We could easily write a lot on the PTWDG...just say the word, and we could post it, so the team could edit it...
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Back to our flag:it's a bit a shame that the yellow doesn't seem to show up in any of the screenies we see so far: blurring because of jpg compression makes the 4 yellow stripes look more like a lighter smear in a brown field.
Would it be too much asked to space them a bit more, and make them wider? If there isn't enough room, reducing the number to e.g. 2 (this is GS 2) might do the trick.
Please understand that I like a lot what I see, I'm just a perfectionist at heart.... (but a lazy one, I admit)
DeepO, all it needs is a little touch up to make the stripes a little brighter (lighter?) I think we can keep the 4 stripes. If Snoopy can't do it, I'll do it when I get home (maybe for sunday as I'm a little short on time) and send him the new shield so that he can put it on the mod. That way, the sword could stand out a little more too...you know, as a warning for troublesome neighbors"You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
Wanna play some PBEMs!?
Last edited by NicodaMax; February 17, 2006, 18:14."You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
Wanna play some PBEMs!?
Actually, I'd prefer the wooden pole as well. Think of poor Og's hand if he were to grab it too tightly. You know, climbing that hill and all....
Thanks to you guys, I'm glad I could do my part. Now, to get some real work done."You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
Wanna play some PBEMs!?
I think we should hold the city names "Inchon" and "Inchoff" in reserve in case we found cities as part of a military invasion, rather than making them part of our regular city list for the new game. If I understand correctly, the Civ IV game mechanics don't allow founding a city in enemy territory during wartime the way you could in Civ 3. But there might still be situations where founding a city as part of an invasion strategy could make sense - for example, razing a city and founding a new city more or less in its place in order to exert cultural control sooner (assuming no great artist is available).
Here's my take on a possible Civilopedia entry, if there’s still time.
The original Storm first began to gather in preparation for Apolyton's first Play the World Democracy Game, which started in 2002. Many of its members came from the Strategy Forum community, and were drawn to the team by the opportunities for learning that would come with working together in a team game. Many of the same people have gathered again, accompanied by a number of others, to play in the Civilization IV Democracy Game.
The spiritual center of the Stormian civilization is the capital, appropriately named Eye of the Storm. Settlers who set off from the capital routinely name their cities after various types of storms or related weather phenomena - Hurricane, Cyclone, and so forth.
The Stormian philosophy revolves around three important goals: learning, honor, and victory (the latter concept being broadly defined to encompass peaceful as well as military successes). The political process is driven by a desire to seek consensus to the greatest extent practical. which can sometimes result in extended debates. When consensus proves to be impractical, issues are resolved through democratic votes or, if time is sufficiently critical, occasionally by unilateral decisions by the Stormian leader (affectionately referred to as the Grand Poobah).
Decisions are guided largely by at least three, and possibly four, informal groups that address different types of issues. Smith's College focuses on economic matters. The Spartan Academy is concerned with all things military. The State Department addresses issues of diplomacy. And there are unconfirmed but widely circulated rumors of an organization called the KGB that is focused on learning about and analyzing events in other nations. Stormian citizens are free to participate in any or all of those bodies as they see fit.Last edited by nbarclay; March 25, 2006, 14:43.