P.S. I'm applying for this team first since you've got DeepO and DeepO is godlike.

I'm serious, too. It doesn't matter that some of our members have a couple months more experience in the game. What is maybe more true in GS than in other teams, is that we used to discuss strategies into the ground.
However, there is also another side on this: whatever game us testers play, it is fed back to Firaxis, and somehow becomes a test game. My AU 100 game has fallen victim to this: it is is on hold indefinately until the next version I can use to finish it. That might be the next patch. The last era was far from perfect, but was used to test out some stuff. The same might happen with a demogame. Luckily we're not the only ones in that situation.
As to picking which leader we like: in private please. I've got some ideas on this as well, but this is one of the things that needs to be kept from the public to not give away too many strategies. The discussion on which leader to use will show what kind of game you want to play, and this 'business plan' if you like needs to be kept secret.
As to backstabbing: we made a point last game of playing honorable, it was kind of our selfimposed constraint to offset the 'ringer' status we were given. It didn't work out... most importantly as it was seen that none of us were particularly good in diplo. I don't see us doing the same, or boasting the same goals in game, however I don't see us swinging the other direction either: old members are still not the diplo wizzes some other teams had.
If you really look towards backstabbing, or in-depth diplo action and not that much about strategy in game, I can only suggest you give Beta's team a try. (with which I don't want to say they don't have strategy guys on their team, on the contrary even). Beta singlehandedly gets the reward for most devious diplo contacts in last game. He's also the least trustworthy person in negotiations

That said, if at all possible, I'd like our diplo core to be up to snuff this time around. But one can only dream, we'll see how it plays out with the availability of different members. Real life is the main opponent in a demogame.