I would say the vast majority of GS have a wish to be neither evil nor Machiavellian.
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Gathering Storm
to Golden Bear...
The fact that at least one is touched by those words, which are not mine though they represent well how I feel, is reward enough. Thank you very much.
to Enigma_Nova...
I appreciate the feedback, though to go into a political / philosophical discussion is neither my purpose nor the subject of discussion here I just want to point out that:
Though I do not share many of their beliefs, I don't think the Dalai Lama's followers are idiots compared to him, given that many who follow him aren't necessarily less enlightened than him. Ironically, their views not being of much use in this world is perhaps proof of the world's ill state.
To me, there are no wrong or right beliefs. There are just different approaches or methodologies to how we face the moment. While in the long run, circumstances and evolution may favor one system or another, in the immediate* presents different belief systems coexist and clash, which is how it works and its what gives it its dynamism. To have respect is to accept this, as it is, without judging.
* Funny how misspellings can inadvertently add meaning to a phrase.
I don't think we're using the word disrespect in the same way. When I want to change something or when I disagree with someone I don't see it as disrespecting it or them.
In most cases I also don't consider people responsible for their actions, just as I don't consider a lion responsible for eating somebody, or a virus for infecting and killing people. That's just their nature. Some individuals can go beyond their nature in some aspects of their lives and that's when we also gain responsibility.
I agree 100% that "representative" democracies don't work. Funny how popular it is nowadays as a form of government in the world. Basically, just another symptom to me.
I must say, you do honor to your name, for you are very enigmatic to me"You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
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E_N, it has to be said that your posting style is more, shall we say, Genghis Farb than Gathering Storm. You may or may not remember him, but others will.
Whilst your philosophy is distinct and colourful, it is, in all honesty, somewhat at odds with the usual Stormian way of going about things. We are not 'Machievellian' or 'Evil' types in GS, and nor are we hot on trolling and flaming people, as you apparantly enjoy in accordance with your worldview.
For public posting, we held a rigid team discipline for much of the game, where basically no-one said anything outside the agreed party line - which would be discussed internally - and usually only the turnplayer would make the public postings.
In this light, your desire for self-expression may not have the room it seeks within GS, nor like-minded people with whom to share an approach to strategy gaming.
In the past, other teams have made public posture and propaganda very much part of their team profile, and it may be that such a team would be better suited for your gaming and posting style.
As nye said, please think about it carefully. Thanks.
Originally posted by Cort Haus
For public posting, we held a rigid team discipline for much of the game, where basically no-one said anything outside the agreed party line - which would be discussed internally - and usually only the turnplayer would make the public postings.
Ideally the public forum is Utopia, the place where everybody gets along and cares (or pretends to care) for all others. I certainly would like to see GS adding to that positive vibe, or at least not disturb it... All diplomacy in game is largely determined by how you are perceived as a team, and human nature is such that one negative comment can have more impact than years of friendliness.
In this light, your desire for self-expression may not have the room it seeks within GS, nor like-minded people with whom to share an approach to strategy gaming.
As nye said, please think about it carefully. Thanks.
I agree, please consider this thoroughly. I read in your posts the enthousiasm and game insight I would love to add to our team. It would be a pity to lose that because your style might clash with the rest of the team's.
In our private forum, there is all the room you need for debate, opposing views, and while we never experienced it before also for reasonable conflicts as long as they don't get personal. Our public image, though, has to be one of a united front.
In the past, more then a few members have voluntarily stopped posting in public for several months as they noticed some of the posts they made added to flame wars or similar nasty things, ruining the fun in the game for them and others. They took actions in their own hands, and simply shut up. While this might be a bit extreme, do you see yourself taking the same responsibility if you would somehow have reason to believe your personal postings could be harming the team?
More specifically, you and your team are held responsible for your actions. C3CDG proved that, if nothing else. Teams *will* be held responsible for their members - and that means you, as a member, are responsible to your team for acting within the bounds of reasonability.<Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.
