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Love Conquers? Part IV.

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  • #46
    No, you'll have to get it from him as I only got home last night...

    It could be that General Lung has been distracted by his generous remuneration package...?

    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


    • #47
      Out of turn ---

      ** Notice ** From now on, please send all emails for quinns (old email to --- Thanks a lot.

      Hurray! Tomas de Torquemada is BACK! No offense Tomas, but General Lung the Imbiber was beginning to irritate me!

      And just a note of clarification. It is now turn 70 to Mobius (not turn 69).
      [This message has been edited by quinns (edited January 15, 2001).]


      • #48
        Turn 70 to Mobius.

        Lung obviously hasn't played it yet so it's quicker direct.

        Brother Tomas,

        Indeed it is wonderous to have you once again amongst us to smite the ungodly and put the heretics to the torch!

        I trust that you are refreshed from your pilgrimage and that you have returned with many Holy Relics.


        St Jon, Purity Personified.
        “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
        - Anon


        • #49
          I'm confused. I thought i sent turn 69 to Demos ages ago, and had received turn 70 and passed it on to Mobius?!?

          Anyway, i'll gladly smite the evil Australians, as smiting is what General Lung does best So, shall i just play it, or slow down this game further as it's threatening Lung's FAST! pbem as the fastest of all pbem games


          • #50
            Turn 70

            After rumour and intrigue through hurried courier messages to my mountain pilgrimage of Andorra and the holy shrine of 'Tax Free Shopping'...

            Finally, I see for my own eyes the true gravity of the situation...

            ENEMY AT THE GATES!

            An 8 strong Australian army led by musketeers at the gates of Pontevedra, and an Australian Phalanx interdicting the road to Las Matas...

            A hurried emergency council was convened and given the Aggressive reputation of Breaker Morant, the following decisions were taken:

            The Invading Phalanx has been captured for trespass on established Spanish land and the citizens of Pontevedra have been ordered to move to safer lands away from the border area...

            Although Spain has been forced into military action against Australia's trespass, we do not consider ourselves at war with Australia and have accordingly offered Breaker Morant a peace treaty...

            Spain is aware that one of her settlers is at the mercy of the Australian War Machine - should this settler be killed, Spain will consider herself at war with Australia!

            This is the first and final warning that Australia will receive on this matter!

            Peace unto all!

            Tomas de Torquemada

            P.S. A great many holy relics were brought back, such as the holy elixirs of Baileys, Bombay Sapphire and Absolut Vodka... Never have I seen such a bounteous feast!

            Truly, our Lord be praised!
            [This message has been edited by MOBIUS (edited January 16, 2001).]
            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


            • #51
              (out of turn)

              It should be noted that Greece will take a dim view of any unprovoked attack upon Spain by Australia.

              Furthermore, Greece presently has an envoy of exchange students visiting the Spanish city of Pontevedra. Should any harm come to them through Australian military adventurism, Athens will hold Sydney personally responsible.

              Xenophon of Greece


              • #52
                Turn 70 ==> Stavros

                The final Welsh Embassy has been officially opened in Tours, however, this news has been somewhat trivialised by the breaking of war between Australia and Spain.



                • #53
                  Out of Turn---

                  Inca has convened a tribunal to investigate the true instigator of this Spanish-Australian conflict.
                  [This message has been edited by quinns (edited January 16, 2001).]


                  • #54
                    *General Lung sticks his diplomatic head into the debate* "I would have done the same, O' Mobius the Mighty! Why let the bastards shoot first, for they surely would have!! Breaker Morant, you will pay for your evil intentions in blood, for now the strategic genius of Mobius the Mighty has taken over the Spanish military machine! Of course, whenever this, or any other war, gets down and dirty, General Lung's your man to do the job, O' Mighty Mobius! I lack your tactical genius, but trench warfare is my forte' "


                    • #55
                      Turn 70 --> Quinns

                      Greece awaits word from the troubled city of Pontevedra. All communications have been lost, but we will not assume the worst yet...


                      • #56
                        Turn 71 to St Jon the Wise ---

                        The 17th Incan Tribunal is in session. (The 16th determined into which volcano to throw Huxtapul ).
                        [This message has been edited by quinns (edited January 16, 2001).]


                        • #57
                          Australia rejects the Spanish peace treatey, written with the blood of an ambushed and murdered Australian phalanx My fears were indeed correct, and I am glad that I had the forsight to strenghten my position in the vicinity of the Spanish.

                          It was war you initiated and it is war you shall receive. You have not heard the last of us.

                          Breaker Morant
                          "Shoot straight you bastards"


                          • #58
                            Turn 71 to Madrid.

                            It is with eyes red with tears that I write my Sermon, my Beloved Children. Listen to voice of reason and join together in Love Everlasting! Put away your guns and gently hold eachother to your bosoms.

                            St Jon, Hope amidst Heartbreak.
                            “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                            - Anon


                            • #59
                              (out of turn)

                              Hmmmm...was that last post from St Jon, or Jill St Jon???


                              • #60
                                Out of turn also ---

                                Xenophon, St Jon is a man of the cloth! He hates war and loves peace and only peace. Don't you see that it tears at his very soul to see great peoples moving towards war? His tears are shed for the tens of thousands of lives that will be lost due to the pride of a few men.

                                edit: [St Jon sure has ME fooled, doesn't he? ]
                                [This message has been edited by quinns (edited January 17, 2001).]

