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Love Conquers? Part IV.

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  • #61
    Sorry. It's just that the "bosom" remark made me wonder if St Jon had a secret...


    • #62
      Xenophon, my beloved son, I feel that 'perchance you have taken the word 'bosom' out of context and applied it's basest meaning. I meant it in it's figurative context as meaning the very seat of passions and feelings, the heart: the midst.

      Blessings be upon you,

      St Jon, Sweetness in a Sour World.
      “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
      - Anon


      • #63
        It is with a heavy heart that Spain has to confirm to the rest of the World that the refugees of Pontevedra have been brutally massacred as they struggled to escape the War zone!

        None survived! Not even, it appears, the innocent Greek exchange students caught up in this murderous maelstrom...

        Xenophon, please accept our most humble apologies - you entrusted the flower of your youth into Spanish care, and we could only stand by and watch as these defenceless babes were cut down in their prime. We have failed you!

        The Grand Inquisition has authorised a National Holiday in rememberance - it will be called 'Bloody Tuesday'...

        Spanish forces have now been forced into a headlong retreat in the face of vastly overwhelming forces - Spain freely admits to being taken off guard as it is difficult to legislate for what clearly has been the execution of a coldly calculated plan that must have been in operation for many many years!

        As a peaceful nation, we could not hope to match Australia's invading army in such a short time...

        Be warned, Breaker Morant. When you have to face anyone other than civilians - you will know the taste of cold hard Spanish steel!


        Tomas de Torquemada

        Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


        • #64
          (out of turn)

          In the midst of all the ongoing carnage and sufferring comes one joyful event. The Greek exchange students who had been residing in Pontevedra have miraculously found their way home, frightened and hungry, but unharmed!

          They come with a harrowing story:

          As fighting broke out in Pontevedra, they hid in a supply closet, where after many hours a stray cannonball knocked a hole in one of the walls. Under the cover of darkness, they were able to slip through the hole, and out of the city, unseen by Australian or Spaniard, and managing to avoid the battle, found their way to the coast, where they blundered into a band of Barbarian seamen, who had come ashore to replenish their provisions. Well, it appears that even Barbarians will not harm mere children, and in fact the students were given transport on the Barbarian pirate ship, and dropped off on Greek shores, where they have now told their story! Greece may have to rethink their relations with the Barbarians after this humanitarian deed.

          So we are pleased to be able to relieve Tomas de Torquemada of all worry about this matter.

          But the sadness of the Spanish-Australian war continues, and it is with a heavy heart that we realize that the city of Pontevedra is now gone. Greece condemns the actions of Australia, and asks her to make a quick peace with Spain. Although nothing can bring back the lives lost, we urge substantial monetary compensation to Spain for the purpose of rebuilding. We hope Breaker Morant will recognize his obligation in this matter.



          • #65
            Turn 71 ==> Stavros

            Welsh mediation is offered to all warring nations as we intend to be a neutral and impartial spectator. Any aid we can give to bring a quick end to these hostilities will be given.



            • #66
              Out of Turn ---

              The Incans have sent an investigatory team to the
              site of this alleged "Bloody Tuesday" massacre.


              • #67

                Turn 71 --> Quinns

                Greece continues to hope that a peaceful solution will be found to the hostilities betwen Spain and Australia...


                • #68
                  Turn 72 to St Jon ---


                  • #69
                    Turn 72 to Madrid.

                    Brothers and Sisters,

                    Why have both protagonists in this sorrowful War between our Brother of the Cloth and my Beloved Friend Breaker Morant chosen to intrude upon French territory or mass their military upon our borders?

                    France is,was and will always be neutral and both parties know full well where our borders lie. I beg of you both not to attempt to embroil the pacifist Holy Land in your petty quarrel. Neither party has done anything to encourage to goodwill between us so we beg of you not to force us to choose sides.

                    Love unto you all.

                    St Jon, Peace amidst Turmoil.
                    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                    - Anon


                    • #70
                      Breaker Morant of the Australians,

                      What do you have to say about these alleged "crimes against humanity" charges that have been leveled against you by the Spanish government? The Incan investigation team is still enroute to the reported crime region. We would hope to hear from you, Breaker Morant, a denial of the charges. If nothing is heard, we would, regretfully, have to assume the charges are true.
                      Also, note that any unprovoked attack against France by either Spain or Australia would be deemed an act of war against the Incans as well.

                      Quinns of the Inca


                      • #71
                        Great Xenophon,

                        Truly a miracle that the students survived! Please accept the apologies of our hasty communique...

                        St. Jon, our Brother...

                        Have no concern as our soldiery passes by for distant shores - we apologise for this necessary movement so close to our borders...

                        Breaker Morant,

                        We beseach you to end this War now - Spain is prepared to accept the loss of Pontevedra provided Australian troops withdraw immediately from Spanish land.

                        We crave only peace and do not want the blood of so many young men on our hands...

                        Peace to all!

                        Tomas de Torquemada
                        Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                        • #72
                          Turn 72 ==> Stavros

                          As nobody has taken Wales up on fer offer of mediation it seems that both nations are happy to be in a state of war.

                          St Jon, is this moral?



                          • #73
                            turn -> rick


                            • #74
                              Turn 72 --> Quinns


                              • #75
                                Turn 73 to St Jon ---

                                (And we're in the turn notification mode, only ...)

