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Love Conquers? Part IV.

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  • #91

    Turn 74 --> Quinns

    (couldn't post earlier, due to Apolyton maintanence)

    Greece still maintains hope that the world can step back from war. It's not too late, yet, as much of what has happened has been merely words.


    • #92
      Turn 75 to St Jon --

      It is the understanding of the Inca that Breaker Morant does not care about words. It is time for action. It is time to free the Australian people from the grips of this awful tyrant. Time for vengence for the dead refugees of Pontevedra. For from their graves, they cry out for justice.

      Our war is not with the PEOPLE of Australia. People of Australia -- Rise up! Help rid the earth of this megalomanic!

      Quinns of the Inca


      • #93
        OK... I’ve tried to be patient with you pillow biters, but it’s just not getting through. (insert smilies wherever you start to feel offended

        I’ve proffered my moral justification in forcing the Spanish from Australian land, and have seen no outright objections. This is significant, and will be the theme of today’s political discussion. But first (and this may be taken as an abstract to the following discussion) I have to get something off my chest….

        WAKE UP!!!! LOOK AROUND!!!

        Spain is THE Superpower. So far advanced in science and production, that we’re soon going to be defending our cities with flintlocks, while they come waltzing through with Machine Guns (We discovered the plans in the hastily vacated city of contention). This is not a joke. This combined with Spains aggressive expansionism will spell the death of us.

        Soon there will be no other cultures to defend. No political discusions. No freedom of religion, or tolerance of Hedonism. Oh, don’t get me wrong, Spain will extol the benefits of adjusting to their beliefs in the nicest of possible terms. But behind each cultural proposition will lie the cloaked weapon. Join us or perish….

        The only way to maintain peace is through equality. Spain has upset the balance, and must be brought into line if we wish to maintain our freedom.

        Breaker Morant
        “shoot straight you bastards”


        • #94
          Turn to Madrid.

          My Children please stop your madness! A World of tranquility and peace has been turned upside down by greed and harsh words. Speak words of love to one another and put down your musket and pike.

          In Sorrow,

          St Jon, Hope amidst Despair.
          “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
          - Anon


          • #95
            Out of Turn ---

            Dear Saint Jon the Holy,

            I know that even the Holiest of Holy cannot condone an act such as the Pontevedra Massacre. It is with a very heavy heart that I have ordered our soldiers into battle against the Australian war machine. Peace through diplomacy was attempted for centuries by all of the leaders of this world, including myself. Where has it taken us? To divisions of Australian Musketeers slaughtering innocent civilians. I, myself, cannot allow these horrible actions to continue, and I ask the rest of the leaders to join me in stopping the Australian military from committing more war crimes.


            Quinns of the Inca


            • #96
              Spain fears that with the support of our friends the Inca against the ruthless and oppressive regime of Breaker Morant, that the Hawks of the Grand Inquisition have finally won the day!

              It is truly a dark day when Spain finds herself officially at war with Australia...

              We vow that the Holy City of Las Matas will be turned into a shining bastion onto which the degenerate forces of Australia will break and be scattered to the four winds!

              Ultimately the refugees of Pontevedra will also be revenged and in time Spain will roll back the Australian advances until Breaker Morant himself begs for peace on his bended knees!


              Tomas de Torquemada

              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


              • #97
                Turn 75 ==> Stavros

                Breaker Morant,

                We beseech thee, turn back from this path of war and retribution, for gradually the people of the world are turning their backs upon you and your brethren, and untold misery and suffering will quickly follow.



                • #98
                  Breaker Morant,

                  This is just my border patrol.

                  Quinns of the Inca
                  [This message has been edited by quinns (edited January 27, 2001).]


                  • #99

                    Turn 75 --> Quinns

                    As the world slips deeper into war, Greece is forced to look to her own fortifications, lest we be caught by surprise.



                    • Turn 76 to St Jon --


                      • Inca reports losing the "Manco Capac", a Ship-of-the-Line, to the Australian fleet in the first battle of Inca versus Australia. Much damage was done to the Australian ships before the great ship went down.

                        It is with great embarrassment and sorrow for me to report that a fanatic Incan Samurai battalion went berserk and killed all of the refugees from Port Lincoln. It was said that some Samurai of this unit had distant relatives who were killed in the Pontevedra Massacre. This, however, does not excuse their deplorable act. They all will be singled out and severely punished.

                        Quinns of the Inca


                        • Quinns, you sly bastard . Setting up 2 stacks of 9 just outside the range of a border city, just in case a country commits war crimes.

                          You are indeed the defender of truth and justice.

                          Good to see that at least someone's got the guts to take their destiny into their own hands. Even if the ideology is a little psychopathic.

                          Let the games begin...

                          Breaker Morant


                          • Turn to Madrid.

                            I weep as you send your youth to die on the field of battle my beloved children. There is still time left for you to embrace eachother in love so please think again.

                            The murder of innocents is a heinous crime and both Australian and Inca troops who committed these outrages will face eternal damnation. If handed over to France these sinners, who shame their nations and are an affront to God, will be put to the rack in an attempt to salve their immortal souls. I invite Brother Tomas and his Holy Order to attend and perchance hear a confession from one or two of these monsters before they are found guilty and set to wheel, pyre or horse.

                            St Jon, Mercy amidst Cruelty.
                            “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                            - Anon


                            • Turn 76 ==> Stavros,

                              All nations of the world, barring St Jon's and my own, have now readied themselves for war. St Jon wishes peace due to his religious beliefs, but we in Wales wish it for more practical reasons,

                              We do not wish to be militarily involved in this series of events, lest we find ourselves squashed in the middle of these two powers, we therefore profess our neutrality. We will continue all that we can along the peaceful routes, in an attempt to bring both Australia and Spain, and now the Incans, back to civilised diplomatic exchanges.



                              • Indeed St. Jon, it would appear that the Australian perpetrators appear to be voluntarily giving themselves up as they are currently marching to the nearest Spanish settlement even as you speak...

                                Horses are being varnished, Iron Maidens polished and thumbscrews oiled in preparation for this spontaneous supplication before the mercy of the Grand Inquisition by the murderous Australian units responsible - their souls may yet be saved!


                                Tomas de Torquemada
                                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

