Turn 123 to Jon
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Lung's Fast! pbem - Part V
Though my eyes are close to close(!)
Turn to Lung....
Edit the day after: Actually I felt to sleep over the 'puter - maybe because of a couple of beers too, among other ½ ltr. Weissbeer.
[This message has been edited by TheBirdMan (edited February 25, 2001).]First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
An Australian diplomat is approaching the gates of Den Haag and wishes to ask the honourable Paul of the Dutch permission to establish an embassy in order to further relations between our peoples
Turn 125 to Stavros in the game that lives up to it's title
Turn to Lung.
Senator Maximus are thinking:
"As always.
The roman nation has to show the way.
Brutal force are not welcome. Therefore the roman empire has choosen a readiness of "StandDown".
but how can I spread this to my neighbours without they think: He is just joking?
Well let them take a look for themselfes.
A new time has begun - peace and prosperity to all."
Senator Maximus.First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
Long live The Don!!!
Or his memory, at least
Australia is in mourning at the passing of it's spiritual leader, Sir Donald BradmanThe great man passed away on sunday after a magnificent innings of 92
In honour of the great man, i have named the great new Australian city "Cootamundra", after the place of his birth. Also, please now refer to the Australian leader as Don Bradman II, who promises to be more honourable, like his namesake. Now that he has passed on, he may be aware of my disrespect in using him as a leader of a sometimes warmongering nation, with apparent arrogance which was entirely foreign to the man himself. The Lung repents his sins!!
In our darkest hour, a pall hangs over the Lung's Fast! pbem Australian empire, as it does in the real AustraliaAny of you who would like to make tribute, please feel free to join me in a wake by having a remote beer with me tonight in his honour. Long live The Don!