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Apoly TEAM CIV IV Demo Game

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  • Apoly TEAM CIV IV Demo Game

    Discuss and sign up here.

    Teams or individuals (who eventually want to be on a team)

    Im starting this thread because several of us believ e discussion about a team game should be separate from discussion about an SP demo game against the AI.

    Lets discuss whatever you want right now, when to start, the kind of map, anything.

    Lets just start talking about it because a bunch of us want to get going

    If you want to talk about a SP demo game against the AI then please go here:

    Strictly for an eventual team game, here is who is signed up:


    Jon Miller
    Zargon_X (after a while)
    Paddy the Scot, and the Horde
    Last edited by conmcb25; October 16, 2005, 08:35.
    *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta

  • #2
    Betas post kicking this off before the thread got hijacked by the SP crowd Im being funny not picky for Petes sake

    Originally posted by Beta
    If you are interested - sign up

    here .

    The purpose of this thread is to start some discussion about the game.

    We will need to sort out:

    1. timing
    2. admins
    3. number of teams
    4. picking civs
    5. what the world looks like

    and a very key point IMHO...

    6. team balance.

    My initial thoughts, and I'm sure there will be lots of discussion regarding 1-5, and everyone chip in as thoughts come to them, but for now, as teams start to coalesce, I would really like to discuss #6. But first 1 thru 5.

    1. timing .. probably as soon as enough folks have the game (and we know that won't be long) and a bit of time to get to know the game/

    2. admins - I think we have all learned that have a strong admin team is critical

    3. Number of teams - six or thereabouts seems to be a number that works, but someone more familiar with civ4 could advise.

    4. Picking civs - first come first serve - or I suggest we wait until the teams are formed - and then the admins can randomly assign 1st through nth choice.

    5. the world - NOT continents. That breaks the early game down into 2 or 3 minigames, and seriously limits alliance and diplomacy in th early game. More on this later.

    6 . Team balance....and what I really think we need to discuss now as teams start to form...

    In addition to to the wide range of experience and talents of the members on this site, there is now a critical factor which delineates some players from the others - and that is whether you have been involved in the development and/or testing of Civ4. This clearly would give those players an edge in game mechanics, as they will be familiar with them, and will have had numerous hours of play/test time.

    For the sake of a balanced game, I would like to suggest that the members with such experince consider spearding themselves out amonst the teams, as opposed to concentrating in one or two teams. Not only will this ensure a more balanced - and hopefully therefore more enjoyable game - but it will also allow for the sharing of the knowledge and experinece that has been gained by some members with the wider community, thus strenthening Apolyton's overall ability. Because, as we all know, the next inter-site game will not be far behind.

    I would like to know how others feel about this, and I would especially like to hear from some of the testers. Maybe I am over-rating the advantage of having been a tester.
    *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


    • #3
      I'd love to join in. =) Unless GoW is ressurected like Vox seem to be, i'd like to join any peaceful trade/diplo civ
      And i'd prefer to wait a bit after the initial release until starting the game.
      Proud member of the PNY Brigade
      Also a proud member of the The Glory Of War team on PtW-DG

      A.D 300, after 5h of playing DonHomer said: "looks like civ2 could be a good way to kill time if i can get the hang of it :P"


      • #4
        I tried to pull the ones I thought would be interested in a TEAM game from the sign up thread.

        If I missed someone please post here and Ill add you.
        *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


        • #5
          great idea for a thread Conmcb25

          I was thinking that the other was a bit confused between those only interested in team demo play (like myself), those only interested in SP demo play (some others, I think), and those who are interested in both (I am sure there are some who have tons of time on their hands)

          personally I learned a lot about MP type play from playing (and watching at some points) the PtW game play out (the first one)

          I look forward to playing Civ4 in SP, MP, and demo MP

          Jon Miller
          Jon Miller-
          I AM.CANADIAN
          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


          • #6
            I think i'd like to see the demo game (MP) not start for a few months at least, so we have some understanding of the game before we go off and demogame it

            But i'll happily join either way.
            <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
            I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


            • #7
              The Horde are interested in such a game.
              Gurka 17, People of the Valley
              I am of the Horde.


              • #8
                Paddy could you give us a list right now of who you think maybe coming over from the Horde?

                The more people we have interested, the sooner we will have our own forum.

                Thanks mate.
                *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                • #9
                  That would be everyone from the horde, they'll be coming over as a team.

                  Game specifics will be better left until people have had a chance to look at the game and all can decide on what the best settings should be. For now I think the main issue should be trying to get as many people as possible involved.
                  Are we having fun yet?


                  • #10
                    Grandpa Troll
                    Iron Jackson
                    James the Scot
                    Paddy the Scot

                    This appears to be the current Horde membership list, so you are telling me all these folks are coming over and being part of the Horde?

                    Last edited by conmcb25; October 16, 2005, 20:32.
                    *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                    • #11
                      Hey - Dominae is on our team.

                      He is an admin, and on all teams I believe.
                      Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                      • #12

                        I'm interested!
                        RIAA sucks
                        The Optimistas
                        I'm a political cartoonist


                        • #13
                          An Aro sighting!!! He lives, he breathes! He plays democracy games.
                          Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Beta
                            Hey - Dominae is on our team.

                            He is an admin, and on all teams I believe.

                            Its has been changed
                            *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                            • #15
                              I was never a member of the Horde; they were one of the three teams that refused access to their private forums.

                              Seeing how the game has progressed (read: degenerated) from the point of view of the other three forums and the general forum, perhaps (without knowing it) they have done me a favor.

                              I really hope future demogames at Apolyton will not feature such animosity.

                              Climbing off my high horse: I would like to participate, if possible, but I would like to see what the teams look like before making a decision. Is that all right?
                              Last edited by Dominae; October 17, 2005, 01:05.
                              And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...

