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Giant bird

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  • #16
    Your head only?

    Well, I do understand you. Water is very fine to consume - ajusted with malt, humle and rawfruit that is.

    You send Creator's turn to me..... and you know I see. But better late than never.

    Have you send it to the right (Franses, when Creator didn't take his turn).

    Woodstock was here!
    [This message has been edited by TheBirdMan (edited September 24, 2000).]
    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



    • #17
      I not received turn 1, and I know why ! Stavros send it on wrong e-mail addres.. My addres is not only


      • #18
        Of course... Sorry about that... Is there any way to change the email now? I'll resend in a couple of hours when I get home...


        • #19
          Stavros: No problem... To Make Mistakes is a human thing. I ask other player for wait until i receive the turn...


          • #20
            Sorry about the delay... Resent


            • #21
              Turn 1 to Frans


              • #22
                Egyptian newsflash:
                The Egyptians feel comfortable with this Giant World. They settled near a river which in itself is a reason for great joy. They all agree that although it is not the Nile, it must be possible to convert the river banks into habitable places. This way the Egyptians felt at home quickly and have been celebrating for many month's. It is time now to start building settlements and to search for other tribes that can contribute to the might of the Egyptian empire as slave suppliers (rumors have it that Franses is against this old Egyptian habit. Of course the Egyptian people are unwilling to believe these rumors.)

                Turn 1 sent to Aaginor (about 6 hours ago, my post is a bit late)
                Franses (like Ramses).


                • #23
                  (turn 1 >

                  Although the land is very harsh and filled with swamps and desert, the inca people don't lament, 'cause they know, that lamenting will lead them to nowhere. So they try to make the best out of this situation, for they know, what don't kill us will make us harder.
                  And under the leadership of Aaginor, a god who wakls among them, they will become the major power of this world.
                  Recently they sacrificed a dozen innocent virgins, to show their devotion to the almighty gods. This will asure the support of the gods for the next challanges they have to face.
                  Visit my Band-Homepage


                  • #24
                    Turn 2 -> Russians


                    The people in China looked at each others faces in confusion when they failed to find the "great bountiful Lands" their divine emperor Taipan had promised them when they left. A lot of rumors have spread that the Taipan has fled in shame and that he was not the true Emperor with the Divine right to rule.

                    There is great sadness in this nation as there has been no word from the Great Emperor, and the poor people of Chine roam about aimlessly in swamps and snow, wondering how it could have come to pass that the Divine Taipan had been so wrong about something.



                    Great Lord Aaginor - Taipan, the Divine Emperor of the Chinese people expresses his disapproval at the sacrifice of a dozen virgins. That is an aweful waste, I must recommend that if the people wish to show their devotion to the Gods they should simply have girls only sacrifice their "virginity" to the Gods. I'm sure you'll agree that that would please them more.
                    King Thor


                    • #25
                      Wandering normads, whos origin none can remember has joined to great russian nations.

                      They thanks me - IVAN, chief of the russian tribes - that I had allowed them to settle in a land, that has more milk and honey than we ever will be able to consume.

                      My children (I'm using virgins the right way, a shame it can only be done once) are leaning to swin in the long and clean rivers. The sun is shining most of the time, and rain comes like a mild douche.

                      One thing though makes me thinking. We are now close to the limit, that we can handle with the present infrastructure. A new govenment has to be formed and that soon.

                      Turn to the mexicans (have head they should exists somewhere).

                      [This message has been edited by TheBirdMan (edited September 27, 2000).]
                      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                      • #26
                        Turn 2 -> Creator


                        • #27
                          Egyptian newsflash:
                          Rumors have it that this world wastes its virgins.

                          Franses is shocked by this news and worries about the growth of his harem. The Egyptian government sent out numerous caravans in all directions to find these virgin wasters. The traders are summoned to warn these barbarian tribes that they should be carefull with their virgins. Simply put: no virgins, no harem for Franses, no PEACE in this world.

                          PS: this does not necessarily mean that there will be peace if their are sufficient virgins for Franses harem but changes will definitely look a lot better.
                          Franses (like Ramses).


                          • #28
                            The Giant Bird game seems to be stuck again!

                            We had very clear rules for the Giant Bird game. My suggestion is to start applying these rules to ensure that it will really become a fast game. Isn't that what attracted us all in this game?

                            Franses (like Ramses).


                            • #29
                              It's my turn, isn't it?

                              Sorry, frances, but I didn't recieve an eMail yet. Please resend it ...
                              Visit my Band-Homepage


                              • #30
                                No, it is not your turn Aaginor. I didn't receive it yet (my post was early this time. I seem to have a timing problem ).

                                The last thing I can see on this forum is that Stravos sent it to Creator. That is now more than 24 hours ago. According to the rules Stravos is supposed to open the game of Creator, click "end" and sent it on to the next one.

                                Franses (like Ramses).

