing dog as they who currently occupy the South. 'Tis sad that none of the Barbarians will be able to return home to recount the tales of their bravery but c'est la garde!

                              It would seem that there is a question as to just who I will capture Bulgandramine from. The City has been in constant Riot for the last five Turns. Still there are still Heretics to kill there so The Lord's work must continue to be done.

                              Pope Jon, HEE
                              “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                              - Anon