I will not comment on the long writeup about how E_N's beliefs contradict Dalai Lama's statements, apart from this hilarious quote:
since people are basically predictable machines with no soul (in my opinion) I have no qualms about publicly torturing one to affect the others
It is not so, this answer of yours was fully predictable by people who know you
Also, you might one day find out that to perceive a person in forum like a collection of username, avatar, signature and some other minor properties, who (or rather which) is able to spit some semi-logical ('predictable') string, is plain wrong.-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
Originally posted by binTravkin
It sounds like you're feeling unpredictable E_N.
Also, you might one day find out that to perceive a person in forum like a collection of username, avatar, signature and some other minor properties, who (or rather which) is able to spit some semi-logical ('predictable') string, is plain wrong.
Originally posted by snoopy369
More specifically, you and your team are held responsible for your actions. C3CDG proved that, if nothing else. Teams *will* be held responsible for their members - and that means you, as a member, are responsible to your team for acting within the bounds of reasonability.
Doesn't work on me, nor do adminslaps.
But if you had instead said this:
More specifically, The Forumgoers are afraid of people who act so bravely and uniquely (and trollishly). They will hold suspicion against both you and your team. C3CDG proved that, if nothing else. I assume you're not wanting to cause your team trouble, so ask yourself this:
"When I post this, is the frustration caused for my teammates and thus later frustration for myself balanced by whatever glee being a troll gives me?"
How much do you value trolling over the success of your team?"
I respect my feelings moreso than those of anyone else. That said, I'm not going to post things I don't believe for the point of trolling if they will give my team a bad rep.
If what I genuinely believe puts stress on my team, or the demo game, then you can handle the situation as it arises.
But assuming I will cause trouble now is ... presumptuous.
I know, you've probably just had a bad day and didn't have time to think about your post and how it would affect people.
It's no big deal, I know how it feels and I forgive you.
There's no need to be responsible when you're upholding the rules of the game and just adressing some troll - but if you set a good example, maybe the troll will follow you?
Originally posted by Golden Bear
Just to reemphasize something... E_N, I enjoy your patter which is pretty much sound and fury without thought or substance.
However, you cannot dodge responsibility for your actions. There are consequences for every action. You may not like them, but it is a fact that they are there.
... after being annoyed at being unable to win anything requiring diplomacy, but that's how I am. Gotta accept it.
"Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself." [Mark Twain, c.1882]
Actually, idiot comes from the Greek idiotes (layman, person lacking professional skill), and I believe it was used in ancient Greece to denote a person who did not participate in the democratic process (i.e. that could vote but wouldn't); from idios (one's own).
sorry, just thought it was funny"You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
Wanna play some PBEMs!?
Originally posted by Enigma_Nova
...I know that the uneasiness of my peers and perhaps the Divine Wrath of Mods will follow, but I accept it, laugh it off and move on....
Not that you need any encouragement..."You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
Wanna play some PBEMs!?
Originally posted by Cort Haus
Whilst your philosophy is distinct and colourful, it is, in all honesty, somewhat at odds with the usual Stormian way of going about things. We are not 'Machievellian' or 'Evil' types in GS, and nor are we hot on trolling and flaming people, as you apparantly enjoy in accordance with your worldview.
At least other people being Good or Calm doesn't annoy me as much as other people being idiots.
For public posting, we held a rigid team discipline for much of the game, where basically no-one said anything outside the agreed party line - which would be discussed internally - and usually only the turnplayer would make the public postings.
In this light, your desire for self-expression may not have the room it seeks within GS, nor like-minded people with whom to share an approach to strategy gaming.
In the past, other teams have made public posture and propaganda very much part of their team profile, and it may be that such a team would be better suited for your gaming and posting style.
No thank you. Silence on everyone's part is a better plan to me than Expression on everyone's part but my own.
Besides, Don't ignore that I'm obcessive about knowing how to play the game. Expressive teams are always Friendly teams, and for some strange reason Friendly teams insist that even the n00bier, more stupid or more casual players get equal say -
probably because friendly people don't have the heart to say 'no'.
The only way you'd find a team that matches my ideals would be if a team was made to match my ideals - and I would do so if the game hadn't already started.
As nye said, please think about it carefully.
I have thought about this - and my expression isn't important if I don't have anything to complain about (and won't, if my team aren't morons).
Originally posted by DeepO
Yes, and I think many of us vets are going to want to enforce that rule, at least at the start of the new game.
up until the point when we don't have a solid party line.
Just know that there will be much internal complaining on my part if you do something I strongly disagree with.
Ideally the public forum is Utopia, the place where everybody gets along and cares (or pretends to care) for all others. I certainly would like to see GS adding to that positive vibe, or at least not disturb it...
All diplomacy in game is largely determined by how you are perceived as a team, and human nature is such that one negative comment can have more impact than years of friendliness.
As for the negative comment ... True, but doesn't consider the whole picture. Common dislike of an enemy strengthens bonds, and while comments can draw many passing enemies they can also bring strong allies.
Also, if one person starts flaming, the others tend to join in.
While you probably won't give me orders to do such, I have faith in my ability to turn people against each-other rather than just against us.
]In this light, your desire for self-expression may not have the room it seeks within GS, nor like-minded people with whom to share an approach to strategy gaming.
The problem with diplomatic relations (that I don't instigate)
are that they expect you to be tactful and to hold common views.
'course, given half the chance I'll tell it like it is - and I think I've succeeded in doing that, thus getting problem A out of the way.
I agree, please consider this thoroughly. I read in your posts the enthousiasm and game insight I would love to add to our team. It would be a pity to lose that because your style might clash with the rest of the team's.- I can be shrewd diplomatically if you provide ample troll food and spam in your forum, so that I need not feast here.
But the problem, and for once this not my problem, is that if you delude yourselves into thinking you will avoid being hurt when my opinions start filling your boards, then you'll get even more hurt and blame me instead of yourselves.
If you attach yourselves to your team and wand more than just postcount from this game, then
You will be hurt, it's part of the learning experience. If you're not prepared to have theories smashed, feelings hurt, expectations unmet, efforts wasted and personality changed, then you're not ready to grow.
I'm sure as hell ready. I expect to have personal challenges as part of this game - and I would demand it. If I can't leave this game knowing that I have improved or changed, then this game was nothing more than a passing diversion.
Casual gamers may not want to get this deep. I respect their opinions. But for those of us who actually want this game to connect our minds and influence our hearts, don't push that bull**** about "it just being a game". It's part of life, and if someone wants to make this human interaction an important part, then they have just as much right to be serious as you do to be casual.
If you approach this game thinking it will be a happy diversion for 6 months, then indeed we're not compatible,
Emotional attachment? You bet. You even feel emotional attached to other teams sometimes. The first few weeks, you might think this is just a game, but after a few months this becomes part of your life. Especially for turnplayers...
There was a time when I could draw our complete map by hand, each tile improvement and bonus-perfect. Not because I've got a photographic memory or obsess over such things, but simply because you spend so much time tweaking that same game it becomes your own. Stormia was our land, not some island in some game we were randomly playing.
In our private forum, there is all the room you need for debate, opposing views, and while we never experienced it before also for reasonable conflicts as long as they don't get personal.
Our public image, though, has to be one of a united front.
They took actions in their own hands, and simply shut up.
... Because Silence isn't always the best answer.
do you see yourself taking the same responsibility if you would somehow have reason to believe your personal postings could be harming the team?
... At least, that's how we make it seem to others while we tear each-other up like the rabid dogs we are.
After that I need some time to recuperate...and think.
btw, private forums anytime soon? anyone?"You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
Wanna play some PBEMs!?